English Preparation Plan

How to prepare for Content ?
-The questions in this area will be based on the proficiency in the language, Communication and Comprehension abilities. The Candidate is expected to have a through mastery of the topics suggested in the syllabus.
-The content part includes Three areas:
Language Elements
Selected works for detailed and critical study.
Language Elements
-In this part, the proficiency of the candidate in English will be tested.
-Mere Knowledge of rules of language is not enough. A candidate will also be asked about its usage. It is desirable to know the rules and their usage in everyday life.
For example,
1. I wish she …………. my friend. Fill in the blank with appropriate verb.
1) is 2) was 3) are 4) were
Ans: 4
2. I wish you would not arrive so late all the time. This sentence expresses .
1) wish 2) regret
3) complaint/anger 4) apology
Ans: 3
(In the first question, the knowledge of the structure I wish.. is asked whereas the second question deals with its usage)
-The important areas in this part are:
-Phonetics – Introduction, IPA, RP, Phonetic Symbols, Syllables, Stress, Intonation, Sentence stress, minimal pairs, Place and manner of Articulation
-Vocabulary – Synonyms, Antonyms, Phrasal verbs, Idioms (from class VI to Inter)
-Grammar – Parts of speech, Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement, Conditionals, Voice, Speech, Degrees of comparison, Types of sentences, Articles, Prepositions, Phrases and clauses, Modal Verbs, Spotting of Errors
-Punctuation – Comma, Full stop, Apostrophe, Exclamation mark, Question mark, Colon, Semi-Colon, Capitalization etc.
n A comprehensive study and practice is very essential to score good marks in the above topics. Practice as many questions as possible from each topic.
Model Questions
1. Identify the minimal pair from the following. (3) 1) treasure – measure 2) food – foot
3) back-bag 4) sun – son
2. The three term label for the consonant sound /b/ is ….. (2)
1. Voiceless Bilabial Plosive
2. Voiced Bilabial Plosive
3. Voiceless Alveolar Plosive
4. Voiced Alveolar Plosive
3. Look! The Sun …………….. over the hills.
Choose the appropriate form of the verb. (1)
1) is rising 2) rise
3) rises 4) was rising
4. Choose the grammatically incorrect sentence. (4)
1) Mistake after mistake was committed
2) One of my friends lives in Chennai
3) Sixty miles is a long distance
4) The number of days in a week are seven
5. An apostrophe is used …….. (4)
1) in contracted forms
2) to show possession
3) to make plurals of letters and figures
4) in all the above situations
-This section contains two topics- Reading comprehension and Literary Forms.-A literary prose passage and a poem from the suggested work will be asked. So one need to read the given poems and prose lessons thoroughly to get good makes in this section.
-The study of literary forms include various literary forms related to poetry, Drama and Fiction.
-While studying these literary forms, they should be linked up with the suggested literary works.
For example,
1. William Shakespeares Macbeth is a ….. (1) 1) Tragedy 2) Comedy
3) Tragicomedy 4) Allegory
2. A Spring morning written by William Wordsworth is a/an …….(1)
1) Lyric poem 2) Elegy
3) Sonnet 4) Ballad
3. Soliloquy an act of speaking to oneself, is used as a literary form in …… (3)
1) Poetry 2) Novel
3) Drama 4) One-Act plays
4. The English Sonnet (The Shakespe-arean Sonnet) comprises …….(3)
1) An octave and two triplets
2) An octave and a sestet
3) Three Quatrains and a couplet
4) Two sestet and a couplet
5. The character in a drama or a play who serves the protagonist as a trusted friend to whom he confesses intimate thoughts, feelings or problems is …… ()
1) Foil 2) Confidant
3) Antagonist 4) Round character
Works for Detailed Study
-Under this part, 13 poems, 8 works including Essay/Novel/Short story, 3 Dramas are given. A candidate need to study these works in a detailed and critical manner.
-The following areas are to be focussed while reading poetry, Drama, story/Essay.
-About the poet-Literary form
-Structure of the poem, number of stanzas and stanza form
-Metre and Rhyme scheme of the poem
-Theme of the poem
-Figures of speech used in the poem
-Source of the poem
-Persons/places/things mentioned in the poem
-Meanings of the key words/phrases/idioms/expressions/ phrasal verbs
-Stanza wise summary
-Tone of the poem
-What do each pronoun represent in the poem
-Literary form-About the Author/Dramatist/Novelist
-Point of view
-Characters and their actions
-Theme of the work
-Intonation for selected sentences
-Imp words for Syllable Division, word stress, Phonetic Transcriptions
-Places/things mentioned in the work
-What do different pronouns refer to ?
-Vocabulary-Synonyms, Antonyms, Phrasal verbs, Idioms, One word substitutions etc
-Meaning to key expressions
-A candidate is expected to go through a work from the above stand point.
-Read about the poets, novelists, essayists and dramatics and have thorough knowledge about Their life, their works and awards and honours received by them.
Model Questions
1. Which of the following is not true about How to Live to be 200 ? (4) 1) It is a humorous essay
2) It is a Satirical essay
3) It is a persuasive essay
4) It is a Scientific essay
2. Showing how the practice of lying may be taught is the subtitle of the poem ….. (3)
1) Mothers day 2) Daybreak
3) Anecdote for Fathers 4) Upagupta
3. According to Asimov, Computers can not take over human beings because …… (2)
1) They are not smart enough
2) They do not have imagination and creativity
3) They can not work hard like human beings
4) They are not as intelligent as human beings
4. What is the meaning of the term Hamartia as used by Aristotle in his Theory of Tragedy ? (4)
1) tragic end of a drama
2) working of fate against the hero
3) a strong quality in the character or the hero
4) a weak trait in the character or the hero
5. The famous short-story writer O Henry is from ….. (4)
1) England 2) Hungry
3) Indian 4) America
Teaching Methodology
-It is an another important area of the examination.
-A candidate is expected to have a thorough knowledge of the following topics;
– Nature & Principles of Language
-Language skills – Definition and Importance of LSRW – Types of Listening, speaking, Reading and writing – Tasks for the development of LSRW – Sub skills of LSRW
-Approaches – Communicative Approach, Constructivist Approach
-Methods – Grammar Translation method, Direct method, discourse Oriented Pedagogy
-TLM in English – Audio-visual Aids, Computers/CALL, Language lab, Authentic materials, ICT
-Evaluation – Tools of Formative evaluation, Tools of Summative evaluation, concept of CCE,
-NCF&SCF – Qualities of a good test
-To get good score in this area, one should possess the knowledge of present classroom transaction process.
-Besides having the knowledge of emerging teaching methods, a candidate must read the Telugu Academy B.Ed & D.Ed text books, NCF and SCF documents.
Model Questions
1. Constructivism as a Theory …..(2)
1) focuses on the role of initiation
2) emphasizes the role of the learners in constructing his own view of the world
3) emphasizes on memorizing information and testing through recall
4) emphasizes on the dominant role of the teacher
2. Identify the question that assesses students ability to inter the meaning of the text? (1)
1) Why did persis change her mind despite her parents advice?
2) Where did persons and her parents live?
3) Use the phrase believe in in a sentence of your own.
4) Persis was delighted. Give the opposite og delighted.
3. Locating the topic sentence is a sub skill of ….. (3)
1) Listening 2) Speaking
3) Reading 4) Writing
4. Input rich communicational environment are a prerequisite for language learning is the opinion of …. (2)
1) RTE-2009 2) NCF-2005
3) SCF-2011 4) NCFTE-2009
5. Remedial teaching is … (3)
1) Re-teaching
2) Revising only the difficult areas
3) Teaching only the basics of the difficult areas
4) Teaching the entire difficult area
-SGT పరీక్షలో విజయం సాధించడానికి English చాలా ముఖ్య పాత్ర వహిస్తుందనడంలో సందేహం లేదు. గ్రామీణ ప్రాంత విద్యార్థులు ముఖ్యంగా తెలుగు మీడియంలో చదివిన వారు English విభాగం చాలా కష్టంతో కూడినదనే భావనలో ఉంటారు. కానీ ఒక ప్రణాళిక ప్రకారం చదివినప్పుడు దీనికంటే సులువైనది మరొకటి ఉండదు.
-ఈ పరీక్షలో English కు 12 మార్కులు కేటాయించారు.
కంటెంట్కు 9 మార్కులు (18 ప్రశ్నలు)
మెథడాలజీకి 3 మార్కులు (6 ప్రశ్నలు)
-English syllabusలో ఇచ్చిన టాపిక్స్ చాలా తక్కువగానే ఉన్నాయి. కాబట్టి ఆ అంశాలపై ప్రాథమిక అవగాహన ఏర్పర్చుకొని Wren and Martin లాంటి పుస్తకాల్లోని ప్రశ్నలను పదేపదే సాధనచేయాలి. ఈ కింది అంశాలపై ప్రదానంగా దృష్టి పెట్టాలి.
1. Parts og Speech ను గుర్తించడంతోపాటు, వాటిలోని రకాలు, వాటిని ఉపయోగించే విధానం
2. Tensesతోపాటు Conditionals, Subject verb Agreement, different forms of a verb.
3. Transformation of sentences ay Active voice ను Passive voice లోకి, Direct Speech ను Indirect Speech లోకి, Positive sentence ను Negative sentence లోకి మార్చడం నేర్చుకోవాలి.
4. Different forms of Adjectives, degrees of compassion మార్చడంపై ఒక ప్రశ్న అడుగుతారు.
5. Articles A, An, The తోపాటు Omission of Article గురించి తెలుసుకోవాలి.
6. Phrases, Clauses లోని రకాలు, వాటి ఉపయోగాలను తెలుసుకోవాలి.
7. Vocabulary లో 4 నుంచి 10వ తరగతి వరకుగల English Text book లోని పదాలను, Phrasal verbs ను, Idioms ను తెలుసుకోవాలి.
-ఇంగ్లిష్ విభాగంలో అత్యధిక మార్కులు సాధించడానికి ఒక్కటే సూత్రం – ప్రాథమిక అంశాలపై అవగాహన కలిగిఉండి, వీలైనన్ని ఎక్కువ ప్రశ్నలు సాధన చేయాలి.
-Useful book: 1. High school English Grammar & Composition – by Wren and Martin
2. నిపుణలో వచ్చే పాఠాలతోపాటు మాదిరి ప్రశ్నలు సాధన చేయాలి.
-Methodology: ఈ విభాగం నుంచి 6 ప్రశ్నలు ఇస్తారు. 1 నుంచి 5వ తరగతి వరకు తరగతి గదిలో ఎలాంటి పద్ధతులు ఉపయోగించుకోవాలి, విద్యార్థుల ప్రగతిని ఎలా మదింపు చేయాలి అనే వాటితోపాటు LSRW పై కూడా దృష్టి కేంద్రీకరించాలి.
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