The tectonic plates float over the?

1. Disasters frequently result in all of the following except.
A) Damage to the ecological environment
B) Displacement of population
C) Destruction of a population home land
D) Sustained public attention during the recovery phase
2. Social worker skilled in crisis management work.
A) Tornado or flood
B) Violent event such as child abuse, domestic able, crime
C) Pschopanology that triggers a crisis suicide attempt, drug overdose
D) With all of the above
3. According to the united Nations between 1992-2000 there were approximately disasters per year throughout the world.
A) 100 B) 200
C) 500 D) 800
4. According to Reza, number of people who have lost their lives in the 25 largest violent events of the 20th century numbers.
A) Almost 1 million
B) Almost 10 million
C) Almost 100 million
D) Almost 200 million
5. The decision to offer humanitarian aid determined by?
A) The decision of social Justice
B) Deontological rejoining
C) teleological rejoining
D) All of the above
6. The toxic gasses released during the during the bhopal tragedy?
A) 2800 people B) 3598 people
C) 2500 people D) 3000 people
7. In which state is bhopal located?
A) Rajasthan B) Uttar pradesh
C) Madhya pradesh D) orissa
8. Bhopal gas tragedy occurred in the year
A) 1984 B) 1985
C)1983 D) 1980
9. Anthrax was responsible for the death of postal worker in?
A) Newyork B) Washington DC
C) BBC D) Los angeles
10. Fission bombs are also known as?
A) Crude Bomb
B) Hydrogen Bomb
C) A-Bombs
D) Conventional bomb
11. The largest railway bridge is on the river?
A) Krishna B) Sone
C) Bramhaputra D) sindhu
12. The percentage of road accidents in India?
A) 40% B) 22%
C) 52% D) 15%
13. The Indian metrological department is responsible for?
A) Cyclone tracking
B) Preparing citizen to face
C) cyclone warning
D) 1& 3
14. The world cyclone is derived from the Greek word ‘Cvclos’ meaning?
A) cyclone B) coils of snake
C) circular D) lower
15. Cyclones in the pacific ocean are known as?
A) Tornados
B) Willis Willis
C) hurricanes D) typhoons
16. Ground water is?
A) Not usable because it is durty
B) Another name for watershed
C) Too for beneath the earth’s surface tobe used
D) Anther name for an aquifer
17. Drought is majority caused by?
A)Seepage of water in the ground
B) Prolonged scarcity rain
C) High rate of evaporation
D) Flowers away of excess water
18. Water scarcity is caused due to?
A) Very high temperature
B) Rapid urbanization
C) population growth
D) A & B
19. We can reduce the damage caused by earthquake?
A) By replaces buildings with concrete
B) By better preparations
C) By plugging the boults
D) By tacking special care the people
20. An earthquake is?
A) Slipping of the mountain side
B) sudden tremor of the earth
C) collapsing of the earth
D) Eruption from the interior of the earth
21. The tectonic plates float over the?
A) Epicenter B) Mantle
C) Earth’s crust
D) Water bodies
22. The magnitude of an earth space is a measure of ?
A) Its
B) Its distraction
C) Its size
D) Its duration
23. The perfect seismic waves are?
A) P- waves B) S- waves
C) Love waves
D) Raylayer waves
24. Which of the bollowing is characteristics of the tsunami?
A) very long wave lengh
B) Very lost noving
C) Very low amplitude in the open ocean
D) All of these
25. Most earthquakes at convergent boundaries are?
A) Shallow boces
B) Intermediate boces
C) Deep focus D) All of the above
26. The elastic ‘e’bonded theory?
A) Explains bolding of rockes
B) Explains the behavier of seismic waves
C)Explains the origins of earthquackes
D) none of these
27. The point within the earth where scismic waves?
A) The epicentre B) The fault scrup
C) The origin D) The focus
28. Benioff Zones are associated with?
A) Mid- ocean ridges
B) Ancicent mountain
C) Subduction zones D) all of these
29. Most earthquakes at divergent-plate boundaries?
A) shallow boces
B) intermediate boces
C) Deep bices D) All ov the above
30. Among the secondary effects of large earthquakes are
A) Tsunamis B) Fires
C) land side D) All of these
31. Which of the following stater as a significant seismic hazard
A) california B) tennessee
C) arebian sea D) All of these
32. powerful Tsunami are most frequently produced
A) volcanoes B) under water land sides
C)earthquakes D) impacts the osteroids
33. Which event produces the biggest Tsunami ?
A)earthquake B)under water land sides
C)harricanes D) impacts
34. The majorty of volcanoes are located?
A) The circum- pacific ocean belt
B) The mid- atlantic
C) East atlantic
D) The african right valley
35. Active bloodroofing is most effective?
A) with long warming lead times
B)In falsh flood
C) If it is permanent
D) In flood palain areas
36. Tropical cyclones often generate?
A) Hish rates of inujured people
B) Tidal floods
C) Very heavy rainfall
D) Agricultural soil erosion
37. The major human made cause of deforestation today is?
A) Fuel
B) Wood pulp for papermaking
C) unequal land tennur
D) Farming
38. A disater is defined according to?
A) Its human consequences
B) Its cause
C) The number of deaths it causes
D) Its mesuriable savenity
39. The majority of lives lost in an earthquake are caused by?
A) Floods B) landslider
C) Fire D) Building collapse
40. Effective hazard managment will largely rely on?
A) Volunteers
B) Government agency
C) Emergency responses
D) Pre-disaster planning
41. A rope snapped like a whip is an example of?
A) ‘P’ wave B) L wave
C) S wave D) Plate tectonics
42. The majority of tsunamies take place?
A) Earthquake zons
B) The pacific ocean
C) The Indian ocean
D) The coastaline of indonatia
43. The best foregin relief to an earthquake strick on the area is?
A) Cash
B) Food, blankets and clothing
C) Medical assistance
D) Teams of assessment works an other valunteers
44. Water vapour enters the air?
A) By osmosis
B) By transition
C) By Transpiration
D) By Transforamtion
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