Cell wall of green algae is made up of…

(నిన్నటి తరువాయి)
14. The modes of reproduction found in algae are
a) Vegetative b) Asexual
c) Sexual d) All of these
15. Vegetative reproduction in algae is by
a) Binary fusion
b) Fragmentation
c) Budding
d) Cyst formation
16. Spore formation in algae occur during
a) Vegetative reproduction
b) Asexual reproduction
c) Sexual reproduction
d) During germination
17. Isogamy is seen in
a) Chlamydomonas
b) Spirogyra
c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
18. Algae possesing both isogamy and anisogamy is
a) Chlamydomonas
b) Volvox
c) Spirogyra d) Fucus
19. Male gamete is small and motile and female gamete is large and immotile in
a) Fucus b) Spirogyra
c) Ulothrix d) All of these
20. 50 per cent CO2
fixation on earth is carried out by
a) Protist b) Higher plants c) Algae d) None of these
21. Marine algae used as food are
a) Laminaria b) Sargassum
c) Porphyra d) All of these
22. Hydrocolloids are secreted by
a) All of the algae
b) Only brown algae
c) Only red algae
d) Both red and brown algae
23. Algin is secreted by
a) All of the algae
b) Only brown algae
c) Only red algae
d) Both red and brown algae
24. Carrageen is secreted by
a) All of the algae
b) Only brown algae
c) Only red algae
d) Both red and brown algae
25. Microbes used in the preparation of ice cream and jellies are grown on the product secreted by
a) Chlorella b) Spirulina
c) Gelidium and gracilaria
d) All of these
26. The algae rich in proteins and used as food by space travellers is
a) Chlorella b) Spirullina
c) Both a &b) d) Laminaria
27. Agar is commercially obtained from
a) Gelidium and gracilaria
b) Laminaria and spirulina
c) Chlorella and spirullina
d) Chlamydomonas and spirogyra
28. Green algae are kept in
a) Phaeophyceae
b) Xanthophylls
c) Xhlorophyceae
d) Rhodophyceae
29. The organism which contain chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’ cup-shaped chloroplast and is unicellular is
a) Spirogyra
b) Chlamydomonas
c) Volvox d) Ulothrix
30. Dominance of chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’, pyrenoids and starch as stored food are found in
a) Members of chlorophyceae
b) Members of rhodophyceae
c) Members of phaeophyceae
d) All of these
31. Chlorophyceae are grass green due to the dominance of pigment
a) Chlorophyll a, c
b) Chlorophyll b, a
c) Chlorophyll d, c
d) All of these
32. Pyrenoids are located in
a) Cytoplasm b) Mitochondria c) Chloroplast d) Nucleus
33. Pyrenoids store
a) Protein b) Starch
c) Lipids (d) Both a&b)
34. Cell wall of green algae is made up of
a) Cellulose and pectose
b) Cellulose and pectin
c) Inner layer of pectose and outer layer of cellulose
d) Inner layer of cellulose and outer layer of pectose
35. Zoospores are formed during asexual reproduction of algae and formed in
a) Sporangia b) Zoosporangia c) Micro sporangia
d) Mega sporangia
36. Sexual reproduction is of
isogamous, anisogamous and oogamous in
a) Chlorophyceae
b) Rhodophyceae
c) hlorophyceae &Phaeophyceae
d) Chlorophyceae and
37. Algae which are primarily marine is
a) Red algae b) Brown algae c) Green algae d) All of these
38. Filamentous brown algae is
a) Spirogyra b) Laminaria
c) Ectocarpus d) Porphyra
39. Green algae performs _______ oogamous type sexual
a) Sphagnum b) Volvox
c) Dictyota d) Spirogyra
40. Kelps represent the group of
a) Bryophytes b) Red algae
c) Green algae d) Brown algae
41. Kelps may reach a height up to
a) 120 m b) 100 m
c) 1000 m d) 10 m
42. The algae which possess
chlorophyll a, c, carotenoids and xanthophylls belong to
a) Green algae b) Brown algae
c) Both a&b) d) None of these
43. Brown algae vary in colour from ______ to various shades of _____ depending on the
amount of_____ pigment and _____ present in them
a) fucoxanthin, xanthophyll, blue, brown
b) blue, brown, fucoxanthin, xanthophyll
c) yellow, brown, fucoxanthin, xanthophyll
d) olive green, brown,
fucoxanthin, xanthophyll
44. Laminaria and mannitol are stored foods of
a) Euglena b) Green algae c) Liverworts d) Brown algae
45. The plant body of algae is divided in holdfast, stipe and fronds in
a) Chara b) Laminaria
c) Porphyra d) All of these
46. The plant body attached to substratum in brown algae is by
a) Rhizoids
b) Multicellular hair
c) old fast d) Roots
47. The photosynthetic leaf like organ found in some of the algae are called
a) Sporophyll b) Fronds
c) Leaves d) Scaly leaves
48. Zoospores of brown algae are
a) Uniflagellate
b) Multiflagellate
c) Biflagellate
d) May be any of the above three
49. The arrangement of flagella in brown algae is
a) One and equally arranged
b) Two unequal and laterally
c) Many flagella arranged any where on the body
d) Depends from organism to organism
50. The biflagellate pear-shaped zoospores are characteristics of
a) Red algae b) Green algae c) Brown algae d) All of these
51. Fertilization in brown algae occurs in
a) Water b) Within the oogonia
c) Both a & b d) None of these
52. Sexual reproduction shown by members of brown algae is
a) Isogamous b) Anisogamous c) Oogamous d) All of these
53. Pyriform gametes means
a) Pea-shaped gametes
b) Pear shaped gametes
c) Gametes with one flagella
d) All of these
54. Dictyota belongs to
a) Bryophytes b) Green algae
c) Brown algae d) None of these
55. Red algae are red due to the presence of pigment
a) Phycoerythrin
b) r-phycocyanin
c) r-phycoerythrin
d) r-phepocyamin
56. Red algae are found in
a) Cold seas
b) Seas with moderate temperature
c) Warm water
d) None of these
57. Algae found in the areas where no light penetrates is
a) Green algae
b) Dinoflagellates
c) Red algae d) Brown algae
58. Algae found in areas with
abundant light as well as areas of great depths with no light is
a) Red algae b) Green algae c) Blue algae d) Brown algae
59. Red algae are mostly
a) Unicellular b) Multicellular
c) May be multicellular and unicellular
d) None of these
60. Floridean starch is stored food found in
a) Some protist
b) Some bryophytes
c) Some algae d) Prokaryotes
61. Floridean starch is similar to
a) Amylopectin b) Glycogen
c) Fructose d) Both a & b)
62. The spores and gametes of red algae are
a) Motile and non-motile
b) Both are motile
c) Both non-motile (d) Motile spores and non-motile gamete
63. Sexual reproduction of
oogamous type is found in
a) Red algae b) Green algae
c) Brown algae d) All of these
64. The most reduced type of sexual reproduction is found in the members of
a) Red algae b)Green algae
c) Brown algae d) All of these
65. ___ reproduction is shown by the members of rhodophyceae.
a) Oogamous b) Isogamous
c) Anisogamous d) All of these
66. Fronds are found in which of the following algae?
I. Laminaria II. Fucus
III. Dictyota IV. Porphyra
a) I, II, and III b) I and II
c) II and III d) All of these
67. Air bladders are shown by
a) Fucus b) Laminaria
c) Dictyota d) All of these
68. How many of the following algae belong to the category of red algae?
Polysiphonia, Gelidium, Laminaria, Spirogyra, Porphyra, Fucus, Chlamydomonas
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
69. Members of phaeophyceae are
a) Ectocarpus, dictyota, fucus and sargassum
b) Ectocarpus, dictyota, fucus and porphyra
c) Chlamydomonas, volvox, ulothrix
d) Gracilaria and gelidium
14.d) 15. b 16.b 17.c 18.a) 19.a 20.c 21.d 22.d 23.b 24.c 25.c 26.c 27.a 28.c 29.b 30.a 31. b 32.c 33.d 34.d 35.b 36.c 37.b 38.c 39.b 40.d 41.b 42.b 43.d 44.d 45.b 46.c 47.b 48.c 49.b 50.c 51.c 52.d 53.b 54.c 55.c 56.c 57.c 58.a 59.b 60.c 61.d 62.c 63.d 64.a 65.a 66.d 67.a 68.b 69.a
Sabbidi Ramesh
Lecturer in Botany & Neet faculty,
Govt Junior College, Banswada
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