You were right, so I left

-It is the formation of a name (or word) by imitating the natural sound that is associated with the object.
-Onomatopoeia designates a word, or a combination of words, whose sound seems to resemble closely the sound it denotes: hiss, buzz, rattle, bang.
-For example, in the poem Abandoned the word shrieked in the line unheard shrieks of the babys hysteria suggests the frightful cry of the child. The words screeching meow suggest the high pitch sound made by the cat.
-Similarly, the word quack resembles the sound made by the duck, in the poem The Duck and the Kangaroo,
-In the broad sense, onomatopoeia is applied to words or passages which seem to correspond to, or to strongly suggest, what they denote in many aspects – in size, movement, tactile feel, or force, as well as sound. It suggests not only sound but also size, movement etc.
-A pun is a play on words, usually done for deliberate humorous effect.
-Pun is a figure of speech which plays on words and gives double meanings, one is serious and another is humorous.
-The humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings or applications, or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning.In other words, a pun can:
-Make you laugh
-Make you think
-Increase clarity when were trying to discern the meaning of a text
-Introduce ambiguity
For example
i. In the play, Julius Caesar, when Marullus asks him what his trade was, the cobbler says;
A trade sir, that, I hope, I may use With a safe conscience; which is, indeed, sir, a mender of soles.
Here, solesmay give the meaning of bottom of the shoeor a soul.
ii. If a woman loses her husband, she pines for a second.
iii. You were right, so I left.
-Metonymy is the use of one items name to represent another item. In particular the representing item usually has a close association with the represented item.
-An object is designated by the name of something which is generally associated with it.
-Some familiar examples:
i. The bench for the judges,
ii. the crown for the king,
iii. the laurel for the success
iv. Author for the book,
v. The pen is mightier than the sword. (Pen represents words. Sword represents military power).
vi. Ill just Google it. (using Google instead of search).
-A figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole or the whole for a part.
For example
-ABCs for alphabet
-India lost the final match (Indian team). He has many mouths to feed. (mouth = persons)
-We need five hands. (hands = workers)
-This literary device is used to replace an evil and inauspicious word with a good or auspicious.
-An inoffensive word or phrase substitutes for one considered offensive or hurtful, especially one concerned with religion, sex, death, or etc.
-The deliberate or polite use of a pleasant or neutral word or expression to avoid the emotional implications of a plain term.
For example
-The words The Potter has drawn out the living breath of me. said by the Goblet in the poem the Earthen Goblet is an example for Euphemism. It denotes that the potter has taken the life of the goblet.
-departed or passed away (for dead)
-washrooms or comfort station (for toilets). Relieved oneself. (for urinate)
-You are telling me a fairy tale (a fairy tale for the word lie).
-The word synecdoche was taken from Greek that means taking together.
-In synecdoche a part of something is used to signify the whole, or the whole is used to signify a part.
-We use the term ten hands for ten workmen, or a hundred sails for ships and, in current slang, wheels to stand for an automobile. In a bold use of the figure,
-Milton describes the corrupt and greedy clergy in Lycidas as blind mouths.
-In Tagores Freedom the words sails is used to represent whole ship.
-In Emersons A Nations Strength the word people is used to represent a nation.
-Hyperbole is an exaggeration or overstatement.
-It is often, but not always, used for comic effect.
For example
-In the poem, Home they brought a Warrior Dead, Like summer tempest came her tears the flow of tears is exaggerated to that of the summer tempest.
-In the line All the perfumes of Arabia / Will not sweeten this little hand from Shakespeares, Macbeth, the speaker is claiming that her hand is so dirty (because of the murder she committed) that it would not smell nice even if she used every perfume in Arabia.
-My new car goes faster than the speed of light.
-I am so hungry that I could eat a horse.
-Mary is as thin as a toothpick.
-Its the opposite of Hyperbole.
-Understatement (the Greek term is meiosis, lessening) which deliberately represents something as very much less in magnitude or importance than it really is, or is ordinarily considered to be.
-It can be used for many purposes and reasons, but most often it is used to create irony.
For example
-Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet describes his death wound as a scratch, a scratch.
-telling a friend about your expensive trip, if you say its little pricy, it is an understatement.
-The word epigram was taken from Greek word epigramma which means inscription or to inscribe.
-The term is now used for a statement, whether in verse or prose, which is terse, pointed, and witty.
-The epigram may be on any subject, amatory, elegiac, meditative, complimentary, anecdotal, or (most often) satiric.
-Martial, the Roman epigrammatist, established the enduring model for the caustically satiric epigram in verse.
-The verse epigram was much cultivated in England in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries by such poets as John Donne, Ben Jonson, and Robert Herrick.
-The form flourished especially in the eighteenth century, the time that Austin Dobson described as the age of wit, of polish, and of Pope.
For example
-The lines from Or Will the Dreamer Wake, This could be our last true moment Knowing the truth, our choices make.
-If we dont end war, war will end us. HG Wells
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