GURUKUL, TET EXAMS SPECIAL | A child with hearing impairment

1. Which one of the following is true?
1.Development and learning are unaffected by Socio-cultural contexts.
2. Students learn only in a certain way.
3.Play is significant for cognition and social competence.
4.Questioning by teacher constrains cognitive development.
2. Growth and development of children consists of__?
1. Quantitative changes
2. Qualitative changes.
3. Both quantitative and qualitative changes
4. Only physical changes in body size and structure.
3. In order to avoid gender stereo typing in class, a teacher should?
1. Try to put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles.
2. Appreciate students ‘good work by saying ‘good girl’ or ‘good boy’.
3. Discourage girls from taking part in wrestling.
4.Encourage boys to take risk and be bold.
4. Schools should cater to individual differences to?
1.Narrow the gap between individual students.
2.Even out abilities and performance of students.
3.Understand why students are able or unable to learn.
4.Make individual students feel exclusive.
5. What kind of support can a school provide to address the individual differences in students?
1.Follow a child-centered curri culum and provide multiple learn ing opportunities to students 2. Apply every possible measure to remove the individual differences in students
3.Refer show learners to special schools 4.Follow same level of curri culum for all students.
6. Continuous and comprehen sive evaluation emphasizes?
1.Continuous testing on a comprehensive scale to ensure learning
2.How learning can be observed, recorded and improved upon
3. Fine-tuning of tests with the teaching.
4.Redundancy of the Board examination.
7. ‘Reading for learning’ refers to?
1. General ability level of students.
2. Present cognitive level of students in the learning continuation.
3. Satisfying nature of the act of learning.
4.Thorndike’s Law of Readiness.
8. A teacher should?
1.Treat errors committed by students as blunders and take serious note of each error.
2. Measure success as the number of times students avoid making mistakes.
3. Not correct students while they are trying to communicate ideas.
4. Focus more on lecturing and provide a foundation for knowledge.
9. Which of the following is appropriate for environment conductive to thinking and learning in children?
1.Passive listening for long periods of time.
2.Home assignments given frequently.
3.Individual tasks done by the learners.
4.Allowing students to take some decisions about what to learn and how to learn.
10. Gifted students?
1.Need support not ordinarily provided by the school.
2.Can manage their students without a teacher.
3.Can be good models for other students.
4.Cannot be learning disabled.
11. The following are the steps in the process of problem solving except?
1. Identification of a problem.
2. Braking down the problem into smaller parts.
3. Explore possible strategies.
4. Anticipate outcomes.
12. Understanding Human Growth and Development enables a teacher to?
1.Gain control of learners’ emotions while teaching.
2.Be clear about teaching diverse learners.
3. Tell students how they can improve their lives.
4. Practice her teaching in an unbiased way.
13. Children in pre-primary get satisfaction from being allowed to discover. They become distressed, when they are discouraged. They do so due to their motivation to_?
1. Reduce their ignorance.
2. Affective with the class.
3. Create discover in the class.
4.Exercise their power.
14. Motor and cognitive development happens?
1. Till the period of childhood.
2. Till the period of adolescence.
3.Till the period of adulthood. 4. Throughout the lifespan.
15. Inclusion of students with orthopedic challenges requires_?
1. Standardized curriculum
2. Infrastructural accessibility.
3. Rigid attitudes of authority.
4. Placement in special school.
16. Dyslexia is generally categorized as?
1. Spectrum of learning disorders.
2. Mild mental retardation.
3. Spectrum of psych0-social disorders.
4. Common motor disability in childhood.
17. In the context of children, ‘development’ includes___?
1. Only qualitative changes.
2. Only quantitative changes
3. Both qualitative and quantitate changes
4.Neither quantitative nor qualitative changes.
18. Peer group_____?
1. Has a significant role in secon dary socialization of childhood.
2. Does not have role in the socialization of children.
3. Has a small but insignificant role in the socialization of children.
4. Is not an agency of secondary socialization.
19. Which of the following characterize the period of ‘middle childhood’?
1.Learning occurs primarily through sensory and motor activities.
2.Physical growth and develo pment occur at a very rapid pace.
3. Ability to think abstractly and use of scientific reasoning develops.
4.Children begin to think logically but concretely.
20. The concept of childhood is?
1. That children begin with not hing at all and their characteri stics are shaped entirely by environment.
2. Universally the same across different cultural contexts.
3. A social construction accor ding to contemporary socio-constructivist theorists.
4. That children are born evil and have to be civilized.
21. Continuous and comprehen sive evaluation includes:
1.Both formative and summative assessments using a wide variety of strategies.
2. Only formative assessment
3. Only summative assessment 4.Neither formation nor summative assessment.
22. Which of the following state ments about the role of here dity and environment in human development is correct?
1. Heredity and environment both influence human develo pment in a complex interplay.
2. The only reason for individual differences is heredity.
3.Environmental influences totally shape the development of a human.
4.Knowledge is reproduced by the learner as it is.
23. Which of the following is the most effect method to encourage conceptual develop ment in students?
1.Give students multiple examples and encourage them to use reasoning
2. Use punishment till students have made the required conceptual changes.
3.New concepts need to be understood on their own without any reference to the old once.
4. Replace the students incorrect ideas with correct ones by asking them to memorize.
24. Primary school children will learn most effectively in an atmosphere?
1. Where the focus and stress are only on mastering primarily cognitive skills of reading, writing and mathematics.
2. Where the teacher leads all the learning and excepts students to play a passive role.
3. Where their emotional needs are met and they feel that they are valued.
4. Where the teacher is authori tative and clearly dictates what should be done.
25. A child with hearing impairment
1. Can do very well in a regular school if suitable facilitation and resources are provided.
2. Will never be able to perform on a par with classmates in a regular school.
3. Should be sent only to a school for hearing impaired and not to a regular school.
4. Will not benefit from academic education only and should be given vocational training instead.
26. Which of the following is a characteristic of a gifted learner?
1. He is highly temperamental.
2. He engages in ritualistic behavior like hand flipping, rocking, etc.
3. He gets aggressive and frustrated.
4. He can feel under simulated and bored if the class activities are not challenging enough.
27. A teacher can enhance effective learning in her elementary classroom is?
1.Encouraging competition amongst her students.
2.Connecting the content to the lives of the students.
3.Offering rewards for small steps in learning.
4.Drill and practice.
28. Which of the following statements is not true about ‘mapping’ in mathematics?
1.Mapping promotes proportio nal reasoning
2. Mapping strengthens spatial thinking.
3. Mapping can be integrated in many topics of mathematics.
4.Mapping is not part of mathematics curriculum. Mapping strengthens spatial thinking.
29. According to Jean Piaget, which of the following is necessary for learning?
1. Belief in immanent justice.
2. Reinforcement by teachers and parents.
3. Active exploration of the environment by the learner
4. Observing the behavior of adults.
30. Which of the following is an example of effective school practice?
1. Competitive classroom
2. Individualized learning
3.Constant comparative evaluation.
4. Corporal punishment.
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