Conclusion: A lasting impression

An essay can end with a summary, a solution to the topic or sometimes even with a quotation or a verse
In the previous articles, we learnt writing a powerful essay with an impactful introduction, building body using various examples in each segment. Today, we are going to understand how to conclude well using some frameworks, which shall leave a lasting impression on the examiner.
A good conclusion gives the examiner a sense of fulfilment of having gained something worthy. A good conclusion plays an important role in fetching good marks from the examiner.
This good conclusion should include the following 3 key paragraphs:
-Summary paragraph
– Solution paragraph
-Rhetorical/quotation paragraph
Summary paragraph
The word itself explains what should be included in this paragraph. You wrap up your arguments or summarise the ideas, points, and arguments which you told in the body of the essay.
The main objective of this paragraph is to recapitulate the points discussed before announcing your solution, decision, or judgment of the given topic or issue.
So ideally, this paragraph should highlight both sides of the story and should be quite balanced. By doing this, the examiner or reader will be curious about your conclusion and freezes their interest till the end.
Solution paragraph
After the summary paragraph, now it’s the time to take a stand and present your judgment. Every stand has its own pros and cons but here your stand should convince or justify the reader that the decision or stand is the best possible on in the given situation.
This paragraph should provide the solution to the problem, and never leave any problem unsolved.
That’s why this paragraph is called solution-oriented. Here, you will be ending the essay with an optimistic note whatever might be the given situation.
Let us understand with a quick example.
Example 1: You may personally feel that corruption in India is not likely to be eradicated or eliminated easily. Yet you must always end your essay on an optimistic note that provides hope to the reader/examiner that there is a way to eliminate the corruption in India.
Example 2: In India, politics are never going to be ethical or moral — this might be your personal belief. However, to end the essay on a positive note, you should convey that there is a way for reforming politics in India.
Try to include some fundamental values of civil servants like integrity, impartiality, compassion, etc (use ethics syllabus pointers). Simply put, if you are given an opportunity to work as a civil servant, you would prove to be the best civil servant.
This paragraph should demonstrate to the examiner that you accomplished the goals that you set in the introduction with some justification.
Rhetorical/quotation paragraph
Ending your essay on a high note is very essential as it provides the reader with a sense of closure on the topic. Rhetoric statements or quotations
definitely leave a lasting impression. Here are some common quotations or verses which can be used for the following essay topics — Universal healthcare, globalisation, etc.
“Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah. Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu, Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih”. (May everyone be happy, may everyone be free from all diseases. May everyone see goodness and auspiciousness in everything, and may none be unhappy or distressed).
You can also use slogans or quotes told by famous personalities related to the topic which are apolitical in nature.
Today, we discussed what are the must-haves to be presented in your conclusion. Hope this article has given you a basic idea of the ingredients in your conclusion for leaving the last impression.
In the next article, we will see how to construct a conclusion in a more advanced manner.
To be continued…
Ending your essay on a high note is very essential as it provides the reader with a sense of closure on the topic given
Aniruddh Billa
Polity Faculty and answer writing expert
Ph: 7569556888
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