Current Affairs March 02 | Who was the “FIRST GAY JUDGE” in India?

Current Affairs
16 ఫిబ్రవరి తరువాయి
1. The name of the India’s 100%. Totally governance services digitalized U.T in India?
1) Ladakh 2) pondicherry
3) Delhi 4) J & K
2. Who is the leftent governor of the “America Meryland ”?
1) Usha Chowdary
2) Hema Krishna
3) Swathi Chowdary
4) Aruna Millor
3. Which state to conduct Yogi Vemana Birth Anniversary festival?
1) Telangana 2) U.P
3) Andhra Pradesh 4) Goa
4. WHO to establish M-RNA vaccine HUB” in which of the following states?
1) Telangana 2) Tamilnadu
3) Kerala 4) Karnataka
5. “Airtel Hyper Sale Data Centre” Located in which of the following cities?
1) Chennai 2) Hyderabad
3) Kochin 4) Bangalore
6. India and which of the following country jointly to manufacture AK-203 Assault Rifles?
1) USA 2) Russia
3) China 4) Japan
7. India Provides how many maldivian rufiyas for the development of community development projects?
1) 100 2) 150 3) 85 4) 50
8. Jascinda Ardern is a recently resigned P.M of which of the following country?
1) German
2) New Zealand
3) Japan 4) Egypt
9. Which of the following assembly to introduce “Education for Democracy” statement recently?
1) UNO general Assembly
2) EU
3) Indian Parliament
4) U.K Assembly
10. “Kanger Ghat National Park” located in which of the following states?
1) Tamilnadu
2) Chhattisgarh
3) Bihar 4) U.P
11. “Maghi Mela” is a festival of which of the following state?
1) Punjab 2) Bihar
3) Kerala 4) Assam
12. “Hashim Amla” is a cricketer from which country?
1) England 2) Australia
3) S.Africa 4) Pakistan
13. NDRF Raising day celebrated on ?
1) January 18 2) January 19
3) January 20 4) January 21
14. “Cocoboroke” Day celebrated on?
1) January 19
2) January 20
3) January 22
4) January 18
15. The total how many social health centers in India?
1) 6065 2) 6064
3) 6066 4) 6067
16. Who is the founder of the “Vandhe Bharat Express”?
1) Sudhansh Mani
2) S.Sreedaran
3) V.K.Tripathi
4) A.K.Lahoti
17. Who is the president of the wrestling federation of India?
1) A.K. Singh
2) B.B. Sharan
3) Greg Barkley
4) A.Kumar
18. GOI to sanctioned how many crores for the purchasing of Additional Eumis?
1) 1300 2) 1200
3) 1400 4) 1500
1) 4 2) 4 3) 3 4) 1
5) 2 6) 2 7) 1 8) 2
9) 1 10) 2 11) 1 12) 3
13) 2 14) 1 15) 2 16) 1
17) 2 18) 1
1. Who has been appointed as the new director of national health authority?
1) Vivek Chandra
2) Mohan Das
3) Praveen Sharma
4) Alok Yadav
2. Who won behrain ISA award for service to humanity?
1) K. Shield
2) Doctor Sandhukh Root
3) Malik Kahukh
4) Donald Ton
3. Who is the Indian Born British person who won the “Freedom of City of London” award?
1) Lakshmi Niwas Mittal
2) Gopi Hinduja
3) Manish Tiwari
4) Kiran Mazumdhar Shah
4. Which of the following companies will launch IPTV services through railwire ?
1) Railtel 2) BSNL
3) Airtel 4) JIO
5. Which defence force launched operation Jan Jagaram?
1) RPF 2) BSF
6. Who is the chairperson of Delhi commission for women?
1) Molina Singh
2) Anand Deepika
3) Swathi Malinal
4) Priyanka Gokhle
7. The BBC Channel “India”; The Modi Question” wich is in the news, is related to whom ?
1) Modi 2) L.K. Advani
3) Rajnath Singh
4) A.B. Vajpaye
8. Who is the first telugu actor to get UAE golden visa ?
1) Allu Arjun 2) Ramcharan
3) NTR 4) Prabhas
9. Who has been awarded the “Most Distinguished Scientist award” In India 2022?
1) R. Vishnu Prasad
2) Vijay bhanu
3) Anand Kalyan
4) Vinod Singh
10. Who was the “FIRST GAY JUDGE” in India?
1) Saurabh Kiranal
2) Kiran Joshi
3) Adish Moolam
4) Vikash Anand
11. Which country was the first to start production of Kalas hnikov Brand AK 200 series assault rifles?
1) India 2) USA
3) Russia 4) Pakistan
12. Amazon web services center in which state by 2030, 36000 cr announced to invest ?
1) Kerala 2) Tamilnadu
3) Telangana 4) Karnataka
13. According to brand finance report which is the most valuable brand in the world ?
1) Amazon 2) Google
3) TCS 4) Tesla
14. A rare low lying “Basalt Pla teau” is found in the western ghats in which state
1) Kerala 2) Maharashtra
3) Goa 4) Tamilnadu
15. Which Indian ministry laun ched the Bharat Pravaha Programme?
1) Defence 2) Education
3) Health 4) Ports & Shipping
16. The venue for the women MLA’s conference?
1) Mumbai 2) Vizag
3) Chennai 4) Assam
1) 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1
5) 1 6) 3 7) 1 8) 1
9) 1 10) 1 11) 1 12) 3
13) 1 14) 2 15) 4 16) 2
1. Which company has signed an MOU with Ashok Leyland to Develop Asia’s first H2 Mining Truck ?
1) Reliance Motors
2) Adani Enterprises
3) Tata Motors
4) Honda
2. In which country’s capital, the Indian Embassy organized a SKM Marathon “Run For Life” with the Theme “Environmental Life Style”.
1) Nepal 2) Bangladesh
3) Sri lanka 4) Singapore
3. Indian ports association has tied up with which organization to set up center for mari time economy and connectivity ?
1) Niti Ayog 2) IIT Delhi
3) R & IS 4) IIT Madras
4. Who has been appointed as the new CEO of Cairn Oil & Gas ?
1) V. Gupta
2) Amosh Gokhale
3) Jiten 4) Nick Wacker
5. Which District was the first in the country to provide basic documents to all Tribals ?
1) Khammam 2) Wayanad
3) Madhura 4) Kollam
6. Which IIT to develop swadeshi mobile operating system bharos ?
1) IIT Delhi 2) IIT Madras
3) IIT Chennai 4) IIT Mysore
7. Which public sector company launched three brand of men strual cups namely “Thinkai” Velvet and “Cool Cup” ?
1) Hll Biotech Ltd
8. As part of w.e.f.(World econo mic foram) 2023 Wise Telang ana state Government attra cted how many crores of Investment ?
1) 21,000 cr 2) 15,000 cr
3) 12,000 cr 4) 19,000 cr
9. GOI will propose charaideo maidam as a world heritage site to UNESCO, In which state is this Maidam Located ?
1) Assam 2) Kerala
3) Karnataka 4) Nagaland
10. Which states C.M launched the Run for G20 walkathon ?
1) U.P 2) M.P
3) Karnataka 4) Bihar
11. Where was the 3 day con ference of Heads of Police Forces and Paramilitary organ izations of all states Held ?
1) New Delhi 2) Chennai
3) Bangalore 4) Kolkata
12. Which is the deepest under ground metro station in the country ?
1) Mumbai Terminus
2) Kolkata
3) Pune 4) Delhi
13. UNESCO has dedicated the 2023 International Education Day to Whom ?
1) Ukraine Childrens, Womens
2) Sri lanka Students
3) Sudan Peoples
4) Afghan Childrens, Womens
14. When Do north eastern states Tripura, Manipur and Meghalaya celebrate their foundation day ?
1) January 21 2) January 22
3) January 23 4) January 24
15. Which state has the top in guarantee loans providing for 2021-22?
1) A.P 2) Telangana
3) U.P. 4) Kerala
1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 4
5) 2 6) 2 7) 1 8) 1
9) 1 10) 1 11) 1 12) 3
13) 4 14) 1 15) 2
Toppers Institute
Medipally, Hyd.
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