Time:3Hours Marks: 100
I. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each 2×4=8M
a) If someone maintains that two and two are five or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity rather than anger.
b) From the first days of his movement, Gandhiji realised that there was a source of Immense untapped power in the womanhood of India.
c) The plastic instantly melts and coats the gravel without releasing toxic gases into the Atmosphere.
II. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each 2×4=8M
a) ‘I don’t mean only external sweetness but internal sweetness.
b) According to Keats, when does one hear a cricket’s song?
c) ……………..Hearken, 0 queen and 0 goddess, we hail thee!
III. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each. 2×4=8M
a) Travel is an excellent educator. Explain with reference to Russell’s essay How to avoid Foolish Opinions.
b) What is the true test of the changed position of women in India?
c) Explain how the old simplicity of Hindu life had broken up in Kalidasa’s time.
IV. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each. 2×4=8M
a) Do you agree that the poem Goodbye Party for Miss Puspha TS is a farewell address? Justify your response.
b) Discuss the common features between the grasshopper and cricket.
c) ‘I ask for nothing for myself.’ Why do you think the child asked nothing for herself?
V. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each. 2×4=8M
a) Describe the character of Arun, the boarding schoolboy?
b) “If my word can save his life, he shall not die, “said Dr Raman to himself. Explain the situation that makes the doctor say so.
c) What was the baron’s wish? Was it fulfilled? Explain
VI. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR questions given after it in a word or a sentence each. 4×1=4M
Della’s white fingers quickly opened the package. And then at first a scream of joy followed by a quick feminine change to tears. For, there lay The Combs – the set of combs, side and back, that Della had seen in a Broadway window and liked so much. They were beautiful combs, so expensive and they were hers now. But alas, the hair in which she was to wear them was sold and gone! She took them up lovingly, smiled through her tears and said, ‘My hair grows so fast, Jim!’
i. Who gave the package to Della?
ii. What was Della’s reaction at first?
iii. How did her joy change?
iv.What did Della find in the package?
v. Where had she seen the combs earlier?
vi. The combs were inexpensive. Write True or False.
VII. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR questions given after it in a word or a sentence each. 4×1=4M
Pencil Preaches…
Pencil seems to be little but teaches SIX great lessons of life. Surprising? See how?
(i) The pencil suffers a little when we use a sharpener but afterwards, it is much sharper. So, let’s learn to bear certain pains and sorrows because they will make us better persons
(ii) It allows us to use an eraser to rub out mistakes. This means correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps us to keep on the right path
(iii) What really matters in it is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So, let’s always pay attention to what is happening inside us.
(vi) It always leaves a mark. In just the same way, everything we do in life will leave a mark. So, let’s try to be conscious of that in every action of ours
(v) It gets shorter and shorter with use. So does life. Let’s make the most of it while it lasts
(vi) It writes till the end. Let’s try to be useful and productive till the end.
i. We stop writing with a pencil now and then. Why?
ii. What is the result of bearing pains and sorrows?
iii. Is correcting something we did a bad thing?
iv. What matters most in a pencil?
v. Why should we be conscious of every action of ours?
vi. We use the pencil till the end. Write true or false.
VIII. Study the advertisement given below and answer ANY FOUR questions given after it. 4×1=4M
i. Expand SHIP.
ii. What are the eligibility criteria for participating in the
iii. Can very young boys and girls participate in this programme?
iv. State any two themes of the internship programme.
v. Registration is both online and offline. Write true or false.
vi. When is the programme scheduled to begin?
IX. Read the Bar Graph below and answer ANY FOUR questions given after it. 4×1=4M
i. What does the bar graph present?
ii. Ice cream of which flavour do people like the most in shop A?
iii. How many ice creams of almond flavour are sold in shop B?
iv. Find the total number of ice creams of chocolate flavour sold in shop A and shop B.
v. 30 ice creams of coconut flavour are sold in________________. (Fill in the blank.)
vi. Ice cream of which flavour do people like more in shop B, Chocolate or Vanilla? .
X. Rewrite the following passage / sentences using EIGHT punctuation marks wherever necessary. 8x½=4M
dr. kalams words proved prophetic with full support from the college correspondent dr vasudevan laid the first 60 feet long plastic road within the campus
XI. Match ANY FOUR of the following words in Column – A with their meanings/ definitions in Column – B. 4×1=4M
Column -A Column B
i) Amphibious a) Lasting for a very short time
ii) Antidote b) Designed to cause death.
iii) Ephemeral c) Living in land as well as in water
iv) Lethal d) Someone who has a lot of experience in a field
v) Veteran e) A substance that can act against the effect of poison
vi) Teetotaller f) One who never drinks alcoholic drinks
XII. Fill in ANY FOUR blanks in the following sentences with suitable idiomatic expressions given below. Make necessary changes in the idioms if needed. 4 x 1 = 4 M
Save one’s neck/skin: an arm and a leg turn a deaf ear
a drop in the ocean working against the clock storm in a tea cup
i) The small donation was just ……………………..
ii) I am really …………………….. now. I must hurry.
iii) There was a …………………….. over who should be the Chief Guest on Hostel Day.
iv) It cost me ………………. to study in the USA. Study Skills-Idioms
v) Our boss …………………….. to our request to change the meeting venue.
vi) Satish got his friends into trouble to ……………………..
XIII. Make FOUR meaningful sentences from the verb pattern given below. An example is given as a model. 4 x 1 = 4 M
XIV. Fill in ANY EIGHT blanks of the given bank form based on the information furnished below. 8 x ½=4M
You are K. Madhubala . Your account number is 18975 in Bellampally Post office, Mancherial district. Deposit an amount of Rs. 25000/- into your account by filling in the Post Office Savings Account form.
XV. Prepare a curriculum vitae in response to the following advertisement. 1 x 4 = 4 M
XVI. a) Describe how Sandhya drew Rs. 500 from an ATM. 4 x 1 = 4 M
b) Describe in a paragraph about your ‘Mother ’.
XVII. a) Write a letter to your Manager requesting him to grant casual leave for five days. 1 x 4 = 4 M
b) Imagine you have received in formation from the Ministry of Education that you have secured the 5th place in Inno- vative Challenges Competitions. Write a letter to your friend describing your success.
XIIX. Read the following passage and make notes. Add a suitable title. 1 x 4 = 4 M
In December 2019, the novel corona virus called SARs-CoV-2 had resulted in a respiratory illness called COV1D-19.
‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for the virus. D stands for disease’ 19′ is the year in which it broke out. This virus was unknown before its outbreak in Wuhan, in China, in December 2019. Coronavirus is a family of viruses that may cause disease in animals and humans. It causes respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. India has approved seven vaccines. It’s currently using only three vaccines, Covishield, Covaxin prepared by Bharat Biotech and Sputnik V. While we are still learning how COVID-19 affects people, aged people and people with pre-existing medical conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, cancer etc. appear to be at greater risk than others.
We can reduce the chances of being infected with COVID-19 by taking simple precautions.
We should clean our hands with sanitiser or wash them with soap water because this action kills viruses on our hands. Everyone must maintain 6 feet of distance from others.
Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth, so avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Droplets of saliva spread the virus. So distance needs to be maintained. Good respiratory hygiene protects the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu, and COVID -19. Therefore masks need to be worn.
XIX. Mark the stress for ANY EIGHT of the following words. 8 x ½ = 4 M
1. delay 2.biography
3. carry 4.economic
5. sixty 6.nature
7. hotel 8.victory
9. application 10.jellyfish
XX. a) Write a Dialogue between a bookseller and customer 1 x 4 = 4 M
b) Write a dialogue between a bank manager and you.
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