1. What is the purpose of the summative assessment of students?
A. Assessment of a project
B. Assessing at the end of the lesson
C.Assessing at the end of the term
D. Assessing during the class
2. What is the purpose of the formative assessment of students?
A. Check the student difficulties in learning
B. Assessing at the end of term
C. Assessing a project
D. Give a rank
3. Which of the following statement would be considered as statement of evaluation?
A. Bhagya got 50% in Maths
B. Ram got 80% in Maths
C. Dheeraj got more than 75% in Maths
D.Venkat has good comprehensive ability
4. A teacher wants to assign a project on “Partition of india’’ based on primary sources. Which of following is not a primary source?
A. Oral history
B. News paper archives
C. Novels
D. Autobiography
5. Which of the following learning materials is most relevant to teaching of ‘rotation of the earth’ at class vii level.
A. Atlas B. Globe
C. Map D. Chart
6. Achievement tests are–
A. Standardised test
B. Teacher made tests
C. Both 1&2
D. None of the above
7. Explain in detail the impact of british rule of Indian education? What type of test item is this?
A. Objective type
B. Essay type
C. Short Answer type
D. Completion type
8. The Degree to which the test actually succeeds in measure is called?
A. Validity B. Reliability
C. Objectivity D. None
9. If the teacher identifies that the students is having problem with map reading, the teacher has used
A. Summative evaluation
B. Formative evaluation
C. Diagnostic evaluation
D. Placement evaluation
10. Properly constructed objective type tests are
A. As objective as essay type
B. Subjective
C. Highly objective
D. None of the above
11. Match the number at columns in the format with the type of plan in b
1. six columns a. lesson plan
2. four columns b. unit plan
3. five columns c. year plan
A. 1-b, 2-a, 3-c B. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
C. 1-c, 2-b,3-c D. 1-b, 2-a, 3c
12.Which of the following is best suitable for matching type test?
A.causes-french revolution
B. Inventors-inventions
C. Capitals- birth place of the mahatma Gandhi
D. Planets-sun
13. Check list, rating scales, anecdotal records are
A. Sociometric techniques
B. Self-report techniques
C. Observational techniques
D. Projective techniques
14. In these tools if the opinion is expressed in numbers 1,2,3,4,5 or description like agree, strongly agree,disagree etc, these are called:
A. Check lists
B. Rating scales
C. Cumulative records
D. Anecdotal records
15. Evaluation should be
A. conclusion oriented
B. decision oriented
C. both of the above
D. none of the above
16.Which of the following is not characteristic of good evaluation?
A. Excellence B. Reliability
C. Validity D. Practicability
17. The ability to break down information into smaller pieces and to establish relation among parts and the whole is
A. analyzing
B. remembering
C. understanding
D. applying
18.What is the purpose of evalution?
A. To identify problem of students
B. To improve teaching-learning process
C. To rank children
D. To encourage competition
19.What is the most important elements of teaching
A. teacher students relationship
B. content
C. teaching aids D. computer
20. Learning atmosphere should be
A. adverse B. noisy
C. quiet D. social
21. Mind mapping refers to
A. An action plan for an adventure
B. A technique to enhance comprehension
C. Drawing the picture of mind
D. studying the function of mind
22. Collection of information about the local weather from the news papers is an example of — source
A. Primary B. Secondary
C. tertiary D. none of these
23. Locating a place on the map is associated with
A. knowledge
B. comprehension
C. application
D. skill
24. The collection of weather information by using weather instruments is an example of collecting
A. tertiary data B. generic data
C. primary data
D. secondary data
25. Which of the following topics can be effectively taught with the lecture cum demonstration methods?
A.Formation of day and nights
B. French revolution
C.Human rights
D.Indian Economy
26. Supervised study method is very effectively used in
A. Government schools
B. Private schools
C. Residential schools
D. Sainik schools
27.Project method is based on this following school of thought?
A. pragmatism B. naturalism
C. idealism D. existentialism
28. Match the list-I with list-II
a. Library 1. Maps, Globe charts
b. Social science laboratory 2. Books
c. Classroom 3. Desktops, Internet
d. Computer laboratory 4. Seating facilities, Table, Black board
A) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4 B) a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4
C) a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1 D) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
29.Which of the following is not a part of the problem solving method?
A. Identification the problem
B. Analysis of the problem
C. Collection of data
D. Preparation of charts
30.The approach where a general law is drawn from particular cases is called
A.Detective B. Inductive
C. analytic D. synthetic
31. National curriculum frame work 2005 emphasized on this type of acquisition of knowledge
A.Behaviourist B.Constructivistic
C. Deductive D.Analytic
32. Jurisprudential enquiry model was evolved by
A. Donald Oliver and James p shaver
B. Jerome brunner
C. Vygotsky
D. BF Skinner & NA Crowder
33. The 5 ‘E’s of Constructivism are
A. Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate
B. Entertain, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate
C. Evaluate, Elaborate, Explain, Explore, Engage
D. Evidence, Elaborate, Explain, Explore, Engage
34. The play, pageant, pantomime and puppetry are the different form of..
A. problem solving method
B. Team teaching procedure
C. Dramatization
D. Project method activities
35. This method is described as the oldest method.
A. Project Method
B. Problem Solving Method
C. Programmed Learning
D. Lecture
36. If a student forms a generalization that “all the Himalayan born rivers are perennial” from the given data, the teacher used the approach.
A. Analytic B. Synthetic
C. Inductive D. Deductive
37. Dyslexia is associated mainly with difficulties in
A. Hearing B. Reading
C. Speaking
D. Speaking and hearing
38. Which one of the following is the most suitable teaching aid to show proportionate size and shape of continents?
A. Globe
B. Political Map of the world
C. Physical Map of the World
D. Poster of the earth
39. Which is an example of ‘field trip’?
A. Book
B. Panchayat Office
C. Map D. Globe
40. At the upper primary stage according to ncf 2005, the content of social studies will draw its content from which of the following subjects?
A. History, Civics and Geography
B. History, Geography, Political Science and Economics
C. Environmental science, History, civics and geography
D. Disaster Management, History, Political Science and Values Education
41. In the present time the role of teacher is as
A. Knowledge giver
B. facilitator
C. Friend D. Manager
42. One of the most important and effective methods of teaching history at elementary level is
A. Lecture Method
B. Discussion Method
C. Story telling Method
D. Problem Solving Method
43. Which of the following places is not advisable for a field trip in social sciences?
A. Zoo
B. Railway station
C. Volcanic eruption
D. Agriculture field
44. Learning disability in motor skills is called
A. Dysphasia B. Dyspraxia
C. Dyscalculia D. Dyslexia
45. Which of the following is a teaching aid
1. LCD Projector
2. Green Board
3. Tape recorder
4. Puppet
A. 1, 2, 3 Only B. 1, 2, 3, 4
C. Only 1& 4
D. None of the above
46. In a computer a byte generally consists of
A. 4 bits B. 8 bits
C. 16 bits D. 10 bits
47. The process of copying files to a CD-ROM is known as
A. Burning B. Zipping
C. Digitizing D. Ripping
48. Which of the following is not an input device
A. Microphone B. Key board
C. Joystick D. Monitor
49. Which of the following is not an output device?
A. Printer B. Speaker
C. Monitor D. Key board
50. Globe is a ____ representation of the earth
A. Two dimensional
B. Uni dimensional
C. Three Dimensional
D. Multy Dimensional
51. Which of the following is a social network?
A. B. E-Bay
C. D. Twitter
52.—- is a play way device
A. Mock parliament
B. Assignment
C. Puppetry D. diorama
53. Match the following boards are their purpose
a. Flannel board 1. Newspaper clippings, Photographs
b. Bulletin board 2. Depicting diagrams, Writing purpose
c. Notice board 3. To convey important messages
d. 3-d aids 4. Specimens
A) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4 C) a-1, b-3, c-2, d-4
B) a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1 D) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4
54. ‘WWW’ stands for
A. Work with web
B. World wide web
C. Word wide web
D. Worth while web
55. The following one is an important community resource
A. Text book
B. Library
C. Historical Places
D. E-Resources
56. RAM Means
A. Random Access Memory
B. Rigid Access Memory
C. Rapid Access Memory
D. Revolving Access Memory
57. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. Modem is a software
B. Modem helps in stabilizing the voltage
C. Modern is the operating System
D. Modern Converts the analog signal into digital signal and vice-vers
58. Structural approach lays stress on
A. Developing linguistic competence
B. Selection and Gradation of materials
C. Improving fluency
D. Developing accuracy
59. Role Play is an activity for promoting
A. Assessment B. Listening
C. Writing
D. Speaking and listening
60. Brainstorming technique is useful for
A. Overcoming the problems of spelling
B. Helping student in forming new sentences
C. Improving students spontaneous sensitivity
D. Developing learner’s vocabulary
61. The main aim of teaching history is
A. To develop citizens
B. To Develop countries
C. To understand society
D. To give information about science & technology
62. Which of the following statement is not correct?
A. Lecture method can develop reasoning
B. Lecture method can develop knowledge?
C. Lecture method is one way process
D. During Lecture Method student are passive
63. One reason that cooperative learning is important is that
A. It allows students more control over time
B. It allows students with democratic values
C. It reduces the need for teachers to manage student behaviour
D. It allows individuals to set their own learning
64. Which of the following is not an outcome of cooperative learning?
A. Academic achievement
B. Individualistic self reliance
C. Social Skills
D. Acceptance of diversity
65. Which education commission said integrated approach should be follow at the lower stage?
A. Kothari Commission
B. Mudaliar Commission
C. Secondary Education
D. Ishwar bhai patel committee
66. Which of the following source is useful to teach a lesson an administrative system of nizam’s period
A. Auto biographies written during this period
B. Visiting Qutub Shahi tombs
C. Farmanas issued by nizam
D. Folk song sung against nizam
67. Major defeat in the present system of Education is
A. More content burden
B. More stress on some work
C. Examination centered
D. More freedom for children
68. For teaching primary schools children which method not suitable
A. Lecture Method
B. Activity Based method
C. Play way method
D. Demonstration Method
69. The test useful to identify the learning difficulties among the students
A. Attitude scale
B. Aptitude test
C. Diagnostic tests
D. Interest inventory
70. Govt of AP started implementing new revised school curriculum in which year?
A. 1991-92 B.1992-93
C.1993-94 D.1994-95
71. An official order is this kind of source
A. Primary source
B. Secondary source
C. Territory source
D. Monumental source
72. On being motivated a student after listening to the topic historical place visited 1000 pillors temple along with his on a holiday in the relationship of this objective?
A. Application B. Appreciation
C. Interest D. Attitude
73. Appreciation of the role of United Nations Organization in achieving world peace in the aim of this subject
A. Geography B. Civics
C. History D. Economics
74. This is not characteristic feature of syllabus
A. Syllabus formulates curriculum
B. Syllabus organized from curriculum
C. Syllabus is a practice based
D. Syllabus is a subject centred
75. Analysis approach is…
A. Psychological
B. Logical
C. Ideal D. Theoretical
76. The step that produce the evaluation in project method
A. planning
B. recording
C. Executing the plan
D. select
77. ‘The future of the child, the future of the community, the future of the nation and the future of the mankind at large depend on the teacher?’ who said
A. Kowhai B. Gandhi
C. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna
D. Abdul Radhakrishna
78. ‘Analysis for the reason for gender equalities in the society’ is a question related to which objective
A. knowledge B. Attitude
C. Application D. Understand
79. Chennai harbor is this kind of resource
A. Historical value resource
B. Geography value resource
C. Scientific value resource
D. Economical value resource
80. The common point including lesson plan and unit plan?
A. Black board B. TLM
C. Evaluation D. Activity
81. Discrimination is the specification of this objective?
A. Knowledge B. Understanding
C. Application D. Skill
82. The three factors that are important in teaching according blooms
A. Teacher, Content, steps
B. Content, Teaching strategy & steps
C. Objectives, Teaching strategy & evaluation
D. Teacher, content, student
83. The following is not the aim of social studies
A. Appreciate the culture of heritage
B. To develop the good citizenship
C. To develop the all round development
D. To offer employment to every one
84. This criteria is not suitable for a good social studies text book
A. suitable to the age, ability & interest of the people
B. it should teacher centred
C. Explanation such as photographs,pictures & Maps
D. should be written in simple sentences
85. The device is teaching aim to teaching is from general to particular
A. inductive B. deductive
C. story telling
D. Question & answer
86. A non book resource in the social studies library
A. text book
B. reference material
C. biographies
D. publications
87.One of the following is not learning disability
A. dyslexia B. Disgraphia
C. dysphasia D. Amnesia
88. Which one of the part of discussion method?
A. Brain mapping
B. Brainstorming
C. juristic method
D. sources method
89. Supervising a class for 7-10 days allotted for a single subject is
A. Double period
B. Divided period
C. Standard period
D. Integrated period
90. The word heuristic means
A. To investigate
B. To show C. To observe
D. To Understand
91. Thinking about thinking, learning about learning…is which level of knowledge
A. factual Knowledge
B. Conceptual knowledge
C. procedural knowledge
D. Meta cognitive knowledge
92. Basic elements on information is which level knowledge
A. Factual Knowledge
B.Conceptual knowledge
C.procedural knowledge
D. Meta cognitive knowledge
93. Krathwhol explained revised blooms taxonomy in how many levels
A.6 B.8 C. 12 D. 24
94. Theories, methods, techniques & principles is which level of knowledge
A. Factual Knowledge
B.Conceptual knowledge
C. Procedural knowledge
D. Meta cognitive knowledge
95. Explain the origin of maha janapadas?
A. Conceptacle understanding
B. communication & information skill
C. Reflect on cotemporary in current affairs
D. Appreciation and senility
96. Questioning on the present policy on GST?
A. Conceptacle understanding
B. communication & information skill
C. Reflect on cotemporary in current affairs
D.Appreciation and senility
97. Prepare the table to show unifying the factors of various religions.
A. Conceptacle understanding
B. Communication & information skill
C. Reflect on cotemporary in current affairs
D. Appreciation and senility
98. Appreciating the massive plantation Programme ‘Haritha Haram’ by Telangana Government is
A. Conceptacle understanding
B. Communication & information skill
C. Reflect on cotemporary in current affairs
D. Appreciation and senility
99. Preparing a pamphlet to show the unity in diversity in swatch bharat programme is
A. Conceptacle understanding
B. Communication & information skill
C. Reflect on cotemporary in current affairs
D. Appreciation and senility
100. Commenting on demonetization results is….
A. Reading the text & understanding & interpret
B. Communication & information skill
C. Reflect on cotemporary in current affairs
D. Appreciation and senility
101.‘Inter relation with the social and physical environment and to develop democratic value system’
A. JM forester B. Michelin
C. MP Moffat D. Heams
102.‘Curriculum as the totality learning Experience in the school & out the school’
A. Secondary education committee
B. NCF 2005
C. Cunning home D. NCERT
103. Which order framing is useful & meaning full approach in curriculum?
A. logical
B. psychological
C. topical D. sphyre
104.Which approach is related to individual differences
A. logical B. psychological
C. topical D. sphyre
105. The interlink between Success of Shivaji and his geographical conditions…
A. Internal co relation
B. External co relation
C. Situational co relation
D. Subject co relation
106. Micro teaching time confined to
A. 15-10 minutes B. 10-20 minutes
C. 5-10 minutes D. 30-45 minutes
107. Similar results in different situations will be seen in which test?
A. Validity B. Reliability
C. Objectivity D. Discriminative
108. In the given below options is not concerned with geography 5 central themes
A. Location B. Place
C. Religion D. Movement
109. Experiment and explanation going on simultaneously in which method
A. Lecture Method
B. Lecture cum Demonstration Method
C. Project method
D. Problem solving method
110. Sundial making by a student is which type of project
A. Procedures project
B. Consumer type project
C. Problem type project
D. Drilling type project
111. A particular problem is the centre theme of the teaching learning process in this method
A. Project B. Resource
C. Problem solving
D. Supervision method
112. In the given options which is the sixth step of the problem solving method
A. Generalization
B. Selection the hypothesis
C. Accept the hypothesis
D. Formation of the hypothesis
113. Which is the most important step in problem solving method?
A. Analysis the problem
B. Identify the problem
C. Generalization
D. Analysis the data
114.‘It is most suitable in the beginning’ is in which approach?
A. Inductive B. Deductive
C. Analysis D. Synthesis
115.‘It is very wise an law full’ is in which approach?
A. Inductive B. Deductive
C. Analysis D. Synthesis
116. Which map is similar to physical map?
A. Political map B. Thematic map
C. Topographic map
D. Physical map
117. Low elevation coastal regions are in which colour in map?
A. Dark brown B. Light brown
C. Light green D. Dark green
118. Which map contains the study of under water depth of lakes or oceans?
A. Vegetation map
B. Ethnographical Map
C. Bathymetric Map
D. Topographical map
119. Which is very apt to miniature?
A. Slides B. Dioramas
C. Model D. Charts
120. Which one is define on replica?
A. Slides B. Dioramas
C. Model D. Charts
121. Which one of the back bone of ICY?
A. TV B. Computer
C. Internet D. Smart phone
122. Micro teaching developed in America in which year?
A.1960 B.1963 C.1936 D. 1916
123. Which one is top priority In curriculum organization principle
A. Principle of life centered
B. Principle of child centered
C. Principle of activity centered
D. Principle of utility centered
124. Which one of the not related in 10 core curricular areas
A. National integration
B. National freedom movement
C. Nuclear family
D. Human Rights protection
125. Any class and any topic full fledged was not given maintain continuity
A. spiral approach
B. concentric approach
C. topical approach
D. chronological approach
126. Arranging events in their order of sequence in time
A. Spiral approach
B. Concentric approach
C. Topical approach
D. Chronological approach
127. Which one is not related to morrison unit steps?
A.Exploration B. Assimilation
C. Recitation D. Coordination
128. Which unit is knowledge hub
A. resource unit B. subject unit
C. teaching unit D. experience unit
129. ‘Now a days school students missing the joyful learning’ comment by
A. Kothari B. NCF 2005
C. National Advisory committee
D. APSCF 2011
130. The basic elements is very strong in which approach
A. Topical approach
B. Concentratic approach
C. Spiral approach
D. Chronological approach
131. Unit approach was developed by
A.Wesley B. Herberts
C. Morrison D. John due
132. Descriptive feed back is essential in which type of learning?
A. Assesment as learning
B. Assesment for learning
C. Assesment of learning
D. Assesment in learning
133. Which one not recommended in CCE
A. Kothari commission
B. NCF 2005
C. Secondary education committee
D. RTE 2009
134. Match the following
a. Time line chart 1. Information
is presented in a tabular form
b. Table chart 2. To show the
relationship between different things
c. Flow chart 3. Arranging
events according to chronological order
A) a-1, b-2, c-3 B) a-2, b-1, c-3
C) a-3, b-2, c-1 D) a-1, b-2, c-3
135. How much weightage to allotted to Conceptable understanding?
A. 40% B. 15% C. 10% D. 50
136. Discrimination index between which range?
A. +1 to -1 B. 0 to +1
C. -1 to 0 D. 0 to 2
137. Which question is higher order thinking level
A. Multiple choice questions
B. Alternative questions
C. Matching questions
D. Essay type question
138. Which one is not related in social studies group?
A. Anthropology B. Sociology
C. Ethics D. Psychology
139. Studying the maps & gaps is called?
A. Ornithology
B. Numerology
C. Cartography
D. Philanthropy
140. Social studies means?
A) Study of environment
B) Study of society
C) Study of society with environment
D) Study of cultural diversity
141. The new pattern CCE focuses on
A) easy of type question
B) descriptive question
C) free response question
D) fixed response question
142. Which institution develops national curriculum from work for school children?
A) UGC B) Education ministry
143. The project method given to the students is based on
A) The principle of learning by doing
B) The principle of critical thinking
C) The principle of selection
D) The principle of inspiration
144. Which country is regarded as the birth land of social studies?
C) USSR D) India
145. Best way to teach the topic ‘Function of parliament is through?
A) Lecture method B) Story telling
C) Modal parliament D) Field trips
146. Which one of the following is not an objective of teaching social science?
A) Social development of the child
B) To prepare an ideal citizen
C) Creation of leadership quality among student’s
D) Memorisation of content
147. Diagnostic testing in social science will help a teacher understand?
A) The part of the topic the student has not memorised
B) Learning difficulties a student is facing in social science
C) How revision work has helped her students
D) How intelligent her students are
148. The father of question answer strategy?
A) Plato B) Aristotle
C) Socrates D) Bloom’s
149. A project is a whole hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a school environment who is the speaker?
A) WH Kilpatrick B) Prof. Ballard
C) Stevenson D) Wesly
150. ‘A Major problem is solved through the combined solution of a number of smaller related problems’. Who is the speaker?
A) CY good B) M James C) Baining & Baining D) Kill patrick
1. Which one of the following method is most suitable for teaching of Geography at the upper primary level?
A) Story telling B) Debate
C) Discussion D) Field visit
2. The teaching of social studies textbooks at the upper primary level focusses on which one of the following approaches?
A) Rote learning
B) Learning through synthesis of concepts
C) Learning through real life situation
D) Learning through definitions
3. Match the following
a. Projected aids 1. Cartoons, Photographs
b. Audio aids 2. Slides, OHP, Film strips
c. Graphic aids 3. Tape recorder
d. 3-d aids 4. Specimens
A) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4 B) a-2, b-3, c-1, d-4
C) a-3, b-2, c-4, d-1 D) a-4, b-3, c-1, d-4
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