Primary education helps?

1. Education would be meaningful when it is …… centered.
A) Curriculum B) Society
C) Student D) Teacher
2. What is the use of homework?
A) Helps in preparing next chapter before coming to school
B) Helps in memorizing the prevous lessons
C) Provide students an opportunity to implement what they have learnt
D) To catch up with other students
3. Audio visual aids help …… students in the class
A) Slow learning B) Intelligent
C) Playful D) Curious
4. What is the reason of dropouts?
A) Fear of punishment
B) Inability to follow what is taught in the class.
C) Pressure to help at home and work
D) No interest in education
5. Buniyadi Shiksha plan is based on …… plan.
A) Dr. Radhakrishnans
B) Mahatma Gandhis
C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azads
D) Rabindranath Tagores
6. Which of the following is not the tool for Formative Assessment in scholastic domain?
A) Conservation skill
B) Multiple choice questions C) Projects D) Oral questions
7. A few students in your class are exceptionally bright, you will teach tem?
A) Only when they want B) Along with higher class
C) Along with the class D) By using Enriched programmes
8. In order to develop the spirit of labour in students?
A) Students should be given examples of laboring people
B) Students should be given opportunities to do labour from time to time
C) The teacher should deliver lectures on the importance of labour
D) The teacher himself should indulge in labour
9. Heredity is an important determinant of a specific behavior, what prediction can we make about expression of the behavior in identical twins reared apart compared to its expression in fraternal twins reared apart?
A) Fraternal twins will express the behavior more similarly than identical twins.
B) The behavior will be expressed as similarly by identical twins as it is by fraternal twins
C) Identical twins will express the behavior more similarly than fraternal twins
D) There will be little similarity in the expression of the behavior in either set of twins
10. The process whereby the genetic factors limit an individuals resp- onsiveness to the environment is known as?
A) Discontinuity B) Canalization C) Differentiation D) Range of reaction
11. Organismic theories of development hold?
A) Psychological structures and process within the child help determine his/her development
B) Slowly developed structures and process within the child help determine his/her development.
C) Passively developed structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development
D) Physical structures and process within the child help determine his/her development
12. If any girl child does not come to the school regularly you will?
A) complain to the principal B) least bother
C) struck off her name from the register
D) meet the parents and encourage them
13. In co-education system you wont to?
A) give preference to boys over girls
B) give preference to none
C) make separate rows of boys and girls
D) you deal according to need
14. According to Piaget, during the first stage of development (birth to about 2 years ago) a child learns best in?
A) Primary B) Secondary C) Static D) Dynamic
15. Constructivism as a theory?
A) emphasises on the dominant role of the teacher
B) emphasises on memorizing information and testing through recall
C) empasises the role of the learner in constructing his own view of the world
D) focuses on the role of limitation
16. Special education is related to?
A) Training programmes for teachers
B) Training programme for children
C) Educational programme for disabled
D) Educational programme for talented students
17. A physically-challenged student is very keen on participating during the annual sports in school. How should you handle this issue?
A) get him/her to the cheering team
B) let him/her be involved in record keeping in the field
C) encourage him/her from being present on that day
D) give him/her a duty that does not involve being in the sports field
18. The priority to girls education should be given because?
A) Only girls are capable of leading for social change
B) The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in the past
C) The girls are more intelligent in comparison than the boys
D) The girls are lesser in number than boys
19. The best place of social development of 12 years old child is
A) family B) playground C) neighborhood D) school
20. Which article enjoins that All minorities whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer education institutions of their choice?
A) Article28 B) Article29 C) Article30 D) Article32
22. In CCE, Formative and Summative Assessment total as?
A) 30% and 70% respectively
B) 40% and 60% respectively
C) 50% and 50% respectively
D) none of these
23. A teacher wants the gifted children of his/her class to achieve their potential. Which of the
following should not do to achieve his/her objective?
A) Teach them to manage stress
B) Teach them to enjoy non-academic activities
C) Challenge them to enhance their creativity
D) Segregate them from their peers for special attention
24. A child cannot distinguish between saw and was; nuclear and unclear. He/she is suffering from?
A) Dyslexemia B) Dyslexia C) Dysmorphemia D) World Jumbling Disorder
25. Primary education helps?
A) Socialisation of child
B) Decmocratisation of chid
C) In course understanding
D) All the above
26. How will you bring a hyperactive child on the right path?
A) Make him sit in front of the class and keep a strict vigil on him
B) Give him takes of watering tress, cleaning the blackboard, making toys of clay etc.,
C) Allocate a seat for him in a corner of the class
D) none of the above
27. In context of the habit of Absenteeism of student?
A) The principal and parents should get worried
B) They should be given less priority in the class room in relation to regular students
C) The officials of the school should take action against them as per schools discipline
D) The teacher should take it as a serious problem.
28. The essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school should be?
A) Life skills
B) Literacy competencies
C) Vocational competencies
D) Numerical competencies
29. If some students are not in a mood to study in the class, you will?
A) Tell those students to leave the class and enjoy
B) Force them to study
C) Tell them some interesting things related to their interests or your own subject
D) warn them that they must study else you will report to the matter to the principal.
30.Helping learners recapitulate or recall what they have already learnt is important because?
A) relating new information to prior knowledge enhances learning
B) it is a convenient beginning for any classroom instruction
C) it is enhances the memory of learners thereby strengthening learning
D) It is an effective way of revising old lessons
31. A child has been admitted to your school who belongs to a backward family/background from the cultural viewpoint. You will?
A) keep him in a class in which there are many more students of background
B) advise him to take up vocational education
C) background from the cultural view point
D) Send a teacher to know more about the backward cultural background of the child keep him in a normal class but will make special arrangements for teaching him, keeping his special needs in view
32. Success in developing values is mainly dependent upon?
A) Teacher B) society C) family D) government
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