Pedagogy of English Language (TET special)

1) Inductive Method proceeds from…
A) Rule to example
B) example to rule
B) Unfamiliar to familiar
D) unknown to known
2) Oral Method was proposed by
A) Harold Pinter
B) Harold Palmer
C) Harold Bloom
D) C.J Dodson
3) All statements are correct regar ding Bilingual Method except
A) Develops proficiency in language
B) Special emphasis on developi ng vocabulary
C) Proposed by Dodson
D) Special emphasis on devel oping reading
4) Which method is well suited for teaching classical languages?
A) Direct Method
B) Bilingual Method
C) Dr. West’s Method
D) Grammar Translation Method
5) The term ‘Approach’ was first used by
A) Harold Palmer
B) Harold Pinter
C) Antony D) Antony Gramsci
6) Teaching and learning is not efficient when it is …..
A) Simple to complex
B) concrete to abstract
C) unknown to known
D) known to unknown
7) Learning a language means
A) Learning to speak
B) learning the skill
C) learning to read
D) think about language
8) Teaching English Under Diffi cult Circumstances is written by
A) C.J. Dodson
B) Harold Palmer
C) Michal West
D) Macaulay
9) Grammar-Translation Method stresses on
A) Speaking B) listening
C) accuracy D) writing
10) SOS stands for
A) Situational Oral Approach
B) Structural Oral Approach
C) Structure Oral Situation
D) Situation Oral Structure
11) The Structural Approach was ushered in India by
A) Harold Palmer
B) Hornby C) Jean Forrester
D) Sastri
12) COST stands for
A) Common Oriented Structural
B) Communication Oriented Str uctural Teaching
C) Communicative Oral Structu
ral Teaching
D) Common Oral Structural Teaching
13) Receptive Skills are ……
A) Speaking and listening
B) Writing and reading
C) Listening and reading
D) Speaking and writing
14) Which is not a type of Listeni ng skill from the following?
A) Gist listening
B) Causal listening
C) Active listening
D) Appreciative listening
15) All are sub-skills of Listening except
A) Decoding sounds
B) inference
C) scanning
D) focused listening
16) Communication games come under
A) Speaking B) listening
C) reading D) writing
17) Having a glance at the preface is …
A)Scanning B) skimming
C) extensive reading
D) intensive reading
18) Looking for a name in the telephone directory is ………
A) Intensive reading
B) extensive reading
C) Scanning D) Skimming
19) Intensive reading is meant for except
A) Used for comprehension
B) making notes for exams
C) reading official documents
D) reading for information
20) Which is not a sub-skill of Reading?
A) Silent reading
B) recognizing words and
phrases in English script
C)Retrieving information
D) locate the ‘topic sentence’ of a paragraph
21) The following are the tasks for developing reading skill except
A) Using newspapers
B) inferring
C) substitution table
D) visualizing
22) Writing and planning adve rtise ments, writing brochures come under
A) Expository writing
B) Persuasive writing
C) Descriptive writing
D) Narrative writing
23) The following qualities are good writing skill except
A) Learning basic spelling rules
B) spacing C) correctness
D) legibility
24) Dictation is a valuable exercise
A) To develop writing skill
B) To develop reading skill
C)to develop listening skill
D) to develop speaking skill
25) Which method is called Natu ral Method?
A) Grammar Translation Method
B) Direct Method
C) Bilingual Method
D) Dr. West’s Method
26) All are voiceless consonants except
A) /p/ B) /b/ C) /f/ D) /s/
27) Which is not a Mechanics of Writing from the following
A) Hand writing
B) spelling system
C) punctuation
D) recognizing discourse makers
28) Choose the incorrect statem ent from the following.
A) Listening to public speeches belong to Gist listening
B) Listening to songs on T.V. while doing other work is Casual listening.
C) Listening to drama or speeches or good orators is Focused listening.
D) A & C are incorrect
29) Which method is highly tea cher-centered approach amo ng four?
A) The Situational approach
B) The Structural approach
C) Communicative approach
D)Collaborative approach
30) Choose the incorrect statement among four.
A) In India,the Structural Appro ach was ushered in by Jean Forrester.
B) Pioneers of Audio-lingual approach were Palmer and Hornby.
C) Use of mother tongue was completely banned in Situational Approach
D) COST- Communication Orie nted Structural Teaching.
31) Remedial teaching is not …….
i) Re-teaching
ii) Interfere with new teaching
iii) A crash course
iv) Highly specific and need based.
Choose the correct option
A) ii iii iv B) i ii
C) i ii iii iv D) i iv iii
32) What is Standard Test from the following?
A) Proficiency Test
B) Placement Test
C) Achievement Test
D) Aptitude Test
33) Norm reference and Criterion reference Tests come under ..
A) Aptitude Test
B) Placement Test
C) Diagnostic Test
D) Proficiency Test
34) Choose the incorrect statement regarding CCE….
A) On-going evaluation is also called Formative Evaluation
B) Summative Evaluation is also called Terminal Evaluation
C) Formative Evaluation is not to diagnose and plan improv ement
D) Cognitive growth refers to the intellectual development of learners
35) Choose the correct statements from the following.
A) 42 sounds are divided into vowels and consonants
B) There are 20 consonants and 24 vowel sounds
C) IPA stands for International Phonetic Alphabet
D) IPA stands for International Phonology Association
36) Falling tone/intonation is not used in …
A) Greetings
B) ordinary statements
C) commands
D) last item on a list
37) Choose the false statement regarding Deductive Approach
A) Teacher is a guide and hel per to the students
B) Teacher is the organizer and controller of the classroom
C) Rules are given at the begi nning and continued with examples
D) Main target is to teach gram mar structures
38) Note taking is a product of the ..
A) Writing skill
B) Reading skill
C) Speaking skill
D) Listening skill
39) All the statements are correct except one regarding Curriculum
A) An overall and comprehen sive plan
B) A specific list of teaching items.
C) It is the foundation of educ ation
D) Based on a set of ideologies and philosophies and beliefs of the society
40) Choose the incorrect feature of a textbook
A) The layout should be logical and consistent
B) Content should be relevant with the aims and objectives of the curriculum
C) The level of difficulty of the language should be dispropo rtionate
D) The structure of the cont ent is made apparent
41) Reliability is a….
A) Type of a test
B) quality of a test
C) feature of the text book
D) syllabus
42) Aptitude test is …….
A) To identify learners’ strengths and weakness
B) To measure learners’ ability to use language
C) To assess proficiency the test takers readiness for taking up a specific job or a course
D) To assess the learners and assi gn them places in order of merit
43) Choose the wrong statement regarding Slip Test in a Form ative Assessment …….
A) Should be one discourse (cre ative writing)
B) There is prior notice for cond ucting slip test
C) It is done in a limited time
D) There are only limited numb er of tasks
1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A 21.C 22.B 23.A 24.A 25.B 26.B 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.B 34.C 35.C 36.A 37.A 38.D 39.B 40.C
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