Moisture content in dried vegetable is…

1. Vegetables are subjected to drying after:
a. Sulfuring b. Sulphitation
c. Blanching
d. None of these Ans : c
2. Yellow coloured vegetables are rich source of:
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin B
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin D
Exp : rich in vitamins A, B and E, as well as many minerals
3. Toddy from coconut is pre pared by :
a. Deep Frying
b. Fermentation
c. Hydrogenation
d. Oxidation
Exp : Toddy (Sur) is the sap collected from the bud or spadix of palm tree flowers. It is considered a poor mans wine or neera, which is sweet when extracted and can be consumed right away when fresh. Distilled into coconut feni or fermented into vinegar
4. According to FPO, the maxi mum limit of SO allowed in squashes and 2 cordials is:
a.350 ppm b. 500 ppm
c. 1000 ppm d. 600 ppm
Exp: fruit juice is 700 ppm, in squash, crush and cordial 350 ppm and in RTS and nectar 100 ppm
5. The toxicity of SO increases at:
a. Low temperature
b. High temperature
c. Moderate temperature
d. No effect of temperature
Acids (inhibit microbial growth and enzymatic reactions)
Organic acids (acetic, citric, tartaric acids)
Inorganic acids (hydrochloric, phosphoric acids)
Food grade, comply w/regulations
Antioxidants (to delay oxidative rancidity)
Antimicrobial agents:
sodium propionate (mould inhibitor)
sodium benzoate (antibacterial)
sugar and salt (high concentrations)
6. Concentration of SO in concentrated juice is:
a.500 ppm b.1000 ppm
c.1500 ppm d.350 ppm
1. Fruit pulp 2000 3000 ppm SO2
2. Fruit juice concentrate 1500 ppm SO2
3. Dried fruits viz., apples, 2000 ppm SO2 peaches pears and other fruits
4. Raisins 750 ppm SO2
5. Squashes, cordials, 700 ppm of KMS crushes, fruit syrups and fruit juices
6. Jam, marmalade, preserve 40 ppm SO2
7. Crystallized and glazed fruits 150 ppm SO2
8. RTS 70 ppm
9. Pickles and chutneys 100 ppm SO2
10. Dehydrated vegetables 2000 ppm SO2
11. Syrups and sherbets 350 ppm SO2
12. Wines 450 ppm SO2
7. Enzyme responsible for converting pectin into pectic acid is:
a. Pectinase
b. Proto-peclinase
c. Pectic Methyl Esterase (PME)
d. Poly Galucturonase
Ans: The enzyme responsible for converting pectin into pectic acid is Pectinase
8. The term ‘Climacteric’ was first used by:
a. Gane (1934)
b. Kidd and West (1927)
c. Cruess (1912)
d. Bleekar (1929)
Exp: In 1924, in the course of a study of postharvest behavior of apples in cold storage, Franklin Kidd and Charles West recognized and named the ripening-associated
respiration phenomenon thereafter known as the climacteric
9. O2 requirement for Apple storage in ControlledAtmosphere (CA) is:
a. 2% b.3% c.5% d.7%
Ans: c good condition at a tempe rature of between 0 and 5 C, depending on the variety. oxygen is kept at about 5 percent and carbon dioxide at 1 to 3 percent,
10. Storage temperature for Asparagus is:
a. 0 – 5C b. 5 – 7C
c. 7-11C d. 10-15C
Ans : a 0-5, or 2-4C
11. Vegetable which is not blanched before drying :
a.Cauliflower b.Palak
c.Onion d.Tomato
Exp: Vegetables that do not
require blanching before drying are onions, green peppers, and mushrooms.
12. Moisture content in dried vegetable is:
a. 2% b. 3% c. 5% d. 6%
Ans:Moisture content in dried products should not be > 6 – 8% for vegetables and 10 – 20% for fruits.
13. Vitamin which is not found in Fruits and Vegetables:
a.Vitamin A
b.Vitamin B1
c.Vitamin B6
d.Vitamin B 12
Exp:Vitamin D is absent in all vegetables, Vitamin B12, K and C are present in fruits and vegetables.
14. Best maturity index of orange is:
a. TSS b. Sugar %
c. Acid % d. Brix : acid ratio
Ans: d
15. Bacteria which is used to absorb ethylene from stor age chamber is:
a. Agrobacterium
b. Mycobacterium
c. Bacillus
d. Azotobacter
Exp: Mycobacterium is used to absorb ethylene from storage chamber. Ethylene gas (C2H4) is an odorless, color less gas that exists in nature. It is triggered at maturity in climacteric fruits
16. Toughening effect on canned bean is due to:
a. K b. Ca c. S
d. None of these
Exp: Calcium salts present in the water used for canning have a hardening effect on peas and beans, but such harde ning is considered desirable for potatoes and tomatoes
17. The term three quarterful or full three quarter is used to denote fruit maturity in:
a.Banana b.Mango
c.Tomato d.Pineapple
Ana: a
18. During controlled atmosp heric storage composition of which of the following set of gases is controlled:
a.O + N b. CO + N
c.C H + N d. CO + O
Exp: controlled atmosphere is an agricultural storage me thod in which the concentra tions of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen
19. At which pH fruits and vegetables are divided into acidic and non-acidic for thermal processing:
a. 4.5 b. 5.5
c. 6.5 d. 7.5 Ans: a
20. In pre-cooling, water is mostly removed by:
d.None of these
Exp: In precooling field heat removal is usually achieved by conduction. Conduction is the major elements to direct movement of heat from one object or substance to another by direct contact. Heat will always move from higher to lower temperature
21. Albinism is an important physiological disorder of:
a.Plum b. Peach
c.Strawberry d. Cherry
Exp: Albinism is a serious phys iological disorder of straw berries in which fruits appear bloated, develop poor color and flavor, and become susce ptible to fruit rot during storage
22. Calliper grade is the matu rity measurement for :
a. Apple b. Mango
c. Banana d. Pineapple
Exp: the width of individual fin gers can be used to determine harvest maturity. Usually a finger is placed midway along the bunch and its maxi mum width is measured with callipers; this is referred to as the calliper grade. Aroma: Most fruits synthesize vola tile chemicals as they ripen.
23. Formation of abscission layer is maturity index of :
a. Tomato
b. Leafy vegetables
c. Melons d. Onion
Exp: abscission layer is formed in the pedicel. For example, in cantaloupe melons, harve sting before the abscission layer is fully developed res ults in inferior flavoured fruit
24. What is the maturity index for Avocado ?
a. Sugar content
b. Acid content
c. TSS d. Oil content
Exp: Oil content can be used to determine the maturity of fruits, such as avocados.
25. Which of the following is biodegredable plastic ?
a. Poly propylene
d.Polyhydroxy butyrate
Exp: biodegradable polymers are polyglycolic acid (PGA), Polyhydroxy butyrate (PHB), Polyhydroxy butyrates-co-beta hydroxyvalerate (PH BV), Polycaprolactone
(PCL), Nylon-2-nylon-6.
26. As fruits mature, the specific gravity will:
a. Increase b. Decrease
c. Remains constant
d. None of these
Exp: As a fruit matures its spe cific gravity increases. This parameter is rarely used in practice to determine time of harvest
Sabbidi Ramesh
Lecturer in Botany & Neet faculty,
Govt Junior College, Banswada-8179227595.
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