EDCET, GURUKULA, TET EXAMS SPECIAL | The main aim of class room teaching is?

1. It is important to conduct mathematical recreational activities and challenging geometrical puzzles in the classas?
1.They can create interest in low achievers and slow learners in mathematics.
2. They give space to gifted learners.
3. They are helpful to enhance spatial and analytical ability of every learner.
4. They bring students out of monotonous and boring routines of mathematical class room.
2. Which of the following is the major problem of teaching mathematics?
1. Teaching methods of mathematics teacher.
2. Ability to use mathematical tools.
3. Knowledge of teaching methods.
4. Class room operations.
3. Identify the correct statement?
1. Multiplying a number by another always increase its value.
2. Dividing a number by another always decrease its value.
3. A number multiplied by 10 always has a zero at the units place.
4. Multiplication is the inverse of division.
4. I have 10 pens. Ranveer has five more than me. How many pens does Manish have?
1. Comparison addition.
2. Comparison subtraction.
3. Takeaway addition.
4.Takeaway subtraction.
5. Evaluation should be done in teaching of mathematics?
1.At the time of providing experiences of learning
2. At the time of clarification of objectives.
3. After the clarification of objectives and providing the experience of learning.
4. All the above.
6. Which of the following statements regarding mathematics is true?
1. Mathematics is a tool
2. A form of art
3. Is a language.
4. All of the above.
7. Writing proofs in geometry implies?
1.Steps of geometrical problem
2.Argument of justification of statement.
3.Two column table of axioms and deductions.
4.Description of axioms and deductions.
8. Mathematics puzzles are most useful to?
1.Identify brilliant students
2.Provide interesting solving skills in students.
3.Test problem-solving students
4.Promotes problem solving skills in students.
9. Mental math activities are important because they provide a chance to?
1.Develop mental computation procedures as the students try to identify the relationship between numbers for fast calculation.
2.Develop their speed with accuracy for calculations and help to improve performance in examination.
3.Master algorithms learnt and practice more number of problems in less time.
4.Master procedures learnt in class using paper pencil.
10. Recognition of pattern and their completion is an essential part of the mathematics curriculum at primary stages as it?
1.Develops creativity and artistic attributes in students.
2.Prepare students to take up competitive examinations.
3.Promotes creativity amongst students ‘sudoku’ puzzles.
4.Promotes creativity amongst students and helps them to understand properties of numbers and operations.
11. A teacher asked the students to collect leaves and to identity symmetry patterns. This task reflects the teacher’s effort to
1.Enhance creativity amongst students.
2.Introduce an intradisciplinary approach.
3.relate a real-life experience with mathematical concepts
4.Improve mathematics communication.
12. As per NCF 2005, Mathematics curriculum is ambitious, coherent and teaches important mathematics. Here ‘ambitious’ refers to
1.Teach variety of mathematics like arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data handling.
2.Teach more than one way of solving problems of Mathematics.
3. Seek higher aims of teaching Mathematics in school.
4. Seek narrow aims of teaching Mathematics in school.
13. Mistakes can be takes place due to?
1.Lack of writing exercises.
2.defective pronunciations.
3.Poor text books.
4.all the above.
14. In the most useful text book of mathematics?
1.There are many solved examples and some questions of exercise.
2.All the exercise questions are solved.
3.There are sufficient solved illustrations and more questions for exercise.
4. All the above.
15. Mathematics puzzles at primary level help in?
1.Identify brilliant students of the class
2. Providing fun to the students.
3.Testing problems solving skills.
4.Promoting problems solving skills.
16. The main aim of class room teaching is?
1.To give information.
2.Develop inquiring mind.
3.To develop personality of students.
4.Help students to only pass the examinations.
17. Most appropriate meaning of learning is?
1. Acquisition of knowledge
2. Personal adjustment.
3. Inculcation of knowledge
4. Modification of behavior.
18. Primary teacher should try to concentrate in?
1.Help all around development of students.
2. Raising intellectual standard of the students.
3. Improving physical standard of students.
4. Inculcating value in students.
19. To be a “Good Mathematician” one must be able to?
1. Memories most of the formula.
2. Solve the problem in no time.
3.Understand apply and make connections across the concepts.
4.Master the techniques of answering the questions.
20. What are the important characteristics of a good mathematics text book at primary level?
1.Concept should be introduced through contexts.
2.It should only contain numerous exercises to give rigorous practice.
3.It should be attractive and colourful.
4.Must be thick and large.
21. Which of the following is not a technique of teaching?
1. Drilling technique
2. Illustration
3. Dramatization
4. Kindergarten
22. “Math Lab Activities” can be used for?
1. Formative Assessment only
2. Summative Assessment only
3. Both Formative as well as summative assessment.
4. Selecting students for National Mathematics Olympiad.
23. A teacher asked the students to collect leaves and to identify symmetry patterns. This task reflects the teacher’s efforts to?
1.Relate real life experience with mathematical concepts.
2. Introduce an intra disciplinary approach.
3.Enhance creativity amongst students.
4.Improve mathematical communication.
24. One of the major reasons for students failure in Mathematics at school level is that our assessment process.
1.Give more weightage to formative Assessment than Summative Assessment.
2.Is more subjective in nature and less or no objective type of questions are included.
3.Emphasizes on testing of procedural knowledge than mathematisation of abilities.
4.Is gender biased and asks problems relevant to boys interests.
25. The characteristic of programmed instruction is?
1.Student’s activity
2.Student’s reinforcement
3.Immediate result of student’s performance.
4. Al the above
26. At primary stage, which method of teaching is useful for writing?
1.Kinder garden Method.
2.Play way method.
3.French method.
4.All the above.
27. Child-centered pedagogy is?
1.To teach children in small child care centers to ensure individual attention.
2.Teaching as per the desire of a child.
3.Teacher explains the concept by standing in the center with children encircling her.
4.Giving primary approach to children’s experiences and their active participation.
28. The main goal of Mathematics education is?
1.To formulate theorems of geometry and their proofs independently.
2.To help the students to understand Mathematics.
3.To develop useful capabilities.
4.To develop Children’s abilities for Mathematisation.
29. At the end of the period home work is given to the students to?
1.Utilise students leisure time.
2.Keep student busy.
3.Apply the gained knowledge.
4.All the above.
M.Sc., B.Ed.
Math Senior Faculty
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