GURUKULA SCHOOL PD GRAND TEST | Mass drill period is cond ucted on which day

1. Mass drill period is conducted on which day
1) Monday 2) Tuesday
3)Wednesday 4) Saturday
2. In the income and expendature is equal that budjet is called
1) Surphulus Budjet
2) Balenced Budjet
3) Defect Budjet
4) All of the above
3. Student speed, strength, endumance are noted in which register
1) skin and physical measurment register
2) cummilative
3) summary
4) Attendance
4. In which register including the student identification marks, date of birth
1) Summary
2) Cummilative
3) Stock register
4) Issue register
5. Student complete information is available in which register
1) Summary register
2) cummilative register
3) Issue register
4) stock register
6. What is the perminent register in school
1) Summary register
2) issue register
3) Cummilative register
4) stock register
7. Supervision is derived from which word
1) English 2) British
3) Latin 4) American
8. In the budjet allotment the play ground repair percentage is
1)10% 2) 1/5%
3) 20% 4) 40%
9. What is the cap colour for new learners in simmering
1) Orange 2) Blue
3) block 4) red
10. Arrange the sequential order of rhythmic command
I. Explanation
II. Pause
III. Execution
IV. Hait , V. Rhythamic
11. The word hockey is originated from what
1) The hawns 2) Huquet
3) Hausk 4) Horcmy
12. Number of parts in respanse comand
1) 5 2) 3 3) 4 4) 6
13. The ability that is mesured in 800 meters run
1) Dynamic strength
2) Body co-ordination
3) Endurance
4) Static strength
14. Number of byes to be given if 11 teams are participating in a tournament
1) 6 2) 4 3) 5 4) 3
15. The formula to decide the number of matches to be player in double Nockout tournament is
1) N-2 2) 2N-2
3) N-2/1 4) Nx2/ 2
16. Third Law of Motion is also called
1) Law of Inertia
2) Law of Acceleration
3) Law of Action and Reaction
4) Law of Momentum
17. Which method is consi dered as the most effective teaching method in physical education and sports ?
1) Discussion method
2) Demonstration method
3) Role playing
4) Project method
18. Which of the following is a sesamoid bone?
1) Sternum 2) Femur
3) Patella 4) Scapula
19. Decreasing the angle between two bones is called
1) Flexion 2) Extension
3) Abduction 4) Adduction
20. Drive theory was given by
1) Kenneth spence
2) Clark Hull
3) Both of these
4) None of these
21. The word ‘Kinesiology’ is taken from____ language
1) French 2) Greek
3) Latin 4) Spanish
22. What is also called spike in volleyball?
1) Smash 2) Block
3) Set 4) Adjust
23. Winning is not important in olympics, instead parti cipa tion is important is said by
1) Carl Diem
2) Hitler
3) Milkhasingh
4) Baron pierre De coubertin
24. FIBA was formed in
1) 1924 2) 1926
3) 1928 4) 1932
25. Which of the following technique is not associated with long jump?
1) Hitch kick
2) Scissors Kick
3) Sail 4) Hang
26. Height of hurdles for men in steeplechase event event in athletics is
1) 36 inches
2) 30 inches
3) 42 inches
4) 27 inches
27. Ph of Blood is
1) 6.8 2) 7.1
3) 7.4 4) 7.8
28. ‘Goiter’ is caused due to deficiency of
1) Iodine 2) Calcium
3) Potassium 4) Sodium
29. Number of sprints done during interval training is called training__
1) Intensity 2) Density
3) Frequency 4) Volume
30. Other name of Vitamin B2 is
1) Retinol
2) Thiamine
3) Riboflavin
4) Ascorbic Acid
31. Which of the following is a characteristic of skeletal muscles?
1) Excitability
2) Elasticity
3) Contractibility
4) All of the above
32. Immovable joints are also called
1) Fixed joints
2)Fibrous Joints
3) Synarthrosis Joints
4) All of these
33. Who opened the first sports psychology laboratory ?
1) William wundt
2) Carl Diem
3) Coleman Griffith
4) Sigmund Freud
34. What is also called lipids?
1) Carbohydrates
2) Fats
3) Protein
4) Vitamins
35. The term ‘Marathon’ is named after a
1) Place 2) Person
3) Weapon 4) Animal
36. Which of the following is not a quality of a good test?
1) Formality
2) Reliability
3) Objectivity
37. Fartlek Training method was invented by
1) William jones
2) R.E.Morgan
3) FredrichYahn
4) GostaHolmer
38. Where was the first foot ball/ soccer world cup held?
1) Paraguay
2) Spain
3) Brazil
4) Urugway
39. In volleyball, what is the width of horizontal canvas sewn band on net’s top?
1) 3cm 2) 7cm
3) 11cm 4) 20cm
40. What is the width of marking lines in basketball?
1) 3cm 2) 5cm
3) 7cm 4) 12.5cm
41. Ability to overcome a resistance with a fast contraction is called
1) Explosive strength
2) Maximum strength
3) Strength Endurance
4) power
42. Which bone is also known as shoulder blade?
1) Radius 2) Cuneiform
3) Clavicle 4) Scapula
43. Total laws in football are
1) 15 2) 17 3) 20 4) 22
44. BhagvadGita mainly emphasis on
1) Bhakti Yoga
2) Mantra Yoga
3) Raj Yoga
4) Karma yoga
45. Operant Conditioning Theory was given by
1) B.F. Skinner
2) J.B. Watson
3) Ivan Pavlov
4) Sigmund Freud
46. What is the first event of second day of women’s heptation even?
1) Shot put
2) Long jump
3) 800 meter race
4) 200 meter race
47. Which of the following is not an objective of physical education given by Charles A. Bucher?
1) Physical Development
2) Effective Development
3) Spiritual Development
4) Social Development
48. Total time period of training is called
1) Training Volume
2) Training Density
3) Training Frequency
4) Training Intensity
49. What is the formula for calculating total number of matches in a knock-out tournament?
1) n-1 2) n-1/2
3) 2n-1 4) n2-1
50. International Yoga Day is celebrated on
1) 1 June 2) 5 June
3) 21 June 4) 10 July
51. In which year physical edu cation was added as a com pulsory subject in schools?
1) 1962-63 2) 1963-64
3) 1964-65 4) 1965-66
52. Which fracture is also called closed fracture?
1) Compound Fracture
2) Simple Fracture
3) Stress Fracture
4) Depressed Fracture
53. jeanpiaget is known as Father of_____ Psychology
1) Animal
2) Learning
3) cognitive
4) Experimental
54. National Fitness Corps was formed in
1) 1965 2) 1967
3) 1970 4) 1978
55. Defensive players blocks a spike in volleyball is called
1) Cover 2) Shield
3) Roof 4) Break
56. What is the circumference of handball for men?
1) 54-56 cm 2) 56-58 cm
3) 58-60cm 4) 60-62cm
57. What is the width of hockey playing field?
1) 51.24 meter
2) 52.43 meter
3) 53.71 meter
4) 54.86 meter
Grand test Key
1.4 2.2 3.1 4.1
5.2 6.3 7.3 8.1
9.3 10.4 11.2 12.2
13.3 14.3 15.2 16.3
17.2 18.3 19.1 20.3
21.2 22.1 23.4 24.4
25.2 26.1 27.3 28.1
29.3 30.3 31.4 32.4
33.2 34.2 35.1 36.1
37.4 38.4 39.2 40.2
41.1 42.4 43.2 44.4
45.1 46.2 47.3 48.1
49.1 50.3 51.3 52.2
53.3 54.1 55.3 56.3
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