To be a ‘Good Mathematician’… (TS TET Special)

1. CCE helps to develop the habit of?
1. Self-study 2. Regular study
3. Advance preparation of lesson 4. All the above
2. Who said that “Mathematics is the science which draws necessary conclusions”?
1. Hogben 2. Locke
3. Benjamin Peirce 4. None
3. The most useful text book of Mathematics is that in which….?
1.There are many solved exampl es and some questions of exercise
2.There are sufficient solved illustrations and more questions for exercise
3.All the exercise questions are solved 4. All the above
4. Which of the following state ments is/are true regarding teaching “Numbers’ at primary level?
1.Intuitive understanding of num bers should be encouraged
2.Writing numbers should be taught in sequence
3.Writing of numbers as numerals should preceded counting
4.Order irrelevance of numbers should be encouraged
1.A and D 2. C and D
3. A and B 4. B and C
5. “The sum of any two whole num bers is a whole number”. This property of whole numbers is referred to as? 1. Associative property 2. Distributive property
3. Commutative property 4. Closure property
6. Which of the following is the most important aspect of teaching of Mathematics at primary level?
1. Preparing for higher education and employment
2. Prompting and preparing for technology
3. Making Mathematics part of children’s life experiences
4. Developing rigour in calc ulations.
7. Which of the following stateme nts is not correct with regard to nature of Mathematics?
1. Primary level Mathematics is concrete and does not require abstraction
2. Mathematics uses special voca bulary to communicative ideas precisely
3. Argumentation skill is impor tant in construction of mathe mati cal knowledge
4.Mathematical concepts are hie rarchical in nature
8. Identify the correct statement with respect to the Mathema tics Curriculum
1. The concept of negative num bers should be introduced at prim ary level for better understanding
2. The concepts of area-meas ure ment should be introduced only at upper primary level
3. The foundation of algebraic thin king can be laid at primary level
4. The concept of fractions should be introduced only at upper primary level
9. Identify the correct statement with regard to introducing the concept of triangle at primary level
1. Children should be exposed to triangle of all types but exposure to other figures should be avoided
2. Children should be exposed to triangle of all types and also to other figures
3. Definition of a triangle should be provided first
4. Children should only be exposed to equilateral triangle to avoid confusion
10. Which of the following is a desi rable teaching-learning prac tice in the context of Mathe matics?
1. Open book tests should be avoided
2. Students should be told to follow the prescribed steps of solving problems
3. Open ended questions should be avoided to prevent confusion
4. Intuitive understanding con cepts should be encouraged
11.Which of the following is least likely to impact teaching-learning in Mathematics?
1. Knowing ways in which assess ment affected the confidence of learners
2. Providing complete solutions to student’s wrong answers
3. Enhanced quality of feedback
4. Using results of assessments to modify teaching
12. Which of the following is not an effective strategy to assess primary level students learn in mathematics?
1. Using primarily group admin istered tasks
2. Designing tasks to differentiate between rote memorization and conceptual understanding
3. Analyzing children’s errors to understand their reasoning
4. Designing tasks which elicit more than one level of response
13.How will you cater to the needs of visually challenged students of your classroom in an inclusive school?
1. Provide them extra time for practice
2. Marks them sit with high achievers
3. Use alternate teaching-learning methods and resources
4. Send them to special educator
14. Which one of the following sets are problem solving strategies in Mathematics?
1.Memorization, Guess and test, drawing
2. Trial-error, drawing, memorization
3.Drawing, working back, rote learning
4. Reasoning, using variable, look for a pattern
15. As per the recommendation of NCF 2005, primary school mat hematics curriculum should
1. Prepare children for advanced Mathematics
2. Relative to children’s everyday experiences
3. Focus on procedural know ledge
4. Provide rigour in mathematical concepts
16. A teacher gives the following task to the students of class-IV:“Arrange 25 tiles in all possible rectangular arrays” which of the following Mathem atical concepts can be address ed through this task?
1.Area, Volume, Length
2. Volume, Area, Length
3. Area, Factors, Perimeter
4. Area, Perimeter, Volume
17. Which of the following is not a Mathematical process?
1. Estimation 2.Transposition
3. Visualization 4. Memorization
18. The main aim of recapitulation in Herbartian model of lesson planning is?
1.To know the extent of objec tives of the lesson achieved
2.To present the concept
3.To assess the pre-requisite knowledge
4. To supervise the learner
19. The approach adopted in the curriculum of mathematics at secondary level in Telangana state is?
1. Topical 2 Concentric
3. Spiral 4. Concentric and Spiral
20. Learning by doing and learning by living are main principles of…..?
1.Heuristic Method
2.Laboratory Method
3.Project Method
4. Analytical Method
21. The teaching programme in which student participates actively for self-learning at his own pace is
2.Programmed learning
3. Laboratory work
4. Micro teaching
22. “The pupil categorizes polyno mials on the basis of their degree”. The academic stan dard achieved by the student falls under?
1. Problem solving
2. Reasoning proof
3. Communication
4. Connection
23. Which of the following activities is best suited for the develo pment of spatial understanding among children?
1.Drawing the top view of a botte
2.Locating cities on a map
3.Noting the time of moon rise
4.Representing numbers on a number line
24. Concept of multiplication of two decimal numbers in the middle school?
1.Multiplication as repeated addition should emphasize
2.Multiplication as inverse of division should be emphasized
3.The algorithm should be used to introduce the concept
4.The process should be visually represented
25. Which of the following could be contributing factor towards undera chievement in mathem atics?
2. Socio-Cultural background
3. Nature of Mathematics
4. Innate ability of person
26. One of the strategies for incorpo rating writing in mathematics is….?
1.To complete the curriculum in time
2.To become familiar with test and exam format
3.To students have discuss their ideas before writing
4.To provide meaningful direct experience
27. Mathematics puzzles at pri mary level help in?
1.Gives importance on teaching only
2. To give importance on learning only
3. Gives importance on the soluti on of the problems of the students
4. Makes the learner disinterested towards the subject
28. The main goal of mathematics education is?
1.To formulate theorems of geom etry and their proofs inde pende ntly
2. Help the students to understand mathematics
3.To develop useful capabilities
4.To develop children’s abilities for mathematization
29. Which one of the following should be the most important features of mathematics text books in primary level?
1.Concepts should be link to the higher classes
2.Concepts should be presented from complex to simple
3.Concept should be present in a strict hierarchical manner
4.Concept should be present from concrete to abstract
30. To be a ‘Good Mathematician’ one must be able to?
1.Understand apply and make connections across the concepts
2.Master the techniques of answe ring the questions
3.Memories most of the formula
4. Solve the problem in no time
31. Formative assessment in Mathe matics at primary stage inclu des?
1. Identification of learning gaps and deficiencies in teaching
2. Identification of common errors
3. Testing of procedural knowle dge and analytical abilities
4. Grading and raking of students
1.4 2.3 3.2, 4.3, 5.4 6.3 7.3, 8.2, 9.4 10.4 11.3 12.1
13.4 14.2 15.1 16.2 17.4 18.3 19.1 20.3 21.4 22.2 23.2 24.1 25.2 26.3 27.1 28.4 29.4 30.2 31.3
M.Sc., B.Ed.
Math Senior Faculty
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