I saw an elephant with a white skin

Phrases of Clauses
– Look at the following sentences: A cow is grazing in the fields I have been waiting at the bus stop She was drawing a map on the wall
– The underlined parts in each of the sentences above are known as Phrases and the remaining parts are known as Clauses ( పైన Underline చేసిన భాగాలను Phrases అని,మిగతా భాగాలను Clauses అని పిలుస్తారు)
What is a Phrase?
– A phrase is a group of words that does not consist of a subject and a finite verb (Subject, finite verb లేని పదాల సముదాయాన్ని Phrase అని పిలుస్తారు)Rama fought in a brave mannerThe students are looking at the blackboard Swathi is reading at this moment
– పై వాక్యాల్లో Underline చేసిన భాగాల్లో Subject, finite verb లేవు. కాబట్టి అవి phrases అవుతాయి.
What is a Clause?
– A clause is a group of words that has a subject and a finite verb (subject, finite verb గల పదాల సముదాయాన్ని clause అంటారు)
– I spend what I earn. (Underline చేసిన భాగాలలో I అనే Subject earn అనే verb ఉంది. కాబట్టి దీన్ని Clause అంటారు)
– She wanted to know where Rama was born. (Rama అనే Subject; was అనే verb ఉంది. కాబట్టి అది Clause అవుతుంది)
– I shall go with you when you return from Kashmir (ఇక్కడ you అనే Subject, return అనే verb ఉంది. కాబట్టి ఇది కూడా Clause అవుతుంది)
Types of phrases
– Depending on their function in a sentence phrases divided into following types:
1) Noun phrase
2) Adjective phrase
3) Adverb phrase
4) Prepositional phrase
5) Verb phrase
Noun phrase
– A Noun phrase is a group of words that does work of a Noun. (ఒక వాక్యంలో Nounలా పని చేసే phraseని Noun phrase అంటారు) My ambition is to win a prize.The girl wants to eat an ice-cream. I enjoy teaching english.To marry her is my dream.
– underline చేసిన పదాలు Nounలా పనిచేస్తున్నాయి. కాబట్టి వాటిని Noun phrase అంటారు.
Adjective phrase
– An Adjective phrase is a group of words that does the work of an adjective. Like on Adjective it adds meaning to a Noun or a Pronoun. (ఒక వాక్యంలో Adjectiveలా పనిచేసే phraseని Adjective phrase అంటారు. ఇది Noun లేదా Pronoun గురించి వివరిస్తుంది)
– I saw an elephant with a white skin.( ఇక్కడ with a white skin అనే phrase elephant అనే Noun గురించి వివరిస్తుంది. కావున దీనిని Adjective phrases అంటారు)
– She is a girl with blue eyes.(with blue eyes అనే phrase girl గురించి వివరిస్తుంది. కావున అవి adjective phrases)
– Murthy is man of great wealth. (of great wealth అనే phrase man అనే Noun గురించి వివరిస్తుంది. కాబట్టి అది Adjective phrases)
1. Noun phrase ని గుర్తించడానికి verbని what అనే ప్రశ్నని అడిగి తెలుసుకోవచ్చు.
2. Adjective phrase ని గుర్తించడానికి Noun/pronoun ని what kind of అనే ప్రశ్నని అడగండి.
3. Adverb phraseని గుర్తించడానికి verbకి where, when, how, why అనే ప్రశ్నలు అడగవచ్చు.
Adverb phrase
– An Adverb phrase is a group of words that does the work of on Adverb. Like an Adverb, it adds to meaning of verb or an on Adverb in a sentence. (ఒక వాక్యంలో Adverbలా పనిచేసే phraseని Adverb phrase అంటారు. ఇది ఒక verb లేదా Adverb గురించి వివరిస్తుంది)
– Rama fought in a brave manner (fought అనే verbని modify చేస్తుంది)
– He drives the car in a very high speed.(drives అనే verbని modify చేస్తుంది)
– I stayed at college for a long time.
– (stayed అనే verbని modify చేస్తుంది)
– Honesty is written on is face.(written అనే verbని modify చేస్తుంది)
Prepositional phrase
– A Prepositional phrase is a group of words that consists of a Preposition , its object and some words that modify the object.(ఒక వాక్యంలో గల భాగం Preposition, object , modifierని కలిగి ఉంటే దాన్ని Prepositional phrase అంటారు)
– The thief escaped through the wheat field.(through అనేది Preposition, object. the wheat field అనేది object. కావున ఇది Prepositional phrase అవుతుంది)
– She laughed at my appearance (Preposition- at Object- my appearance)
– He agreed to our proposal (Preposition- to Object-our proposal)
Verb phrase
– A verb phrase is a group of words that consists of Auxiliary verbs plus a main verb (ఒక వాక్యంలోని భాగం Auxiliary verbs, main verbని కలిగి ఉంటే దాన్ని verb phrase అంటారు)
– The work should have been finished by the weekend
– I was thinking about you all the day
– All the girls have gone out for dinner
– It has been raining for a long time
– They might have been waiting outside for me.
Model questions
1. He lay beside the ungathered rice. the underlined phrase is a/an…
1) Noun phrase
2) Adjective phrase
3) Adverb phrase
4) Verb phrase
2. Identify the sentence that consists of a Noun phrase..
1) I want to go home
2) Nothing can live on the moon
3) H arrived at that moment
4) He is a man of great intelligence
3. He went away on vacation the underlined word can be replaced with the phrase ……
1) Once upon a time
2)At that place
3) to another place
4) to a foreign country
4. Srinivas is an author of great versatility. the underlined phrase can be replaced by..
1) a great author versatility
2) a great versatile author
3) a versatility great author
4) a versatility author
5. Identify the sentence that has an Adjective phrase
1) God is found in all places
2) He had a crown made of gold
3) Sheela spoke in a polite manner
4) He promised to help you
6. The politician refused to answer the question. The underlined part is a/ an…..
1) Verb phrase
2) Adjective phrase
3) Adverb phrase
4) Noun phrase
7. He won the match ……. his skill. Choose the correct prepositional phrase to fill in the blank
1) by means of
2) in spite of
3) in place of
4) ahead of
8. How has happiness …… by Budha? Choose the correct verb phrase that fill the blank
1) is defined
2) being defined
3) defined
4) been defined
9. Choose the Noun phare with the correct order of adjective
1) A house stone built big
2) A stone built house big
3) A big stone-built house
4) A big house stone-built
10. Sheela hoped to win a prize. The underline phrase is….
1) A noun phares
2) A verb phares
3) An Adjective phrase
4) An Adverb phrase
1-3, 2-1, 3-3, 4-2, 5-2
6-4, 7-1, 8-4, 9-3, 10-1
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