Disease that causes intolerance to gluten is?

1.Which of the following is not a Pentose?
a)Arabinose b)Xylose
c)Glucose d)Ribose
2.Major sugar component in honey:
a)Dextrose b)Glucose
c)Lavulose d)Sucrose
3. Lactulose is made up of
galactose and
a)Glucose b)Xylose
c)Fructose d)None of above
4. Which of the following is the most soluble sugar?
a)Fructose b)Glucose
c)Sucrose d)Molasses
5. Carbohydrate in muscle is present in the form of?
a)Collagen b)Amylose
c)Amylopectin d)Glycogen
6. An oligosaccharide contain 2-20 sugar units joined by which bond?
a)Glycosidic b)Covalent
c)Ionic d)Hydrogen
7. Which of the following is non-essential amino acid?
a)Leucine b)Lysine
c)Valine d)Cysteine
8. The rancid flavour of fat is due to formation of:
a)Short chain fatty acids
b)Aldehydes c)Ketones
d)All of the options
9. The degree of oxidation of fat or oil can be expressed in terms of:
a)Acid value b)Iodine value
c)Saponification value
d)Peroxidase value
10. The fat/oil with highest degree of unsaturation:
a)Palm kernel oil
c)Rapeseed d)Safflower
11.The process of saturating un saturated fatty acids is called:
b)Fat hardening
c)Marbling d)Saturation
12.These are green pigments involved in photosynthesis in plants and some animals:
a)Chlorophylls b)Carotenoids
c)Xanthophyll d)Anthocyanin
13.The colour of egg-yolk is due to:
a) Carotenoids b)Anthocyanin
c) Chlorophyll d) Flavones
14. Browning of sugar syrups results in the production of:
a)Phenols b)Furfural
c)Alcohol d)Ketones
15.Pigment formation can be eliminated by inhibiting:
a) Microbial action
b) pH action
c) Enzyme action
d) None of the above
16. Which enzyme brings about discoloration of anthocyanin by oxidation?
a)Peroxidase b)Glycosidase
c)Phenolase d)Amylase
17.During Gram staining, Gram negative bacteria appear as:
a)Pink b)Violet
d)None of these
18.The test used for detection of typhoid fever:
a)WIDAL test
c)Rosewaller test
d)Western blotting
19.The proteinaceous compound is converted to ammonia by:
a) Purification bacteria
b) Ammonification bacteria
c) Nitrification bacteria
d) Denitrifying bacteria
20. A disease that can be transm itted by an infectious agent from one individual to another was called:
a)Epidemic b)Pandemic
c)Communicable d)Comma
21.Flame peeling is generally used for:
a)Tomato b)Potato
c)Onion d)Beets
22.In which of the following step, the liquid nitrogen or solid carbon dioxide are mixed with foods before milling, to cool?
a) Dry Milling b) Wet Milling
c) Cryogenic Grinding
d) Low temperature Milling
23. Before chocolate coating, chocolate is passed through:
a)Mixers b)Clinchers
c)Enrobers d)All of these
24. Pressure canning is also known as:
a)Flash 18 process
b)Flash 20 process
c)Flash 14 process
d)Flash 16 process
25.Which of the following is a quality required for packaging material for freezing?
a) Impermeable to oxygen and flavour
b)Resistant to chemical attack
d)All of the options
26.Carbon dioxide scavengers are used in active packaging of:
a)Spice b)Coffee
c)Tea d)All of these
27.Which statement is incorrect?
a)FSO shall call one or more witnesses at the time of lifting of the samples
b)FSO shall pay the cost (at market rate) of such sample to the person from whom the sample is taken.
c) Should collect the signature or thumb impression of the person from whom the sample has been taken
d) None of these
28. Government of India promulgated an order to enforce strict quality control on the production and processing of meat food products, under:
a) Consumer protection act
b) Prevention of food adulteration act
c)Food hygiene and sanitation act
d)Essential commodities act
29. Sodium free product should contain less than mg of sodium per serving? A. 0.5 The clause of food, drug and cosmetic act states that no additive may be permitted in food if the additive at any level can produce cancer when fed to man or animals or can be shown to be carcinogenic by any other appropriate test. This is called as:
a) Deadly clause
b)Ambiguous clause
c) Delaney clause
d)All of the options
30.Which schedule of MFPO deals with minimum sanitary requirements to be complied with by a license?
a) Schedule-I b)Schedule-II
c) Schedule-III d)Schedule-IV

31.Fruit product order (FPO) is passed in the year of:
a) 1947 b) 1986
c) 995 d) 1955
32.BIS has their own laboratory for checking quality of product at:
a)Hyderabad b)Mysore
c)Patna d)Pune
33. According to US FDA, irradiation comes under the category of:
a)Food preservative
b)Food additive
c)Food processing
d)None of the options
34. According to PFA, modified starches are used at maximum extent in food:
a)8% b)1% c) 0.50% d) 5%
35. The health-related statement which is necessary in capital and bold letters on a nutraceutical package label is:
a) Can Maintain Good health
b) Immunity Can Boost Immunity
c) Can Prevent and Cure of Disease
d) Not for medicinal use
36. Symptoms of Anaphylaxis incl ude all of the following except:
a)Trouble speaking or swallowing
b)Breathing Difficulties
c)Feeling faint or dizzy
d)High fever which does not come down
37) Disease that causes intolerance to gluten is ?
a) Crohns disease
c)rhinitis d)celiac disease
38) The common symptoms of food intolerance include all of the following except:
a)Stomach ache b)Bloating
c)Diarrhoea d)Wheezing
39) Food Safety and Standards Act was passed on:
a) 16th October 2006
b) 16th August 2006
c) 23rd October 2006
d) 23rd August 2006
40) Which of the following nutrie nt not found in food ?
a) plasma b) carbohydrate
c) protein d) fiber
41) bheema is a high yielding variety of mushroom
a) oyster mushroom
b) white milky mushroom
c) paddy mushroom
d) none of the above
42) An example of a hydroxy fatty acid is
a)Ricinoleic acid
(B) Crotonic acid
(C) Butyric acid
(D) Oleic acid
43)An example of a saturated fatty acid is
a)Palmitic acid b) Oleic acid
c) Linoleic acid d) Erucic acid
44)If the fatty acid is esterified with an alcohol of high molecular weight instead of glycerol, the resulting compound is
a)Lipositol b) Plasmalogen
c) Wax d) Cephalin
45) A fatty acid which is not synthe sized in the body and has to be supplied in the diet is
a)Palmitic acid
b) Lauric acid
c) Linolenic acid
d Palmitoleic acid
46)Essential fatty acid:
a) Linoleic acid
b) Linolenic acid
c) Arachidonic acid
d) All these
47) The fatty acid present in cerebrosides is
a) Lignoceric acid
b) Valeric acid
c) Caprylic acid
d) Behenic acid
48) The number of double bonds in arachi- donic acid is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6
49) In humans, a dietary essential fatty acid is
a)Palmitic acid b) Stearic acid
c) Oleic acid d) Linoleic acid
50) A lipid containing alcoholic amine residue is
a)Phosphatidic acid
c) Glucocerebroside
d) Sphingomyelin
51) Cephalin consists of
a) Glycerol, fatty acids, phos phoric acid and choline
b) Glycerol, fatty acids, phos phoric acid and ethanolamine
c) Glycerol, fatty acids, phos phoric acid and inositol
d) Glycerol, fatty acids, phos phoric acid and serine
52)In mammals, the major fat in adipose tissues is
a)Phospholipid b) Cholesterol
c) Sphingolipids
d) Triacylglycerol
53) Glycosphingolipids are a com bination of
a) Ceramide with one or more sugar residues
b) Glycerol with galactose
c) Sphingosine with galactose
d) Sphingosine with phosphoric aci

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