Lavanya walked fast yet..

Types of Clauses
-Subject, finite verb గల పదాల సముదాయాన్ని clause అంటారు. I waited for him but he did not come.
-ఈ వాక్యంలో underline చేసిన రెండు భాగాలలో subjects, verbs ఉన్నాయి. కాబట్టి ఈ వాక్యంలో రెండు clauses ఉన్నట్లు గమనించాలి.
Cluses are of three kinds
1. Principal Clause
2.Co-ordinate Clause
3. Subordinate Clause
Principal Clause
-It is a group of words that has a subject and a verb.
-It makes complete sense.
-It does not contain any Conjunction.(ఒక subject, verb ని కలిగిఉండి, పూర్తి అర్థాన్ని పదాల సముదాయాన్ని main clause అంటారు. ఇందులో ఎలాంటి conjunction ఉండదు.)
-Gopi passed the test.
-You should go there immediately.
-I want to come there tomorrow.
-Jyothi must do it now
-ఈ Sentencesలో ఎలాంటి conjunctions వాడలేదు. ఇవి పూర్తి అర్థాన్ని ఇన్నాయి. కాబట్టి వీటిని principal clauses అంటాం.
-Principal Clauses ని Independent Clauses లేదా main clauses అని కూడ పిలుస్తాం.
Co-ordinate clause
Radha played well but she lost the game.
-మొదటి clauseలో conjunction లేదు కాబట్టి దాన్ని main clause అంటారు. రెండో clauseలో but అనే conjunction ఉంది కాబట్టి దాన్ని Co-ordinate clause అంటారు.
-A Co-ordinate Clause is a clause that consists of a subject, a verb and a Co-ordinating Conjuction (ఒక subject Co-ordinating Conjuctions వస్తే, దాన్ని co-ordinate అంటారు.
-I asked several questions but he didnot answer.
-I went to market and I purchased a book.
-She woke up late so she missed the bus.
-Lavanya walked fast yet she missed the class.
Subordinate clauses
I started my work, when the sun rose
-ఈ వాక్యంలోని మొదటి clauseలో conjuction లేదు కాబట్టి అది Main Clauses అవుతుంది. రెండో clauseలో when అనే Subordinate Clauses ఉంది కాబట్టి దాన్ని Subordinate Clauses అంటారు.
-A Subordinate Clause is a clause that consists of a subject, verb and a Subordinating Conjunction.
-(Subject, verb, Subordinating Conjunction గల clauseని Subordinate clause అంటారు.
-Though she worked hard, she could not pass.
-If you study regularly, you will get more knowledge.
-I shall punish you, because you made a mistake.
-You can sit wherever you like.
Types of Subordinate clauses
-There are 3 types of Subordinate clauses..
A. Adjective clauses
B. Noun clauses
C. Adverb clauses
Adjective clauses
-An Adjective clause modifies a Noun/a pronoun.
-It does the work of an Adjective (ఒక Noun లేదా Pronounని గురించి వివరించే clauseని Adjective clause అంటారు)
-ఇవి సాధారణంగా Who, Which, That, Whom, Whoseలతో మొదలవుతాయి.
-This is the boy who stole my fountain-pen.(Adjective clause- boy అనే nounని వివరిస్తుంది)
-I want to know the time when the train arrives here. (time- అనే Nounని వివరిస్తుంది)
-He is the man whose house caught fire last night. ( man-అనే Nounని వివరిస్తుంది)
-She returned the book that you gave her. (book-అనే Nounని వివరిస్తుంది)
-The umberella which has a broken handle is mine. (umberella- అనే Noun గురించి వివరిస్తుంది).
Noun clauses
-A Noun clause is a clause does the work of a Noun.
-It acts as a subject or an object (ఒక Nounలా పనిచేసే clauseని Noun Clause అంటారు)
-ఇవి సాధారణంగా That, How, Whether, What అనే పదాలతో మొదలవుతాయి.
-She replied that she would came.
-(replied అనే verbకి object గా పనిచేస్తుంది. కాబట్టి ఈ clauseని Noun Clause అంటారు.)
-I donot know what he wants.
-It is uncertain whether he will come.
-I wanted to know how far it was from here.
-Do you understand what he is saying?
Adverb clauses
-An adverb clause qualifies a verb or an adverb.
-It does the work of an adverb (verb లేదా adverb గురించి వివరించే clauseని adverb clause అంటారు.)
-The postman came when I was reading ( ఈ clause came అనే verbని qualify చేస్తుంది. కాబట్టి దీన్ని adverb clause అంటారు.)
-You can sit wherever you like.
-If I request, she may help me.
– I shall forgive you since you repeat
-We took a lamp because it was dark
– Take rest before you are tired
Model Questions
1. Identify the sentence that has an adverb clause of reason.
1) I can not attend if am not invited
2) I can not attend as Iam disappointed
3) you can not deceive me, however you try
4) Apply the brakess as I gave you the signal
2. He is the man whom I admire the most.
1) Noun clause 2) Noun phrase
3) Adjective clause 4) adverb clause
3. Identify the adverb clause of place from the following sentences.
1) The village where I was born is very small
2) Do you Know the place where I was born?
3) You should sit where you are now
4) Where were you working when she meet you?
4. Where latha lives is not known to me. the underlined part is a/an.
1) Adverb clause
2) Adjective clause
3) Noun clause
4) Adverb phrase
5.I hope That I shall get prize. the Underluned clause can be replaced by the phrase.
1) I hope that getting a prize
2) I hope to get a prize
3) I hope I may get a prize
4) I hope getting a prize
1)2 2) 3 3) 3 4) 3 5)2
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