Do you want to speak English fluently?

Vamshy Chandra is a software engineer. He is holding a crucial talk with his client abroad. The office atmosphere is a bit serious. A mixed feeling of hope and uncertainty is reigning.
He has finished his Power Point presentation on Skype. He is excited. He is sitting in his chamber in Hyderabad. His client is in the USA.
He has given an online presentation. He has been discussing with his client for the past one hour.
Vamshy looks at the monitor. His heart beats with great excitement. He is looking meekly into the eyes of his client on the monitor. The hour long discussion has just got completed. A favourable nod from the client means a big profit for his organization.
He could listen to the beat of his heart. Finally the client adjusted his voice, he started speaking slowly in his native accent.
Yes! Its approved. We can go ahead with the deal the client exclaimed. A new era has just started in the history of the company. A great festive atmosphere took place In the office. A mood of celebration and festivity started.
The total credit goes to Vamshy The CEO announced in the party that evening. For an upcoming company its a milestone achievement.
Vamshy is very communicative. He articulates his ideas in a very lucid style. Listeners get charmed with his affectionate gestures and talks. He can mesmerize all the people with his awesome speech.
He is not fluent right from the beginning. There were days when he lost many opportunities because of lack of English and Communication Skills. He is a software engineer. He is technically skilled. However lack of communication skills, lack of fluency and soft skills hampered the progress of his career.
Before we go into the nitty gritty of this module, let me ask you one question point blank.
you love yourself?
If your answer is Yes to the above question, definitely this article is going to help you fully. This is a path breaking module. You can speak English -just like the way you speak your mother tongue.
Few more questions for you
you want to speak English fluently?
you want to win the interviews?
you wish to accomplish all your goals with great confidence?
you wish to be very successful in your career?
You are reading this article, it means that – your answer for all the above questions is Yes. I know that,
want to speak English fluently
want to win the interviews
wish to accomplish all your goals with great ease and confidence
wish to be very successful in your career.
The very purpose of this series of articles is to make you even more successful in your career and in your life.
You are able to speak your mother tongue nicely and fluently. Have you ever thought, how is it possible?
We followed NFT (The natural flow techniques) when it comes to our mother tongue. The mother tongue is learnt according to natural laws. We acquired mastery over grammar and communicative vocabulary in a natural way, without a pen and paper.
An extensive study is made while giving a shape to our module. We deeply studied the key ingredients of fluency. There are many revelations.
Every day I come across good number of professionals, who are very charming, enterprising and highly successful in their respective careers, yet they hesitate to speak English fluently. They even feel that, had they been good at English, they would have reached even new heights in their career.
When it comes to acquiring fluency in English, there are many flaws in our learning style. The schools and our education system has set wrong standards, when it comes to teaching English.
Finally the end result is pathetic. Even the well-educated cannot speak English fluently. They cannot articulate their ideas in a flow. The well-educated and qualified have got great amount of jargon in their repository.
At the drop of a hat they utter out the jargon parts of speech, noun, pronoun, verb, conjunction, tenses etc. they are good at grammar. They may easily understand English speeches, English books and they may put their ideas on paper.
However when it comes to speaking, they feel as though their tongue is tied up. They just cannot speak fluently.
It means what. We have been following wrong methods to learn Spoken English. Dont worry here is a method that solves all your problems. Just follow the practical tips that we give in this series on a regular basis.
Self-assessment sheet
- I firmly believe in one fact of life. That, no single individual wants to be a failure. Yes, nobody wants to fail. Every one of us wants to win, that too with incredible rate of success. Every one of us richly deserve a higher degree of success. This is idea is very liberating isnt it?
- You can speak easily. You can win interviews, you can get great success in every sphere of your life.
In the similar way, all the students who join any spoken English institute want to speak English fluently. They want to make conversations effectively; they want to impress the people effortlessly. Every one of them joins a spoken English institute starry eyed, they join with great optimism. They join with great hopes and great enthusiasm. - Here is a bitter truth.
- And yet, the fact is that majority of the students who join a Spoken English Institute may not get their dreams realized. Yes its truth.
- We made a detailed study in this regard. We interviewed thousands of students. We got dismayed at the result of the survey.
- This initial enthusiasm fades away slowly because of various reasons. The prime reason could be lack of motivation and direction. You may forget your goal in life, you may not get the proper guidance from the trainers, you may not be aware how to get charged, you may be unaware how to improve your skills etc.
- One needs constant motivation and perpetual guidance, and the institute should set the pace for a healthy learning. The trainer should give 100% professional guidance, which is in tune with value based education system. The institute should inculcate values, ethics, morals, discipline and more importantly a sense of accomplishment on a day to day basis.
- However to continue this enthusiasm you constantly need motivation. You need few yardsticks to keep you in the right direction. I love English, Do you? is one of such tools, which keeps the pot boiling. Test yourself on a regular basis by making use of this diagnostic tool. Be open and honest while putting the scores. It lets you know, whether your efforts are in the right direction or not. It gives a wakeup call, what methods you should be adapting to keep your learning meaningful.
- We have shortlisted few practical steps to be followed on a day to day basis, to keep you alert and active. It serves the purpose of a self-assessment or test for you.
I Love English, Do you?
Here is simple assessment to know how much you love English. Read each of the following statements and give marks on a 0 10 Scale. (If you fully agree with the statement give yourself 10 Marks if you totally disagree give 0 Marks)
Self Assessment Sheet
1. I read this series of articles regularly without any break
2. I do some ground work on every weeks topic. I participate in the quiz.
3. I speak English at least for half an hour, consciously by using this knowledge
4. I do Practice regularly
5. I get up early in the morning OR I devote extra time for English practice
6. I prepare a special time table for myself to practice English
7. I read these articles carefully and note down the important points
8. I effectively make use of TV to update my English skills
9. I encourage my friends to Speak English with me
10. I get all my doubts clarified by repeated reading and sending mails
11. I follow the guidelines of the author
12. I set my GOAL clearly; I know what I want to be.
13. I progress steadily at least one inch towards my GOAL every day.
14. I interact with bright and intelligent friends in my circle
16. I ask my family members to speak English with me
17. I watch interviews( in English) of my favourite Cricketers in You tube
18. I watch news & Interview on TV Carefully & get new phrases and Vocabulary.
19. I watch the commercials (ads) and get new phrases and vocabulary.
20. I try to think in English consciously
21. I help my brother, sister, and the neighbouring kids in their English Efforts.
22. I take lead in clarifying the doubts of my friends
24. I believe learning English is a pleasure and it is an enjoyable process
25. I always take very active role and initiative to speak English.
The Score Board
Keep comparing your scores, on a weekly basis. This is the sure way to improve your focus on English learning attitude.
If you get the total score Summary
Between 215 to 250 Excellent
Between 175 to 215 Very Good
Between 150 to 175 Good
Below 150 It Needs More Practice
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