Events post-declaration of Eight-Point Formula

Candidates must know details of the first election that took place
after the idea of a separate State emerged
This is in continuation to the last article on the Eight-Point Formula focusing
on the events post declaration of the Formula.
April 16, 1969 – Konda Laxman Bapuji demanded the creation of Telangana as a sub-state within
Andhra Pradesh.
April 17, 1969 – The Warangal Municipal Corporation held a meeting under the leadership of Uma Reddy in which it passed a resolution demanding the immediate creation of Telangana State.
April 20, 1969 – The Telangana Regional Committee held meeting for three days from April 19 to 21 at
Gandhi Bhavan to discuss the further course of action. No decision could be arrived at because the opinion of the members was divided. VB Raju asked the members to support the Eight-Point Formula whereas Chokka Rao opposed it. S Jaipal Reddy MLA from Kalvakurthi said the demand for separate state would lead to the disintegration of the country. Hayagreeva Chari supported the demand for a separate State. Nukala Ram Chandra Reddy opined that the proposal of the PM would not make any body happy in Telangana.
April 22, 1969 (Telangana Deception Day) – Telangana Vanchana Dinam observed by the TPS against
elected representatives of the Telangana region.
April 24, 1969 – Jana Sangh demanded the constitution of second SRC.
After the commencement of the agitation, the first elections were held for the State Legislative Council
in which S Venkata Ram Reddy supported by the TPS and Koheda Prabhakar Reddy was the candidate of the ruling party. S Venkata Ram Reddy won the elections and this victory was considered as the reflection of public opinion favouring formation of Telangana State. To celebrate this victory and to congratulate Venkata Ram Reddy, Marri Chenna Reddy for the first time went to the TPS office, located in Barkatpura.
April 27, 1969 – KV Reddy issued a public statement declaring that formation of Telangana State was the only solution to the problems of Telangana region. In his statement, he discussed the following eight issues related to the problems of Telangana region.
# The lands in Telangana should not be sold to non locals without the permission of the TRC. This rule was not followed as a consequence of which many people from Andhra region bought lands in Telangana and became landlords, whereas the landlords in Telangana became labourers.
# The GMA stated that n The ratio between Andhra and Telangana Ministers should be

# The revenue collected in Telangana should be spent only for the development of Telangana.
# Should not there be an ordinance or act to make these issues valid so that they can be implemented
also the strength in AP assembly was more from Andhra region when compared to Telangana. As
a consequence of which the CM was from Andhra region and Telangana Ministers had to work
under the directions of the CM.
# The superiority complex of the Andhra and inferiority complex of the Telangana region cannot be
eradicated through an ordinance or an act (cultural domination).
# The rise in agriculture tax was unbearable and has become a burden to the farmers in Telangana region.
# Tax-land holding – Government implemented.
# Tax – yield basis- suggested by MLAs from Telangana.
# The promise that the development of Telangana would be equal to that of development of Andhra
had been totally forgotten by the leaders from Andhra region.
# The government was making false announcements that the common people of Telangana were not involved in the agitation and that they have total confidence in the government.But, the reason for withholding the Panchayat Raj elections was not known. If elections were conducted the reality about people’s confidence in the government would be revealed.
# The late PM Jawaharlal Nehru was aware that the CM of AP was on a wrong track, but he obliged the
provision of the constant and didn’t interfere much with the affairs of the State. Even the former
Governor, Beem Sen Sachar knows about the blunders committed by the first CM of AP in the implementation of the safeguards given to Telangana region, but he expressed his helplessness in rectifying them.When Nehru an important national leader, freedom fighter and PM couldn’t
help Telangana region, who else can.

Deepika Reddy,
Director, Shikara Academy,
Mobile No. 7702026769
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