Inter English model paper

Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:100
1. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each. 2×4=8
a) In thought, in talk, in action, I think you will find that you can separate life into these two divisions—the dark side and the bright side , the discouraging side and the encouraging side.
b) Yes, my first rank slipped to the second.
c) Though the trees grown by her are worth several crores of rupees today, her life has no respite from poverty.
d) No words could be invented for such supreme happiness, eclipsing all other feelings.
e) Education is not what a person is able to hold in his head, so much as it is what a person is able to find.
2. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each. 2×4=8
a) They all shook their heads and gave me a smile as though I was trying to fool them.
b) O my Luve’s like a red, red rose That’s newly sprung in June.
c) Have you sighted anyone With shadows in his dusky eyes?
d) It is not growing like a tree In bulk, doth make Man better be;
e) I asked the professors who teach the meaning of life to tell me what happiness is
3. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each 2×4=8
a) How do the two types of persons react to an overcast morning?
b) What is the significance of the postscript to the text in Father, Dear Father?
c) All great things have humble, small beginnings. Justify the statement based on the life and work of Thimmakka.
d) How did Roger Bannister feel in the first lap of the race?
e) Why did Thimmakka and her husband decide to plant trees? Describe how hard they tried to succeed in their mission.
4. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each. 2×4=8
a)Explain the narrator’s experience in finding out what is happiness is.
b) How is the feeling of love expressed in A Red Red Rose?
c) How does the poem, The Beggar describe the farmer’s pathetic physical condition?
d) Discuss the aptness of the title The Noble Nature to the poem.
e) Why is love compared to a red red rose?
5. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each. 2×4=8
a) Narrate the feelings of Alan as he was not able to reach the ground in time after meeting the old man on his way.
b) Is the title, The Short-sighted Brothers apt to the story? Explain.
c) Is the title ,Sanghala Panthulu apt for the story ? Explain.
d) Does the story , The Short-sighted Brothers support the saying, Honesty is the best policy? Explain.
e) Helping the old is as good as playing the game. Elucidate with reference to the story.
6. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR questions given after it in a word or a sentence each. 4×1=4
“Where do you live, sir?” called Alan at last in the old man’s ear.
“Up the road and some way round the corner ,”he answered in his thin ,weak voice. “I should be so much obliged if you could see me home. You look a very kind little boy.”
See him home? And they were still a long way off! If only could walk a little faster. Why the teams would be already on the field, and the captain would be wondering why he did not come.
i) Why did Alan ask in the old man’s ear?
ii) Where was the old man’s house?
iii) Why was Alan in a hurry?
iv) Why would be the captain be wondering?
v) What request did the old man make to Alan?
vi) Pick out the word from passage which is the Antonym of strong.
7.Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR questions given after it in a word or a sentence each. 4×1=4
Kaleswaram, the brainchild of Sri. K Chandrashekhar Rao is consider -ed the world’s largest multipur -pose,multistage life lift irrigation project. The other two such proj -ects in the world (one in the USA-Colorado; and the other in Egypt-Great Manmade River) took three decades for their completion. But Kaleswaram Lift Irrigation Project (KLIP) was inaugurated just three years (on 21 June 2019) after starting work on it in 2016. With three barrages, 20 lifts and 20 reservoirs, it aims at lifting water to 500 meters height and carrying it to over 500 KMs spanning 13 districts with a canal network crossing 1800 KMs.Built on the Godavari at Kaleswaram in Jaya -shankar Bhupalpalli district ,the project mainly aims to use the now unused Pranahitha waters near its confluence with the Godavari. The project presently lifts 2TMC (Thousand million cubic feet) of water per day. Plans are afoot to increase the capacity to 3 TMC a day. It aims at irrigating 37 Lakh acres, besides meeting the drinking water needs of Hyderabad and other villages, developing water transport and promoting fisheries and tourism.
i) Why is Kaleswaram called a multi purpose project?
ii) Support the statement that KLIP is a multistage project?
iii) Name the river that provides water to KLIP?
iv) To what height is water lifted from the beginning to the final point?
v) What is the irrigation potential of KLIP in acres?
vi) Give the location of KLIP.
(Note: Answers in this section must be written at one place in the same serial order.)
8. Match ANY EIGHT of the following words in Column-A with their meanings in Column – B 8×1/2=4
Column-A Column-B
i)seize a) great mental pain
ii) disposition b) achieve something
iii) accomplish c) willing to obey ,dutiful
iv) muse d) grab or catch hold of
v)obedient e) character, nature
vi) anguish f) reflect , think over
vii) saplings g) award a degree,title
viii) onset h)move, push forward
ix) propel i) young plants
x) confer j) a beginning
9. Identify the Parts of speech of ANY EIGHT of the following
I had (1) a moment (2) of (3) mixed joy (4) and anguish, when (5) my mind
(6) took over. It (7) raced well (8) ahead of my body and (9) drew my body compellingly (10) forward.
10. Fill in ANY EIGHT of the following blanks with a, an or the. 8×1/2=4
From his talk, it seems studies were…….. (1) ancillary subject; and living and experiencing, ……….(2) major subject. Father , is he fibbing? Or is it possible that……. (3) world turned topsy-turvy in just about70 years.
………(4) vegetable seller’s wife gave birth to ……(5) son. ……(6) customer who heard…..(7) good news, congratulated……..(8) vegetable seller and enquired about…….(9) state of …..(10) health of newly born child.
11. Fill in ANY EIGHT of the following blanks with suitable prepositions. 8×1/2=4
Thimmakka and her husband used to carry four pails……..(1) water …………..(2) ………(3) a distance ……..(4) 4km to water the saplings.
Everything that comes……..(5) their mouth is unpleasant, ……..(6) this thing and that thing , and they make the whole atmosphere ……(7) them unpleasant ……(8) themselves and …….(9) everybody with whom they come…..(10) contact.
12. Fill in ANY FOUR of the following blanks with suitable forms of the verbs given in brackets. 4×1=4
I ……(ask) my Biology teacher what I ……(do) to save it.
If I …….(be) to meet Newton face to face , I ………(fail) to recognize him, so busy am I learning about him.
I ….(receive) your letter yesterday.
The bus ……..(leave)before we reached the station.
13. Rewrite ANY FOUR of the following sentences as directed. 4×1=4
i. Narayana Murthy founded Infosys (Change to Passive voice)
ii. He said, “I have lost my bag.” (Change to Indirect speech)
iii. Harika said to her friend, “will you come to my home tomorrow?”
(Change to indirect speech)
iv. Shimla is cooler than Ooty (Change to positive degree)
v. Mathematics is more difficult than most other subjects. (Change to Superlative degree)
vi. He never says a word ……………..?
(add question tag)
14. Rewrite ANY FOUR of the following sentences correcting the underlined errors. 4×1=4
i Keep your surroundings clean
ii Mouses have spoiled the crop
iii Raghu is my older brother
iv He is interested to do a job.
v We go home by walk
vi He is visiting the library daily.
15.Supply the missing letters to ANY EIGHT of the following words. 8×1/2=4
i. exce- – ent vi. thr – – gh
ii. li – – ten vii. f – – lt
iii. p – – ce viii. req – – st
iv. s – – rce ix. app – – r
v. r – – tine x. p – -sant
16. Identify the silent consonant letters in ANY EIGHT of the following words. 8×1/2=4
i. wrong vi. calf
ii. caught vii. psalm
iii. handsome viii. watch
iv. kneel ix. debut
v. honest x. tomb
17 Write ANY FOUR of the following transcriptions using ordinary English spelling 4×1=4
i. /tæks/ iv. /wɔnt/
ii. tʃɪps/ v. /mæths/
iii. /θɪng/ vi. /fɪshɪŋ/
18. Circle ANY FOUR of the words that sound different from the other words in the set with regard to the sounds of the bold letters 4×1=4
i. Dark day danger
ii. hope rope rod
iii. loot cool flood
iv. utter butter fuse
v. thin this thick
vi. age cage go
19. Mention the number of syllables in ANY FOUR of the following words 4×1=4
i. paper ii. doctor
iii. discussion iv. feather
v. application vi. beautiful
20. The pie-chart given below shows how people spend their time on smart phones. Convert the information into a paragraph 1×4=4
Read the following paragraph and transfer the information into a tree diagram.
The oldest musical instrument in the world is the drum, made initially in one of the three ways. First, frame drums were made by stretching the skin over bowl-shaped frames. Next,rattle drums were made by filling gourds or skins with dried grains, shells, or rocks. Finally, tubular drums were made from hollowed logs or bones covered with skins. Both frame and tubular drums were struck with the hand or with beaters to produce sounds. In contrast, rattle drums were shaken or scraped to make rhythmic sounds. For thousands of years, drums have been used to transmit messages to call soldiers to battle and make music.
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