zoology model paper

1. In mammals carbohydrates are stored in the form of
1) Lactic acid in muscles
2) glycogen in liver and muscles
3) Glucose in liver and muscles
4) glycogen in liver and spleen
2. Myoglobin is present in
1) White muscle fibres
2) Red muscle fibres
3) All muscle fibres
4) none of the above
3. A reflex arc doesnt involve
1) a receptor 2) a sensory pathway
3) a motor path way 4) The Brain
4. Assertion (A): Membrane bound receptors are present in cell membrane of target cells
Reason (R): Water soluble hormones attaches to intra cellular receptors
1) Both A & R are correct & R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A & R are correct but R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true, R is false
4) A is false, R is true
5. Which one of the following is/are example of autoimmune disease?
1) Graves 2) myasthenia gravis
3) Rheumatoid arthritis
4) all of the above
6. Which of the following is hormone releasing IUD
1) Cu-T 2) LNG-20
3) Multi load 375 4) Implant
7. Cowpers glands secretes a substance to
1) Nourish the sperms
2) Neutralize the acidity in the urethra
3) Kill pathogens in semen
4) Lubricates females vagina to facilitate copulation
8. A woman whose father is colourblind is married to a normal man. The sons would be
1) 75% colourblind
2) 50% colour-blind
3) All are normal
4) All are colourblind
9. In genetic finger printing the probe refers to
1) A radioactively labeled double stranded RNA molecule
2) A radioactively double stranded DNA
3) A radioactively labeled single stranded DNA molecule
4) A radioactively labeled single stranded RNA molecule
10. Assertion (A): Drones are haploid & have 16 chromosomes
Reason(R): males are formed from eggs by parthenogenesis
1) Both A & R are correct & R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A & R are correct but R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true, R is false
4) A is false, R is true
11. Analogous structures are
1) Anatomically different but performing similar functions
2) Anatomically similar but performing different functions
3) Anatomically similar but functionally similar
4) Anatomically different but functionally different
12. Identify the correct chronological sequence of periods of mesozoic era
1) Triassic Jurassic cretaceous
2) Jurassic Triassic cretaceous
3) Triassic cretaceous Jurassic
4) Jurassic cretaceous – Triassic
13. MOET is method of ?
1) Fish cultivation
2) Cloning in sheep
3) Hybridization in cattle
4) Birth control in humans
14. Read the following & choose the incorrect statements
1) Hirsadale is a cross breed of cow
2) Mule is fertile breed of Horse
3) BV 300 is a hybrid layer
4) Hubbard is a hybrid broiler
15. Active form of Angiotensin is produced by the action of
1) Rennin 2) renin
3) angiotensin converting enzyme
4) aldosterone
16. In human cleavage is
1) Slow and synchronous
2) fast & synchronous
3) Slow and asynchronous
4) fast and asynchronous
17. XX-XO type of sex determination is seen in
1) Man 2) Grass hopper
3) Drosophila 4) Birds
18. VNTR varies in size from
1) 0.01-0.2 kb 2) 0.1-0.2 kb
3) 10 20 kb 4) 0.4 15 kb
19. Find out correct statement
I. Pill prevents ovulation of contraception technique
II. Copper T prevents implantation
III. Vasectomy produces semen containing no sperm
1) I & II 2) II & III
3) I & III 4) I, II & III
20. A population containing a gene x with two alleles Aa is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for gene X. If the frequency of allele A is 0.2. Allele frequency of a is
1) 0.2 2) 0.4 3) 0.8 4) 1
21. Which of the following statements correctly defines, the phenomenon of genetic drift
I. Random changes in gene allele frequency
II. Occur by chance
III. It is directional
IV. Causes elimination of certain alleles
The correct combination is
1) I, II & III 2) III, IV, V
3) I, III & V 4) I, II ,IV
22. Application of PCR are
I. Detection of pathogens
II) Diagnosis of specific mutation
III) DNA finger printing
Choose the correct option
1) I & II 2) I & II
3) II & III 4) I, II & III
23. Aneuploid females with only one X chromosome is a characteristic of individuals with
1) Cri-du-chat syndrome
2) Klinefelters syndrome
3) Downs syndrome
4) Turners syndrome
24. During generation of an action potential, depolarization is due to
1) K+ efflux 2) Na + efflux
3) Na + influx 4) K+ influx
25. Injections & implants are used by the females under
1) Skin of inner arm above elbow
2) Vagina
3) Stomachs upper skin 4) Cervix
26. Hamburgers phenomenon is related to the
1) Shifting of Cl- ions from RBC
into blood plasma and HCO3 into RBC from blood plasma
2) Shifting of HCO3 – ions from RBC into blood plasma and Cl- into RBC from blood plasma
3) Shifting of H+ ions from RBC into blood plasma and Cl- into RBC from blood plasma
4) Shifting of HCO3 – ions from blood plasma into RBC and from RBC H+ into blood plasma
27. Secretin mainly stimulates the production of
1) Saliva 2) gastrin
3) Bile 4) pancreatic juice
28. Match the following
A) Superior vena cava
B) Inferior Vena cava
C) Pulmonary artery
D) Pulmonary vein
P) Carries deoxygenated blood to lungs
Q) Carries oxygenated blood from lungs
R) Brings deoxygenated blood from lower parts of body to Right atrium
S) Brings deoxygenated blood from upper parts of body Into right atrium
1) A-Q, B-S, C-R, D-P
2) A-S, B-P, C-Q, D-R
3) A-S, B-R, C-P, D-Q
4) A-S, B-P, C-R, D-Q
29. The Bohr Effect in hemoglobin refers to the
1) Reduced affinity for O2 at lower pH
2) Higher pH in actively metabolizing tissues
3) Increased affinity for O2 at lower pH
4) Low pH in actively metabolizing tissues
30. The layer of cells that secrete enamel of tooth is
1) Dentoblast 2) ameloblast
3) osteoblast 4) odontoblast
31. During HIV infection
1) Gp 120 of HIV attach to CD4 receptors of TH cell
2) Gp 41 of HIV attach to CD4 receptors of TH cell
3) Gp 120 of HIV attach to CD8 receptors of TH cell
4) Gp 41 of HIV attach to CD8 receptors of TH cell
32. Osteomalacia occurs due to the deficiency of
1) Vitamin A 2) Vitamin B
3) Vitamin C 4) Vitamin D
33. The muscle stiffening after death is called
1) Tetanus 2) Rigor mortis
3) Twitch 4) Fatigue
34. Digestive juice lacking enzyme but adding to digestion is
1) Bile 2) chyle
3) chyme 4) succus entericus
35. A-band of striated muscle fibre consists of
1) Actin molecules only
2) Myosin molecules only
3) Both Actin and myosin molecules
4) T – tubules only
36. Protein coated fat globules transported into lacteals are
1) Micelles 2) Chylomicrons
3) Chyme 4) Diglycerides
37. Which of the following hormones prevent water loss in urine?
1) Oxytocin 2) ADH
3) Calcitonin 4) PTH
38. The genital herpes is caused by
1) Herpes simplex virus
2) Human papilloma virus
3) Pox virus 4) Candida albicans
39. Plasmodium vivax is a
1) Pathogenic, obligate, monogenetic parasite
2) facultative, pathogenic,
histozoic parasite
3) Obligate, coelozoic,
non-pathogenic parasite
4) cytozoic, pathogenic parasite
40. Where does the replacement/cell division of the skin occurs
1) Stratum lucidum
2) Stratum corneum
3) Stratum granulosum
4) Stratum germinativum
41. The mouth parts of honey bee is
1) Chewing and cutting type
2) Chewing and lapping type
3) Piercing and sucking type
4) Siphoning type
42. Haemopoietic stem cells are
1. Totipotent cells
2. Multi-potent cells
3. Unipotent cells
4. Differentiated cells
43. Match the following
List I
A. Tachycardia
B. Myocardial infarction
C. Hypercalcemia
D. Hyperkalemia
I. Tall T wave
II. Enlarged atria
III. Shortened P-R interval
IV. Elevated S-T segment
V. Shortened Q-T interval
44. Ventricles are related to
1) Heart only 2) brain only
3) both 1 and 2 4) none of these
45. Study the following and identify the correct path of conduction of impulses of through heart
A) A-V node B) SA node
C) Purkinje fibres
D) Bundle of His
1) A-B-D-C 2) B-A–D-A
3) B-D-A-C 4) B-A-D-C
46. Which one of the following is incorrect regarding excretion?
1) Large amount of water from renal filtrate is reabsorbed in DCT & lesser amount is reabsorbed in PCT
2) The descending limb of loop of Henle is completely impermeable to salts
3) Malpighian corpuscle is found in medulla region of kidney
4) The colour of urine is pale yellow & is slightly alkaline in nature
47. Match the following regarding excretory system & choose correct one
Column-I Column II
A) JG Cells 1) Vasodilator
B) Hypothalamus
2) Vasoconstrictor C) Angiotensin 3) Vasopressin
D) ANF 4) Renin
1) A- 4, B- 3, C- 2, D- 1
2) A- 3, B- 2, C- 1, D- 4
3) A- 2, B- 1, C- 3, D- 4
4) A- 2, B- 1, C- 4, D- 3
48. All the fallowing statements about ART are correct, except one, which is that one?
1) Zygote is intra fallopian transfer
2) gametes are transferred into fallopian tubes in GIFT
3) Early embryos upto 8 blastomeres are transferred into uterus in IVF-ET
4) Embryos with more than 8 blastomeres can also be transferred into fallopian tubes
49. Finger like projections appear trophoblast after implantation is called
1) Chorionic villi 2) Amniotic villi 3) Yolk sac villi 4) Allantoic villi
50. Holandric genes are located on
1) Both in X & Y chromosomes
2) Only on X chromosomes
3) Only on Y chromosomes
4) only on autosomes
51. Electrophoresis is used to
1) Clone genes
2) Cut DNA into fragments
3) Separate fragments of DNA
4) Match the gene with its function
52. When two species of different genera come to resemble each other as a result of adaptation, the phenomenon is termed as
1) Micro evolution 2) Co-evolution
3) Convergent evolution
4) Divergent evolution
53. Homologous organs are
1) Wings of insect & bat
2) Gills of fish & lungs of rabbit
3) Wings of bat & fore limbs of horse
4) Wings of glass hopper & crow
54. The test used to detect specific antigens is
1) Direct ELISA 2) Southern blot
3) Indirect ELISA 4) Northern blot
55. Assertion (A): X rays are harmful to pregnant women
Reason (R): X- rays damage foetus as they are mutagenic
1) Both A & R are true, R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A & R are true, but R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true, R is false
4) A is false, R is true
56. Cytokines that provide non-specific immunity against virus are
1) Interleukin 2) Tumor necrosis
3) Colony stimulating 4) interferon
57. Progestasert & LNG-20 is examples of
1) Non steroidal IUDs
2) Copper releasing IUDs
3) Hormone releasing IUDs
4) All of the above
58. In Thalassemia, affected chromosome is
1) 16th 2) 17th 3) 18th 4) 19th
59. Match the following.
1. Gout A. accumulation of uric acid
2. Tetany B. low calcium level
3. Osteoporosis C. loss of calcium due to osteoporosis
4. Arthritis D. inflammation of joints
1.1-B 2-A 3- D 4-C
2.1-A 2-B 3-C 4-D
3.1-B 2-D 3-A 4-C
4.1- A 2-B 3- D 4-C
60. c DNA is
1) Formed by reverse transcriptase
2) Cloned DNA
3) Circular DNA
4) Recombinant DNA
61. Na+- K + pump operates under intracellular concentration of
1) High Na+- K +
2) high Na+- K +
3) Low Na+- K +
4) low Na+ high K +
62. ELISA assay uses
1) an enzyme which can react with secondary antibody
2) An enzyme which can react with antigen
3) A substrate which gets converted into a coloured product
4) A Radio labeled secondary antibody
63. Match the following
Column-I Column II
A) Pill 1) Intra-uterine device
B) Condom 2) Prevents ovulation
C) Vasectomy
3) Prevents sperm from reaching cervix
D) Cu-T 4) Semen contains no sperms
1) 1 2 4 3
2) 2 3 4 1
3) 2 3 1 4
4) 4 3 2 1
64. ABO blood grouping in human beings is an example for
i) Dominance
ii) Incomplete dominance
iii) Co-dominance
iv) Multiple alleles
1) i & ii 2) ii, iii & iv
3) ii & iv 4) iii, ii
65. A: Carbonic anhydrase is present in erythrocytes
R: in erythrocytes, carbon dioxide combines with water and is transported
1) Both A & R are true, R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A & R are true, but R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true, R is false
4) A is false, R is true
66. Which of the following statement is true for lymph?
1. Composed of WBC and serum
2. All components of blood except RBC, platelet and some large sized proteins
3. WBCs, RBCs and plasma
4. RBCs and platelets.
67. A: ANF mechanism acts as a countercheck on the RAAS.
R: ANF increases the blood pressure.
1) Both A & R are true, R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A & R are true, but R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true, R is false
4) A is false, R is true
68. Match the type of cells listed under Column I and their secretions given under
Column II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of the alphabets of the two columns:
Column I Column II
(Type of cells) (Secretions)
A) Peptic cells p) Mucus
B) Oxyntic cells q) alkaline fluid
C) Goblet cells r) Pro-enzymes
s) HCl
1) A – q, B – p, C- s
2) A – s, B – r, C – q
3) A – s, B- p, C- q
4) A – r, B – s, C- p
69. Which disease does not occur in infants younger than six months?
1) Kwashiorkor
2) Kwashiorkor and Marasmus
3) Marasmus 4) Jaundice
70. The enzyme Invertase, hydrolyse
1) Glucose into sucrose
2) Sucrose into glucose and fructose
3) Starch into maltose
4) Starch into sucrose
71. In females corpus luteum is maintained by
1) LH 2) FSH 3) ACTH 4) Oxytocin
72. In the life history of Entamoeba histolytica excystment occurs in
1). Lumen of buccal cavity
2) lumen of stomach
3) Lumen of small intestine
4).lumen of large intestine
73. Trophozoite of Golgi cycle feeds on
1) Haemozoin 2) Haemoglobin
3) Liver cell 4) Whole R.B.C
74. The enzyme present in snake venom is
1) Phospholipase B
2) Phospholipase C
3) Phospholipase A 4) Proteases
75. Match the following
List I List-II
A. EEG I. Hypothyroidism
B. MRI II. Skeletal fractures
C. X-rays I II. Pregnancy test
D. ECG IV. Aneurysm
V. Insomnia
2. V IV II I
3. I IV II V
4. I II IV V
76. Match The Following.
I. Lactic Acid Bacteria
A. Trichoderma polysporum
II. Brewers Yeast
B. Monascus Purpureus
III. Acetic Acid
C. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
IV. Statins D. Acetobacter aceti
E. Probiotics
77. Bio gas Producing micro organisms?
1. Methanobacterium 2. Clostridium 3. Trichodesmium 4. streptococcos
78. Which one of the following micro organism enrich The Nitrogen content of The soil?
I. Azospirillum II. Azatobacter
III. Acetobacter IV. Nostoc
1. I, II, III only 2. I, IV only
3. I, II, IV only 4. I, II, III, IV
79. Which of the following Viruses used as Biological control agents?
1. Nucleopolyhedrovirus
2. Poliovirus
3. Retrovirus 4. Influenza virus
80. Identify The Incorrect Pair.
1. IARI – New Delhi
2. Nsc – Bengaluru
3. ICRISAT – Hyderabad
4. CIMAP – Hyderabad
81. Study The Following.
I. Edward Jenner
A. Father of Biology
II. Louis Pasteur
B. Father of Immunology
III. Robert Hooke
C. Father of Cytology
IV. Aristotle
D. Father of Physiology
V. stephen Hales
E. Father of Microbiology
F. Father of Bacteriology
Choose The Correct Answer
82. Select The Incorrect pair
I. Embryology – The study of Micro, Megaspores, Fertilization, Endosperm, Seed development etc.
II. Histology – The study of Tissues
III. Ethology – The study of aves
IV. Haemotology- The study of Blood, its components
83. The study related to internal orga-nization of body parts is called?
1. Histology 2. Cardiology
3. Anatomy 4. Cytology
84. Who Invented crescograph?
1. Laennec 2. Stephen Hales
3. JC Bose 4. J Johnson
85. Select correct combination.
1. FRI- Dehradun 2. ICAR- Delhi
3. NIN – Hyd 4. All
86. Read The following statements related to Growth.
I. It is a irreversible change in mass/size/ number of an organism.
II. It is a Continuous process in plants
III. It is a external pattern in living things and internal pattern in non-living things
IV. IT commonly found in both uni/multicellular Organisms
1. I, II only 2. I, II, IV only
3. I, III, IV only 4. I, II, III, IV
87. The following living character is critical / complicated.
1. Growth 2. Metabolism
3. Ability to sense environment
4. Reproduction
88. The common Reproduction in Hydra and Yeast?
1. Sporulation 2. Budding
3. Fragmentation 4. All
89. Select The Incorrect pair
1. Two kingdom classification- Haeckel
2. Four kingdom classification-Copeland
3. Three Domains classification-Carl woese
4. Five kingdom classification-Whittaker
90. Find out the criteria for whittaker classification?
A. Cell structure
B. Thallus organization
C. cell Division
D. Reproduction
E. phylogenetic Relation
1. A, C, D only 2. A, B, D only
3. A, B, C, D, E 4. A, B, D, E
91. In which classification vegetabilia, kingdoms developed?
1) Three kingdom 2) Four kingdom 3) Five kingdom 4) Two kingdom
92. The kingdom chromista developed by?
1) Linneus 2) Haeckel
3) Copeland 4) Cavalier-smith
93. What are non-flowering and non-seed bearing plants?
1) Angiosperms 2) Gymnosperms 3) Phanerogams 4) Cryptogams
94. Which one of the following group of plants have differentiated plant body?
1) Bryophyta 2) Pteridophyta
3) Gymnosperms 4) Thallophyta
95. The following group of plants, with vascular tissue and do not produce seeds?
1) Bryophyta 2) Pteridophyta
3) Thallophyta d. Gymnosperms
96. which one of the group of animals organisation is tissue level and nobody cavity between epidermis and gastrodermis?
1) Porifera 2) Arthropoda
3) Nematoda 4) Coelenterata
97. The following group of animals are coelomates and mesodermal cells derived from a single cell during growth of the embryo
a. Nematoda b. Annelida
c. Mollusca d. Arthropoda
1) a, b 2) b, d
3) b, c, d 4) a, b, c, d
98. Which one of the following coeloma-tes, coelom formed from pouches pinched off from the endodermis, but notochord absent?
1) Arthropoda 2) Mollusca
3) Echinodermata 4) Chordata
99. Gills in larva, lungs in most adults, slimy skin in?
1) Pisces 2) Amphibia
3) Reptilia 4) Mammalia
100. Assertion (A): Virus are intracellular obligate parasites.
Reason (R): They cannot multiply unless they invade genetic machinery of host cell.
1) A and R true, R is the correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R true, R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false R is true
101. Match the following
I. Pleomorphic bacteria A. Griffith
II. Transformation
B. Lederberg and Zinder
III. Photo heterotrophs
C. Chromatium
IV. Photo autotrophs
D. Rhodospirillum
V. Transduction E. Acetobacter
F. Xanthomonas
1) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D, V-E
2) I-E, II-A, III-D, IV-C, V-B
3) I-E, II-D, III-C, IV-A, V-B
4) I-F, II-E, III-C, IV-D, V-B
102. Read the following and select the correct answer.
I. Fucoxanthin A. Unicellular scp, Green algae
II. Porphyra B. Blue Green algae
III. Hormogones
C. Motile, unicellular, grass green algae
IV. Chlorella D. Brown algae
V. Chlamydomonas E. Red algae
1) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D, V-E
2) I-D, II-E, III-B, IV-A, V-C
3) I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A, V-E
4) I-E, II-D, III-C, IV-B, V-A
103. Read the following features related to Fungi.
A. Reproduction takes place by
Fragmentation, fission and budding
B. A sexual spores are either zoospores or aplanospores
C. Sexual reproduction is by oospores, ascospores and basidiospores
D. Sexual fruiting bodies developed in Algae fungi, sac fungi and club fungi
1) A, B Only 2) B, C Only
3) A, B, C Only 4) A, B, C, D
104. Assertion (A): Protozoans are called animal protists
Reason (R): They lack cell wall, plastids and exhibit heterotrophic nutrition (1)
1) A, R true, R is the correct explanation A
2) Both A, R true, R is the not correct explanation of A
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false R is true
105. Assertion (A): Slime moulds are saprophytic protists.
Reason (R): They produce fruiting bodies under unfavourable conditions.
1) Both A and R are true, R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are true, R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true
106. Prokaryote cell envelope is made up of
1. Glycocalyx 2. Cell wall
3. Plasma membrane 4. Plasmid
1) 2, 3 2) 2 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 1, 2, 3, 4
107. Find out the incorrect pair
1) E.R – KR porter
2) collagen- GN Ramachandran
3) Cell theory- Schwann & Schleiden
4) Vacuole – Rodine
108. Cytoplasm associated with reserve food material and these are non-membrane bound structures?
1) Gas vacuoles 2) Ribosomes
3) Dictyosomes 4) Inclusion bodies
109. The following organelle is involved in the synthesis of cell wall and in the formation of cell plate during cell division?
1) Lysosomes
2) Endoplasmic Reticulum
3) Golgi complex 4) All
110. Match the following
List – I
1. Suicidal bags of cell
2. protein factories
3. Store house of the cell
4. Power house of the cell
5. Kitchen house of the cell
A. vacuole
B. Ribosomes
C. Lysosomes
D. Chloroplast
E. Peroxysomes
F. Mitochondria
Choose the correct answer
1) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-f, 5-d
2) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-f, 5-d
3) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d, 5-e
4) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-e
111. Which one of the organelle stained with methylene blue?
1) Nucleus 2) Mitochondria
3) E.R. 4) Chloroplast
112. Read the following statements related to Biomolecules
1. All the carbon compounds that we get from living tissues called biomolecules
2. If nitrogen base attached to sugar is called nucleoside
3. The primary and secondary metabolites directly involved in growth and metabolism
1) 1 2) 2, 3
3) 1, 2 4) 1, 2, 3
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