Companion cells are closely associated with?

NEET Botany Model Paper-1
1) Plants reproducing by spores such as mosses and ferns are grouped under the general term:
a) sporophytes b) thallophytes
c) cryptogams d) bryophyte
Exp: Eichler divided plant kingdom into two sub- kingdoms – cryptogamae and phanerogamae. All plants without flowers and seeds are included in the sub- kingdom cryptogamae whereas phanerogamae includes plants which bear flowers and seeds. Cryptogams are further classified into three divisions, Thallophyta, Bryophyta and Pteridophyta. Spore bearing plants such as mosses and ferns belong j to cryptogams because instead of reproducing by flowers and seeds they reproduce by means of spores.
2) Plastids are totally absent in ?
a) Fungi b) Blue green algae
c) Bacteria d) All of these
answer (d)
Exp: Plastids are double membrane bound cell organelle characteristic of higher plants. They are not found in prokaryotes like bacteria and blue green alga. Fungi are heterotrophic eukaryotes. They lack plastids.
3) One of the largest herbarium of world is located in ?
a) Kew b) Geneva
c) Berlin d) Sweden
Exp: Largest herbarium of the world is situated in Royal Botanical Garden. …The collections at Kew and Wakehurst Place include over 28,000 taxa of living plants, 8.3 million plant and fungal herbarium specimens, and 30,000 species in the seed bank.
4) Genetic material of TMV is ?
a) ss-DNA b) ds-DNA
c) ss-RNA d) ds-RNA
Answer (c)
Exp: Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is the virus that affects the tobacco plant. … The genetic material is a single-stranded RNA.
5) Plant viruses generally have
a) ss-DNA b) ds-DNA
c) ss-RNA d) ds-RNA
Answer (c)
Exp: The great majority have an RNA genome, which is usually small and single stranded (ss), but some viruses have double-stranded (ds) RNA, ssDNA or dsDNA genomes
6) Identify Mismatch one Food reserves in Algae ?
a) Starch—Chlorophyta
b) Laminarian—Brown algae
c) Paramylon—Euglenoids
d) Floridean—Crysophyta
Answer (d)
Exp:Floridian starch present in rhodophyta or red algae
7) Monoecious condition is found in ?
a) Pinus b) Cycas
c) Selaginella d) Pteridium
Exp: Pinus is a monoecious gymno spermic plant, , both male and female cones occur on the same plant. Marchantia (bryophyte), Cycas (gymnosperm) and date palm (angiosperm) all are dioecious plants, male and female plants are separate.
8) Which of the following pair is wrong ?
Plant —- Parasite
a) Rafflesia (total stem parasite)
b) Cuscuta (total stem parasite),
c) Viscum (partial stem parasite)
d) Orobanche (total root parasite)
Ans:( a)
Exp :Some of the parasitic plants are Rafflesia (total root parasite), Cuscuta (total stem parasite), Viscum (partial stem parasite), Loranthus (partial stem parasite), Striga (partial root parasite), Balanophora (total root parasite), Orobanche (total root parasite)
9) Thorn Apple belongs to —- family ?
a) Rosaceae b) Solanaceae
c) Annonaceae d) Fabaceae
Ans:( a)
Exp: Thorn apple, also called gypsum weed and moonflower, is a poisonous plant belonging to the nightshade family (Solanaceae)
10) Juicy hair like structures are observed in the lemon fruit which is developed from ?
a) Exocarp b) Endocarp
c) Mesocarp
d) Mesocarp and Mesocarp
Ans (b)
Exp: Endocarp – Lemon is hesperi dium fruit. Multiple chambered multicarpellary, syncarpous, mul ticolour, superior ovary bearing seeds on ‘axile placentation

11) Father of plant anatomy who also coined the term tissue
a) Schleiden b) N.Grew
c) Hanstein d) None
Ans (b)
Exp: Marcello malpighi, Nehemiah grew is known as father of anato my. K. A choudhry is known as father of Indian plants anatomy.
12) Companion cells are closely associated with:
a) Tricomes b) Guard cells
c) Vessel elements
d) Sieve elements
Ans (d)
Exp: companion cell A type of cell found within the phloem of flow ering plants. Each companion cell is usually closely associated with a sieve element.
13) Indian rubber is obtained from the latex of
a) Hevea brasiliensis
b) Ficus elastica
c) Carics papaya
d) Papaver somniferoum
Ans (b)
14) Tyloses are formed in ?
a) Cortex
b) Secondary phloem
c) Pericycle
d) Tracheary elements
Ans (d)
Exp: Tyloses are outgrowths from xylem parenchyma cells that grow into the lumen of tracheary cells through pits
15) Companion cells are
a) Sclerenchymatous nature
b) Parenchymatous nature
c) a and b d) none
Ans (b)
Exp: The specialized, modified pare nchymatous present in the phl oem of angiosperms are called Companion cells
16) Sieve tube is
a) Vessel like structure
b) Provide with oblique septa
c) Trans location of food
d) All of these
Ans (d)
Exp: Sieve elements are specialized cells that are important for the function of phloem, which is a highly organized tissue that transports organic compounds
17) Matching the following
List-1 List-2
A) Chloroplast 1) Karyolmph
B) ER 2) Kinetochore
C) Mitochondria 3) Thylakoid
D) Nucleus 4) Cisterna
5) Cristae
a) 3 4 5 1 b) 1 5 4 3
c) 1 3 4 5 c) 3 2 1 5
Ans (a)
18) Study the following Lists.
List-1 List–2
A) Chromosome 1) Oudet
B) Chromatin 2) waldeyer
C) Nucleus
3) Sutton and Boveri
D) Chromosomal theory
4) Fleming
a) 2 3 1 4 b) 2 4 3 1
c) 2 4 1 3 d) 2 1 4 3
Ans (c)
19) Study the following Lists
List-1 List-2
A) Golgi complex
1) Lysosome production
B) Ribosomes
2) Peptide bond formation
C) Endoplasmic reticulum
3) Secretion of Lipids
D) Peroxysomes
4) Synthesis of phospholipids
a) 1 2 3 4 b) 3 2 1 5
c) 4 2 1 3 d) 3 2 1 4
Ans (d)
20) Give me Mismatch one
a) Trisomic-2n+1
b) Tetrasomic-2n+2
c) Monosomic-2n-1
d) Nullisomic-2n-4
Ans (d)
21) Most abundant protein in the world in the biosphere is
a) Collagen b) Myosin
c) Rubisco d) Actin
Ans (a)
Polypeptides are, indeed, the buil ding blocks of your body. And, the most abundant protein in your body is collagen.
22) Nucleotide consists of
a) N2 base
b) N2 base + Suger
c) N2base +Suger+Phosphate
d) Suger+ Phosphate
A nucleotide consists of three things: A nitrogenous base, which can be either adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine (in the case of RNA, thymine is replaced by uracil). A five-carbon sugar, called deoxyribose because it is lacking an oxygen group on one of its carbons. One or more phosphate groups.
23) Select the matched ones.
I. S-phase — DNA replication
II. Zygotene —- Synapsis
III. Diplotene — Crossing over
IV. Meiosis — Both haploid and diploid cells
V. G2-phase — Quiescent stage
(a) I and II only
(b) III and V only
(c) III and IV only
(d) I, III and V only
Ans (a)
A cell cycle comprises of interphase and division phase. The interphase is the longest phase of cell cycle. It comprises of first growth phase, S phase and second growth phase. The S phase is the synthesis phase in which DNA replication occurs. The meiotic division is carried out in two stages: meiosis I and meiosis II. The meiosis I compr ises of prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I and telophase I. The prophase I is very elaborate stage and comprises of several substa ges – leptotene, zygotene, pachy tene, diplotene and diakinesis. The chromosomes coil at the leptotene stage. Homologous chromosomes pair at the zygotene stage. The pairing of homologous chromo somes is called as synapsis. This is followed by crossing over in the pachytene stage.
24) The stage between two meiotic division is called
(a) interphase (b) cytokines
(c) interkinesis (d) karyokinesis
Ans (c )
Interkinesis refers to the transition period between meiosis I and meiosis II. It is short and without DNA replication.
25) During meiosis, the alleles of the parental pair separate or segregated from each other. How many allele(s) is/are then transmitted to a gamete?
(a) Four (b) Two
(c) Six (d) One
Ans (d)
In a normal diploid population, each homologue of a homologous pair of chromosome has one allele. When the two homologous
chromosomes of a pair separate, alleles separate and finally only one allele goes to each gamete.
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- neet
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