GURUKUL, TET, TRT EXAMS SPECIAL | The basic objective of ‘Guidance’ is?

1. In Inductive method of teaching mathematics we proceed from?
1.Abstract to Concrete
2. General to Specific
3. Known to Unknown
4. Unknown to known
2. Recalling type of test item is?
1. True or False type of test item
2. Filling the blank type of test item
3. Multiple choice type of test item
4. Matching type of test item.
3. Which of the following statement is the specification of general objective namely ‘drawing skill’?
1. The pupil does written cal culations quickly and correctly
2. The pupil reads the tables quickly and correctly
3. The pupil does oral calculations quickly and correctly
4.The pupil draws figures neatly and correctly
4. At present the teachers are not following steps suggested by Herbart. The term ‘assignment’ is now considered as?
1. Introduction activity
2. Completion activity
3. Concluding activity
4. Culminating activity
5. Assignment means giving something to a person. In mathematics, it means a set of problems given by the teacher to do?
1.Independently and individually
2.Copy down from the guide books
3.Copy down from the class works
4.Copy down from other’s note books
6. If a statement is true for any particular value and if it is true for the next value in the same serial order, then it is true for all such values. This is the line of thinking behind?
1.Analytic reasoning
2.Synthetic reasoning
3.Inductive reasoning
4.Deductive reasoning
7. The Method of teaching which starts from ‘hypotheses and proceeds to ‘conclusion’ is known as?
1.Method of induction
2.Method of deduction
3. Method of analysis
4.Method of synthesis
8. ‘The pupil categorizes poly nomials on the basis of their degree’ the academic standard achieved by the student falls under?
1.Problem solving
2.Reasoning proof
9. Learning by doing and learning by living are the main principles of______?
1. Heuristic Method
2. Laboratory Method
3. Project Method
4. Analytical Method
10. One of the following is a teacher centered method?
1. Problem solving method
2.Lecture-demonstrated method 3.Heuristic method
4. Project method
11. The purpose of conducting a diagnostic test on a pupil is_ ?
1. To know the behavioral changes of the pupil
2. To know the achievement level of the pupil
3. To know the innate abi lities of the pupil 4. To know the strengths and weakness of the pupil in the content
12. “Two similar segments of a circle are in the ratio of squares of their chords”. This was proposed by the following school?
1. Sophist school
2.Pythagorean school
3. Ayonic school
4. Plato school
13. If the pupil makes mathematical models, diagrams and charts then this specification comes under the objectives of ?
1.Interest 2.Skill
4. Appreciation
14. Which of the following is most appropriate for develo ping children’s reasoning and logical abilities in mathematics?
1.Use of standard algorithms
2.Use of open-ended questions
3.Use of close-ended questions
4.Memorization of formula, facts and multiplication tables
15. ‘Unknown to known’ is used for which teaching method?
1.Demonstrative method
2.Experiment method
3.Synthetic method
4.Analytical method
16. Which of the following is not belongs to inductive approach?
1.Particular cases to general rules of formulate
2.Concrete instance
to abstract rules
3.Unknown to known
4.Known to unknown
17. The basic objective of ‘Guidance” is___?
1. To create awareness among the students about guidance
2. To help students to make their own choices so as to enable them to take decisions independently
3. To make students to obey elders
4. To identify the problems faced by the students
18. Geometry theorems are taught by experimental met hod at upper primary class es. In which direction the learning experiences proceed during teaching?
1. From simple to complex
2. From complex to simple
3. From general to specific
4. From specific to general
19. Freedom of expression is?
1.not a child right
2.a right of mentally healthy children only
3.a child right
4.A right of all school going children only
20.A student generalizes that ‘if the last digit of a number is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 then that number is divisible by 2’ the academic standard attained by the student falls under?
1. Communication
2.Problem solving
4. Reasoning-proof
21.The concepts of mathe matics are in hierarchical order. If a student does not have the basic concepts, then the corrective measure to be taken up by the teacher to make the student move forward in learning is ?
1. To teach along with other students 2. To diagnose and take up remedial teaching
3. To prepare special learning material
4. To diagnose the learning difficulties
22. One of the advantages of the Heuristic method is?
1. It involves more black board work
2. It is easy to complete the given lesson in less time
3. It is teacher centered
4. It places the pupil in the places of an investigator
23. “Student draws neat and accurate figures”- This specification relates to the following objective?
1.Application 2.Skill
3.Knowledge 4.Understanding
24. “Heuristic method is inte nded to provide a training in method, knowledge is a secondary consideration altogether’’. This remark by Westway reveals that the heuristic method is aimed to__?
1. Imparting process skills
2. Giving training in learning 3. Solving the problem
4. Imparting knowledge
25. The method of teaching that makes the students to look at knowledge as whole is?
1. Project method
2. Demonstration method
3. Lecture method
4. Discussion method
26. An ancient, convenient and inexpensive method of tea ching that is suitable for tea ching almost all the subjects of school curriculum is?
1.Lecture method
2.Demonstration method
3.Source method
4.Story-telling method
27. Which of the following statement about the role of a teacher is correct?
1.Teacher should be a critic only
2.Teacher should favor good students
3.Teacher should have a friendly attitude towards students
4.Teacher should maintain a distance from students
28. For ensuring and improving class discipline the teacher should?
1.Arrange regular parent teacher meting
2.Call authorities to the class.
3.Be strict with students and punish them
4.Evaluate the methods and approaches used in the class
29. The teaching method in which two or more teachers make a plan of the subjects cooperatively carry out and always evaluate its effect on the students periodically is called?
1.Audio-visual teaching
2.Team teaching
3.Visual teaching
4.Individual teaching
30. Which of the following is a teacher related factor affecting learning?
1. Proper seating arrangement 2.Availability of teaching learning resources
3.Nature of the content or learning experiences
4.Mastery over the subject matter
1. 3, 2. 3, 3.4, 4.3, 5.1, 6.3, 7.2, 8.4, 9.4, 10.2, 11.4, 12.1,
13.1, 14.2, 15.4, 16.3,
17.2, 18.3, 19.3, 20.4,
21.2, 22.4, 23.2, 24.1,
25.3, 26.1, 27.3, 28.1,
29.2, 30.3.
M.Sc., B.Ed.
Math Senior Faculty
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