FOR EDCET, GURUKUL, TET EXAMS SPECIAL | Spending more time to do math calculation is?

1. Which of the following is important for a teacher while teaching ‘Estimation’ ?
1. Teacher must explain that there is one best way to estimate.
2. Teacher should neglect the answers of students whose answers are farthest off from the estimated answer.
3. Teacher should motivate the students with the closest estimate.
4. Teacher should give space for a range of reasonable answers followed by a discussion.
2. Identify the correct statement?
A. Multiplying a number by another always increases its value.
B. Dividing a number by another always decrease its value.
C. A number multiplied by 10 always has a zero at the unit’s place.
D. Multiplication is the inverse of division.
1. A and B 2. C and D
3. Only C 4. Only D
3. The main qualities of a mathematics teacher are?
1. Impressive personality
2. Mastery of the subject
3. Professional competency
4. All of the above
4. “The sum of any whole numbers is a whole number”. This property of whole number is referred to as?
1. Closure property.
2. Associative property
3. Distributive property
4. Commutative property
5. ‘BALA’ concept which is an initiative supported by UNICEF is? 1. Book as Learning Aid.
2. Building as Learning Aid.
3. Bulletin board as Learning Aid.
4. Blackboard as Learning Aid.
6. “Common Divisor of two integ -ers is a number which divides both the given integers” is a?
1. Proposition 2. Definition 3. Axiom 4. Open Sentence
7. The scientist who brought a status of science to mathem -atics is?
1. Thales 2. Pythagoras
3. Euclid. 4. Format
8. Who were the responsible for the development of probability theory and combinatorics?
A. Newton B. Format
C. Pascal D. Euler
1. A, D 2. A, C 3. B, D 4. B, C
9. Teacher asked Ravi “Tell me prime numbers below 20”. The question belongs to?
1. Knowledge.
2. Understanding
3. Application. 4. Skill
10. Spending more time to do math calculation is?
1. Interest 2. Attitude
3. Aptitude
4. Positive Attitude
11. In psychomotor Domain in which objectives we will find that student can develop his skill with the help of sensory organs instead of Motor organs?
1. Manipulation
2. Assimilation
3.Imitation 4. Naturalisation
12. The scientist who translated Brahma Siddantham, and Siddantha Siromani to English is ?
1. Archimedes
2. Roger Brooks
3.Euclid 4. Colebrooks
13. “Student said that quadril -aterals are classified in to 4 types” the ability of the student is?
1. Understanding
2.Knowledge 3. Application 4. Skill
14. By observing number of examples student said that “In a triangle the sum of three angles equal to 180?
1. Understanding
2. Knowledge
3. Application. 4. Skill
15. In the following which one is called as a process of through in learning process?
1. Analysis
2.Synthesis 3. Inductive
4. Deductive
16. The professional competency of a mathematics teacher can be improved by?
1. Pre-service training.
2. In service training.
3. Selective academic programmes.
4. All the above measures
17. Which one of these is a teacher – centered method?
1. Lecture cum demonstration method
2. Laboratory method
3. Project method
4. Heuristic method.
18. Present NCERT textbooks on Mathematics are written keeping in mind the recommendations of?
1. Syllabus prescribed by CBSE in 2006
2. Syllabus prescribed by State Board in 2006
3. National Curriculum Framework 2005
4. National Policy on Education 1986
19. “How does a square form a parallelogram? Explain”. The students are asked to write the answer about the question. The objective of the teacher is?
1. Exposing the students to open-ended questions.
2. Improving the writing skills of the students of the students.
3. Giving an opportunity to students to think and reflect.
4. Making the classroom more interactive.
20. A lesson plan on unit of ‘Mensuration’ includes one of the instructional objectives as follows:
“Learners will be able to understand the application of mathematics” This instructional objective is?
1. Appropriate as one must be able to apply the knowledge gained.
2. Appropriate as the objectives vague and it defined.
3. Appropriate as all the units of Mathematics aim at this only.
4. Appropriate as unit of Mensuration has lots of application in day-to-day life.
21. In order to help the students with difficulties in remembering the geometri -cal terms and their meaning, a teacher must?
1. Test the students on definition of geometrical terms. 2. Encourage group discussions.
3. Stress on rote memorization of all terms and definitions. 4. Use lots of activities like preparing or solving crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles etc.,
22. Problem-solving method is the?
1. Teaching the development of mathematics within a historical, social and cultural context.
2. Teaching of mathematical results, definitions and concepts by repetition and memorization.
3. Gradual and Systematic guiding through the hierarchy of mathematical notations, ideas and techniques.
4. All of these.
23. Mr. Kalyan used lots of manipulatives, Math Lab activities and ICT activities to clarify the concept of ‘Symmetry’ Mr. Rohit wants to?
1. Pass time so that he can avoid teaching of next topic, as it is not of his interest.
2. Cater to kinesthetic learners only.
3. Cater to students of all learning styles
4. Be popular amongst his student.
24. Identify the open-ended problem.
1. Poonam makes a cuboid of dimensions 4cm, 3cm, 5cm. How many such cuboids are required to form a cube?
2. Find the cube root of 729 using prime factorization.
3. Find square of 45
4. Write any 5 numbers whose cube is more than 27.
25. Sumith solves the problem as -14 – 15= +29. The error is committed as?
1. Sumith needs to practice solving problems of similar type
2. Sumith has not understood the concept of multiplication of integers
3. Sumith is careless
4. Sumith is not clear about the concept of addition of integers.
26. The purpose of a remedial teaching in mathematics is?
1. To know the gap in children understanding.
2. To give feedback to the parents.
3. To fill the progress report.
4. To plan the question paper for the intern exams.
27. Which statement is not correct with regard to characteristics of Mathematics?
1. Mathematics is called the science of logical reasoning.
2. Mathematics is a way to settle in the mind a habit of reasoning.
3. Mathematics is only abstract science.
4. Mathematics has been defined as the Science of number and space.
28. Akanksha is a gifted child of Mathematics in class 5th. Which of the following will help her most increasing her abilities?
1. Helping her prepare for the competitive exams.
2. Making class-monitor.
3. Additional teaching her advanced topics.
4. Helping her develop projects related to her subjects.
29. Whatever the details of treatment for exceptional children our main task should be to help a particular child in becoming?
1. Physically fit.
2. Emotionally stable.
3. Economically independent.
4. Adequately adjust to his enviroment.
30. Which one of the following type of the curriculum can be used in case of gifted children?
1. Suggested curriculum.
2. Enrichment curriculum.
3. Additional curriculum.
4. Substantial curriculum.
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