GURUKULA JL, PD GRAND TEST | The Length of cricket pitch is

49. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Ashes i. Badminton
b. Maulana Azad Trophy ii.Sports Trophy
c. Santosh Trophy iii. Cricket
d. Thomas cup iv. Foot Ball
a) a-iii b-i c-iv d-i
b) a- ii b-iii c-i d-iv
c) a-iii b-ii c-iv d-iv
d) a-ii b- iv c-iii d-i
50. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Long Capacity i. Ergo meter
b. Endurance ii. Gonio meter
c. Strength iii. Spiro meter
d. Flexibility iv. Dynemo meter
a) a-iii b-i c- ii d-iv
b) a-iv b-iii c-i d-ii
c) a-iii b-i c-iv d-ii
d) a-iv b- iii c-ii d-i
51. Which is common in women’s floor exercise in gymnastics, synchronized swimming and figure skating?
a. Music b. Time
c. Both a and b
d. a is true and b is false
52. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Hydrotherapy i. Hot formentation
b. Cryotherapy ii. Ultra sound
c. Electrotherapy iii. Whirlpool bath
d. Thermotherapy iv. Cold compression
a) a-iii b-iv c- ii d-i
b) a- ii b-i c-iv d-iii
c) a-iv b-ii c-i d-iii
d) a-i b- ii c-iv d-iii
53. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Aerobic i. Source of energy
b. Anaerobic ii. Lack of Hemoglobin
c. ATP iii. Presence of O2
d. Anemia iv. Absence of O2
a) a-i b-ii c- iv d-iii
b) a- ii b-i c-iii d-iv
c) a-iii b-iv c-i d-ii
d) a-iv b- i c-ii d-iii
54. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Surplus energy theory of play i. Gutsumuths
b. Recreational theory of paly ii. Karl Groos
c. Social contact theory of play iii. Spencer L. Schiller
d. Immunity iv. Lumley
a) a-iii b-i c- ii d-iv
b) a- i b-iii c-iv d-ii
c) a-ii b-iii c-i d-iv
d) a-iv b- ii c-iii d-i
55. The test can be established by determining the following crit eria. The ascending order of criteria is given in code, choose the correct answer.
i. Validity ii. Objectivity
iii. Reliability iv. Norm
a. iv, i, iii, ii b. ii, iii, i, iv
c. iii, i, ii, iv d. i, ii, iii, iv
56. Management of Physical Edu cation and sports is:
i. A Science ii. An Art
iii. Management
iv. Humanities
a. i and ii are correct
b. i and iii are correct
c. iii and iv are correct
d. i, ii and iii are correct
57. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Esophagus i. Circulatory system
b. Pharynx ii. Nervous system
c. Cerebellum iii. Digestive system
d. Capillaries iv. Respiratory system
a) a-iii b-iv c- ii d-i
b) a- ii b-iii c-i d-iv
c) a-iii b-ii c-iv d-i
d) a-iv b- iv c-ii d-iii
58. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Double fault i. Hockey
b. Scoop ii. Tennis
c. Let iii.Badminton
d. Chekmate iv. Chess
a) a-iv b-iii c- i d-ii
b) a- i b-ii c-iv d-iii
c) a-iii b-ii c-i d-iv
d) a-ii b-i c-iii d-iv
59. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Vital capacity i. The volume of air inspired or expired
b. Minute Ventilation ii. A major fraction of the total lung capacity
c. Residual volume iii. The amount of air we either exale or inhale in one minute
d. Tidal volume iv. The air remaining in the
lungs after a complete exhalation
a) a-ii b-iii c- iv d-i b) a-iv b-ii c-i d-iii
c) a-iii b-i c-iv d-ii d) a-iii b- i c-iv d-ii e) a-iv b-i c- ii d-iii
60. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Volley ball i. Broer Miller
b. Basket ball ii. Mc Donald
c. Tennis Test iii. Knox Test
d. Foot ball iv. Russell – Lange
61 . Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Three seconds i. Football
b. Throw – in ii. Hockey
c. Roll – in iii. Basket Ball
d. Trimmer iv. Cricket
62. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Electrogonio- meter i. Spirometer
b. Lumbar concavity ii. Determination of types of muscle fibre
c. Biopsy iii. Measurement of joint angle
d. Vital capacity iv. Flexometer
Codes: a) a-2 b-4 c- 5 d-1 b) a-1 b-5 c-3 d-4
c) a-3 b-4 c-2 d-1 d) a-4b-1c-3 d-2
63. Match List – I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below
List-I List-II
a. Flat foot i. Mc Donald
b. Kraus Weber Test ii. Measuring basketball Skill
c. Soccer Skill Test iii. Classifying groups
d. Johnson Skill Tests iv. Pedograph
v. Measuring minimum muscular strenth
a) a-5 b-1 c- 4 d-3
b) a-4 b-5 c-1 d-2
c) a-2 b-1 c-3 d-5
d) a-1 b-3 c-4 d-2
64. Hari haran and C tirunarayan have found out the following formula
a) 20 Age + 6 Height + weight
b) Age + Height + 1/10 Weight
c) 10 Age + height
d) 4 age + height + weight
65. In 110m Hurdle Race the distance from the last hurdle to the finish line ?
a) 13.72m b) 14.02m
c) 13.60m d) 9.14m
66. The Length of cricket pitch is –
a) 20.12m b) 3.05m
c) 2.64m d) 1.22m
67. When the blockers in volleyball have their hands over the net. It is called?
a) roof b) cover
c) smoke d) shield
68. LSD (low slow distance) training and can provide an athlete some relief from high intensity training:
a) Interval training
b) Fratlek training
c) Speed training
d) Weight training
69. Pan-Hellenic Games inculcates:
a) Olympic & Pythian Games
b) Isthmain & Nemean Games
c) Spartan Games
d) Both 1 & 2
70. Choose correct the match in the following pan-Hellenic games:
I) Olympic Games A) Good zeus (God of Sky)
II) Pythian Games B) Good Apollo (God of Music)
III) Isthmian Games C) Good poseidon (God of Ocean)
IV) Nemean Games D) Good Zeus (God of sky)
a) I-A, II-C, III-D, IV-B
b) I-A, II-B, III-D, IV-C
c) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D
d) I-D, II-C, III-A, IV-B
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