The effect of the past on present

Read about some historical happenings that can get you high marks in the exams
These practice questions will aid aspirants better prepare for the State government recruitment examinations.
1. The Puranas are considered to be composed by which of the following?
a) Vasumitra b) Vyasa
c) Shusrut d) Vasudev
Ans: b
2. With which of the following wandering ascetics Buddha practised austerities?
i. Kondanna ii. Bhaddiya iii. Vappa
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
a) Only i b) Only ii
c) Only iii d) i, ii and iii
Ans: d
3. Which of the following statements are correct with respect to Ajivikas?
i. Karma is a fallacy
ii. Nirvana was only reached after living through an immense number of lives
iii. Ajivikas practiced austerities
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
a) Only i b) Only ii & iii c) Only iii d) i, ii & iii
Ans: d
4. Which of the following items were imported in the 6th century BCE?
a) Iron b) Gold c) Sandalwood d) Pearls
Ans: b
5. What was the capital of Magadh?
a) Ujjain b) Patlipura c) Rajgriha d) Taxila
Ans: c
6. Which of the following kings bore the title of ‘Avanisimha’?
a) Mahendravarman I
b) Shivaskandavarman
c) Simhavarman d) Simhavishnu
Ans: d
7. Which of the following kings succeeded the Chola king Kollutung I?
a) Kollutung II
b) Virarajendra
c) Athirajendra
d) Vikrama Chola
Ans: d
8. The land revenue of the Chola Empire was fixed at?
a) 1/6th of the produce b) 1/5th of the produce
c) 1/4th of the produce
d) 1/3rd of the produce
Ans: a
9. Which of the following is represented by the circle in the Saranath Pillar?
a) Religion b) Progress c) Law d) Revolution
Ans: b
10. Who took over eastern part of Alexander’s empire after his death?
a) Menander b) Kanishka
c) Seleucus Nicator
d) Rudradaman
Ans: c
11. Who among the following Mughal rulers took measures against the practice of Sati?
a) Jahanagir b) Akbar
c) Shahjahan d) Humayun
Ans: b
12. In context with the Ashta Pradhan, that helped with the administration of the Maratha empire of Shivaji, who among the following was in charge of General Administration?
a) Moro Trimbak Pingale
b) Ramchandra Neelkanth Mujumdar
c) Annaji Datto
d) Dattaji Trimbak Waknis
Ans: a
13. Who among the following was the first writer to use Urdu as a medium of poetic expression?
a) Amir Khusaru
b) Mirza Ghalib
c) Bahadur Shah Zafar d) Faiz
Ans: a
14. Consider the following statements:
i. There were many Portuguese officers in Shivaji’s Army
ii. The idea for establishment of Topkhana and Darukhana was borrowed from Portuguese
Which among the above statements is/ are correct?
a) Only i is correct b) Only ii is correct
c) Both i & ii are correct d) Neither i nor ii is correct
Ans: c
The Mughal ruler Akbar took a lot of measures against the practice of sati which was prevalent for a long time
K Aloke Kumar,
Director, Telangana State
BC Study Circles
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