The largest delta in the world is?

1. The month, which is termed as the month of cyclones?
1) November 2) January
3) February 4) April
2. The western disturbances get originated over the?
1) Bay of Bengal 2) Arabian sea
3) Mediterranian sea 4) Indian ocean
3. Intensity of temperature depends on the?
1) Latitude 2) Longitude 3) Axis 4) Orbit
4. Pre-Monsoon showers help in the early ripening of?
1) Apples 2) Bananas
3) Lemons 4) mangoes
5. The Pulicat lake lies in between the states of?
1) Andhrapradesh – Tamilnadu
2) Tamilnadu – Kerala 3) Andhrapradesh – Odisa
4) Odisa – west Benagal
6. Ooty hill station is located in?
1) Seshachalam hills 2) Himalayas
3) Nilagiri 4) Aravali
7. The Himalayan ranges run in the west-east direction in the form a?
1) Circle 2) Arc 3) Angle 4) Triangle
8. It is difficult to estimate ……… water flow.
1) Ground 2) Rivers 3) Canal 4) Reservior
9. Tungabhadhra has gradually lost its over the decades?
1) Prominence 2) Water storage capacity
3) Purity 4) None
10. The population of India started growing rapidly from the year?
1) 1901 2) 1911 3) 1921 4) 1931
11. Plains have high density of population as they have?
1) Black soils 2) Red soils
3) Sandy soils 4) Fertile soils
12. Census of India is a ……… organization.
1) Central government 2) State government
3) Local sell government 4) None
13. The population of ………. areas increased over time.
1) Rural 2) Urban 3) Tribal 4) None
14. Rural seasonal migrants work in?
1) Industries 2) Services
3) Agriculture 4) Organised
15. Female report ……….. as the most common reason for migration.
1) Job 2) Education 3) Marriage 4) None
16. According to National census surveys, every ……….. person in India is a migrant.
1) First 2) Third 3) Fourth 4) Second
17. V shaped valleys are formed by?
1) Glacier 2) Rivers 3) Winds 4) Waves
18. The largest delta in the world is?
1) The Krishna delta 2) The Sunderbans
3) The Indus delta 4) The Godavari delta
19. In which realm of the ocean are rock petroleum & Natural Gas found?
1) Continental slope 2) Oceanic deeps
3) Deep sea plain 4) Continental shelf
20. The temparture at the foot of the ocean is?
1) 290 c 2) -20 c
3) 1.80 c 4) 380 c
1-2, 2-3, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1, 6-3, 7-2, 8-1, 9-2, 10-3, 11-4, 12-1, 13-2, 14-3, 15-3, 16-4, 17-2, 18-2, 19-4, 20-3
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