We can write simple and compound sentences

DSC-SGTEnglish literatureletter writing12 నవంబర్ తరువాయి
1. Letter writing is an age-old art.
2. It is a writing skill.
3. It is one of the communicative skills.
4. Letters are of many types.
i) Personal letters
ii) Letters of trade (or) Business letters
iii) Application for employment
iv) Letters of agreement
v) Letters of invitation
vi) Letters of complaining
vii) Letters of congratulations
viii) Letters of acknowledgements
ix) Letters of leave, transfer and resignation
5. Salient features of a letter are :
i) Neatness ii) Correctness
iii) Completeness iv) Clarity
v) Brevity vi) Logicality
6. We preserve certain letters for future reference.
7. Business and official letters are changed according to the situation.
8. Formal letters are the letters written to the nearest and dearest in a polite manner with dear sir and there should be no word sincerely
9. We should not use abbreviations in the letters except well-known abbreviations where necessary.
10. We can write simple and compound sentences.
We can write complex sentences also but not complicated sentences. Avoid ambiguous sentences and words.
Parts of Letters
According to the type of letters namely personal, Business and official letters the formats are framed. But the parts of letters are common to all the letters.

Recently the formats are changed because of the American System. It is as follows.

some model letters
1. A letter for One week leavePowerpet,Dt. 23.09.2017
From : S. Vijay Kumar,
R. No. 232/2017-19,
Junior Inter, MPC EM, Govt. Junior College, POWERPET W.G. Dist.
To Station : Date Senders Address of the addressee Salutation Body letter Subscription Signature SOME MODEL LETTERS
The Principal Govt. Jr. College, POWERPETW.G. Dist.
I request you to grant me leave for one week from 25.09.2017 to 1.10.2017 as I have to attend to my sisters marriage, celebrating in Vijayawada.
Thanking you sir.
Yours faithfully
(S. Vijay Kumar)
A letter of ordering some books to a book house.
NagarKurnool, Dt. 16.10.2017.
L. Lalita Lavanya,
16-4/B, Teachers Colony,
NagarKurnool Dist, T.S.
Neel Kamal Bookstall, Shop No. 211,
Near Womens College, Koti,
Telangana State.
I shall be grateful if you will send me two copies of the following books by
professional courier at an early to the above address. I am herewith enclosing a crossed DD of Andhra Bank vide No. 10073416 in favour of Neel Kamal Book Stall, Hyd. Dt. 16.10.2017 for Rs. 1600/-.
1. OXFORD Dictionary
English to English ………… 2 Copies
2. Communicative English
Pub. by Neel Kamal Pubs…. 2 Copies
3. Skills of Public Speaking
By Varadhi Pubs, Hyd……. 2 Copies Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
(L. L. Lavanya)
Application for opening a savings Bank Account
Rajahmundry, Dt. 14.09.2017.
Jasti Rajanikanth, D.No. 6-16-28,
Veerabhadrapuram, RAJAHMUNDRY
E.G. Dist., A.P.
The Branch Manager, State Bank of India, Kambal Cheruvu Branch, RAJAHMUNDRY.
E.G. Dist., A.P.
A letter of application for the post of lecturer in a reputed Junior College.
Sub : Opening of an SB A/c in your branch-reg.
I request you to open a Savings Bank Account in my name for my domestic purpose. I enclosed the following for the same.
1. Xerox Copy of my Aadhaar Card.
2. Xerox copy of my PAN Card
3. Two recent passport size photos.
Please issue me an ATM Card, a Cheque Book and Pass Book.
Thanking you sir.
Yours faithfully,
(J. R. Kanth)
Hyderabad, Dt. 10.10.2017.
M. Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, 24-16-231/1A, Bank Colony,
Pragathi Nagar, Dilsukhnagar, HYDERABAD.
Telangana State.
Sub : Application for the post of Lecturer in English-Reg.
Ref : Deccan Chronical Dt. 7.10.2017
In response of your Advertisement in the DC, I wish to submit my candidature for the same for the post of Lecturer in English. I am herewith enclosing a complete BIO-DATA with the details of my candidature.
Dt. 11.09.2017.
Dear Ravi,
I am shocked to know that you were involved in a road accident last week. It is really unfortunate that you had your left leg fractured. I felt relief that you are being treated well at a famous hospital with all conveniences.
I hope you will recover fully in a short time. Do not worry about your examinations. I already informed your matter to our principal. Next Sunday I will come to Hyderabad to see you in the hospital. I sincerely pray for your speedy recovery.
Yours loving friend Mahendar.
Address on the envelope
P. Ravi VarmaRoom No. 7, 2nd floor Remedy Hospital Kukatpally HYDERABAD
A letter of sympathy to a friend.
The Principal,
JAGRUTHI Junior College,
King Koti,
Near Shalimar Theatre HYDERABAD.
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