first woolen textile mill was set up at..?

-On the basis of source of raw material industries are classified as
1. Agro-based industries
2. Mineral based industries
Agro based industries: This group of industries depend on the raw material produced by agricultural sector
-Cotton Textiles industry – Cotton accounts for 70 % the total fabric produced
-The First cotton textiles mill set up in 1854 at mumbai
-1818 First textiles industries fort glostal kolkata
-The following factors favoured the development of cotton textiles industry in & around mumbai
a. Location of port facilaited import and export
b. mumbai got progresively well connected through rail and road links
c. The humid coasted climate
d. availability of capital and financial resources
e. cheap labour was available
-Manchester of south India- Coimbatore
-Ahmed grew another cotton textile centre
-Mumbai called as cotton police of india
-The major centre of cotton textiles
-Manchestar of India- Ahmadabad
-Maharastra- Mumbai, Sholapur, Kollapur, Pune, Jalgon, Nagpur
-Gujarat: Ahmedabad, surat, vadadora, Bhavnagar, porbander, rajkot and navsari.
-Tamilandu – Coimbatore, Chennai, tirunelveli, Madurai, Tuticorin, Pollachi, salem
-Karnataka – Bangalore
-Uttarpradesh – Kanpur, Eatwah, Modinagar, Moradbad, bareily, Agra, Meerut
-Madhyapradesh – Indore, Gwalior, ujjain, dewas, bhopal,
-Rajasthan – kora, jaipur, Udaipur
-West bengal – calcutta, howrah, serampore
-In earning foreign exchange, It is next only to tea and jute
-Andhrapradesh and Telengana- Warangal, Hyderabad, kurnool
-In AP the first spinning mill was established at pandalapaka 1915-18
-In 1921 one weaving will was established in Rayadurgam in Anantha- puram of AP.
-In world cotton textiles – USA- China-India
2. Jute Textile Industry: The first modern jute mill was set up at Rishra…. near calcutta in 1859
-The jute products include gunna bags, canvas, pack, jute webs, carpets, cordage
-Nearly 90 % of jute industry is constructed along the Hooghly river near calcutta
-World wise production- India 1st, Bangladesh 2nd.
-In India- West Bengal 1st, Assom 2nd, Bihar 3rd.
-Exports from India to USA, Canada, Russia
Woolen textile industry
-The first woolen textiles mill was set up in 1876 at Kanpur (Uttarpradesh)
-Production wise- Punjab- Amritsar, Gurdaspur, Ludhiana belt, Patiale, Dhariwel
-Maharastra- Mumbai
-Jammu Kashmir- Srinagar
-Uttarapradesh- Kanpur, Mirrzapur
-Rajasthan- Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikanur
-Sugar Industry (waight losing Industry)
-Sugar industry is the second largest agro based industry in India
-The first sugar industry mill was set up in 1840 in Bihar with the help of Dutch
-In 1903 British Government was set up sugar industry in Bihar, Uttarapradesh.
-In production- Uttarapradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar
Producing centers in India
-Uttarapradesh- Meerut, Sharanpur, Muzafarabad, Gorakhpur, Morodabad
-Maharastra- Nasik, Pune, Satara, Sanghi, Kothapur, Sholapur
-Bihar- Darbhanda, Seran, Champaran
-From Molasis- choclates, Alkhol, in chemical, in sinthetic
-Karnataka- Munirabad, Shimoga, Mandya
-Tamilnadu- Nalikupuram, Coimbattur
-Telangana- Nizamabad, Medak
-AP- East Godavari, West Godavari, Vishkapatnam
-The first sugar factrory was established in 1933 at Yetikoppaka (Vishakapatnam)
-The Nizam sugar factory at Bodhan is the biggest sugar factory in the state. It is established in 1920
-The Andhra sugar Factory at Tanuku (West Godavari) produces fuel for space craft.
-Karnataka- Sravana belagola
Tea industry
-The cultivation in India first started in 19th century in Darjeeling, Assam and Nilgiris
-The tea estates are generally setup on cleared hill slopes.
-Nearly 981 of tea production comes from Assam, West bengal, Tamilnadu, kerala
Coffee industry
-Coffee was first grown in Bababudan hill (Karnataka) during the 17th Century.
-Robosta and Arebica are the two main varities grown in the country.
-Producing center in India- Karnataka (more than half of countrys coffee production comes from karnataka) from Coorg, Chikmaglur, Hasan
-Kerala- Wayanad (palghat region), Kozhikode, Kannur
-Tamilnadu- Nilgiris, Annamalai, Shevaray hills, Palaui hills, Madurai
Silk Industry
-India is the only country producing all the 4 known commercial varieties of silk, they are Mulbery, Tasar, Eri and Muga
-World wise production- China (1st), India (2nd- 20 %), Japan (3rd)
-Karnataka is the foremost silk producing state in India. Which account for 50 % of mulberry silk of the country
-About 50 % of Indias silk cloth is also manufacture in Karnataka, followed by West Bengal (13 %)
-In production- Mulberay- Karnataka
-Eri and Muga- Assom
-Tasar- Madhyapradesh, WestBengal, Andhrapradesh, Jammu and Kashmir
-Silk Industries- Karnataka- Mysore
-West Bengal- musheerabad
-J&K- Srinagar
-Uttarapradesh- Varanasi
-Tamilnadu- Kanchipuram, thanjavur
-Panjab- Amruthsar
-In Andhrapradesh silk industries- Venkatagiri (Nellore), Darmavaram (Ananthapuram), Madhawaram (Cadapa).
-Telangana- Gadwal, Siricilla, Mahadevpur, Pochampally, Asifabad.
Metallurgical industries
-There industries from the economic backbone of a developing country.
1. Iron & Steel Industry- the first Iron & Steel unit on modern lines was established in 1830 at Porto Novo in Tamilnadu
-But the real beginning of modern iron and steel industry was made in 1907 where Tisco was set up at sakchi, Jamshedpur, Sail- 1973- Delhi
-India is 8th largest producer of steel in the world. Russia 20 %, USA 19 %, Japan 15 %, Germany7 %, India 1.1 %
Different steel plants
-1830- first Iron & Steel industry at fort novo in Chennai (Tamilnadu)
-1870- Kultti (West Bengal)- Bengal Iron & Steel industry
-Tisco (1907)- At Jamshedpur (Jharkhand))
-Harn Tisco (Tata iron & Steel company) was set up in 1907. It is the largest steel plant in the private Sector
-Haematite iron ore- Gurumashisani (Mayurgunj, Singbum)
-Coal- Jharia & Raniganj
-Water- Subarna rekha
-Dolamite & Lime stone- Sundargarh
-Water- Karkare rive, Subarna rekha
-IISCO (1919)- The Indian Irorn and Steel company started three plants in 1919 at Bernapur, Hirapur and Kulti near Asansol in West Bengal
-1972 the companys managment was taken overy by the Government.
-This plant obtains- Iron ore- Guna mine (Odisha)
Coal- Jharia
Electricity- Sharavathi Power plant
Limestone- Bhundiguda
Manganees- Keyonger (Odisha)
-VISCO (1923)- The Vishveshwaraya Iron & Steel was set up by the peti and Marshall company (USA) in 1923 at Bhadravathi (Shimoga District)
-The central Government took over the management of it in 1962. Before name Mysore Iron and Steel company.
-1989 is nationalised by SAIL
-It gets, Iron ore- Kemmangudi mines, Chikmanglore…..
-Electricity- Sharavathi Power project
-Lime stone- Bundhiguda
-Manganese- Shimoga (Karnataka)
-Water- Badra river
-Below three steel and Iron co. Are established the second five year plan.
-Bhilai steel plant in Madhya pradesh was set up under public sector Durga. Dist, Chettishgarh
Nirmal-Giridhar-Hindustan steel limited- Bhilai
-It is set up with the assistance of soviet union in 1956 (started), 1959 (production)
-It gets, Iron ore- Dalli, Rajahara
-Coal- Korba…….
-Limestone- Nandini
-Electricity- korba thermal power project
-Manganese- Bhalgat
-Water- Tandhuta river……….
-Hindustan Steel palnt- Rurkela in Odisha was set up under public sector Sundergad District
-It is set up with the assistance of German in 1959 (Started), 1969 (Production)
-It gets, Iron ore- Keonjhar
-Coal- Jharia
-Electricity- Hiraland Hydro power
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