Bio augmentation is? (Biotechnology & its applications)

7. Bt toxin gene has been obtained from ?
a) plants b) virus
c) Bacteria d) Fungi
8. In which of the following plant Bt toxin gene is expressed?
a) Bt cotton b) Bt corn
c) Bt Bringal d) All the above
9. Toxin proteins produced by the bacterial gene destroys –
a) Aphids b) grass hoppers
c) Boll worms d) Beetles
10. The toxin produced by the Bt is coded by a gene named as-
a) Cry b) Cry Protein
c) Cyr d) Cyr Protein
11. In which of the following industrial areas biotechnology is applicable?
a) Health care
b) Environment
c) Agriculture
d) all of the above
12. What were the earlier sources of Insulin?
a) cattle and pig
b) camel and pig
c) cattle and dog
d) goat and pig
13. Which technology was used to produce human Insulin in E. coli ?
a) Gene therapy
b) Recombinant gene technology
c) Polymerase chain reaction
d) All the above
14. Which therapy is used for modification of germ cells (sperms and eggs)?
a) sperm line therapy
b) Germ line therapy
c) Egg line therapy
d) Germ line gene therapy
15. Modifications by germ line gene therapy are heritable as –
a) The Functional gene is incor- porated into to their genome
b) The Functional gene is incor- porated into one of the gene
c) The Functional gene is incor- porated into somatic cells
d) All the above
16. In which therapy, vectors are used to introduce desired gene into the body of patients?
a) In vivo, gene therapy
b) Germ line therapy
c) Ex vivo gene therapy
d) Foreign gene therapy
17. The method during which gene tic characteristics of animals are improved by mating of selected breeds is known as –
a) Improved breeding
b) selective breeding
c) mating d) Breeding
18. The Phenomenon of introdu -ction of exogenous DNA into the genome of animals is –
a) In vivo, gene therapy
b) Foreign gene therapy
c) Ex vivo gene therapy
d) Transgenesis
19. The animals whose genome is altered by introduction of transgene is known as –
a) Modified animals
b) Hybrid animals
c) Cross breed animals
d) Transgenic animal
20. Transgene introduced in the first transgenic cow was responsible for the production of
a) Albumin enriched milk
b) Protein enriched milk
c) Human protein enriched milk d) Vitamins enriched milk
21. What was the amount of Alpha -lactalbumin in the milk of transgenic cow ?
a) 4.2 grams per litre
b) 2.4 grams per litre
c) 3.4 grams per litre
d) 4.2 grams per litre
22. Earlier which animals were used to test the safety of Polio Vaccine
a) Transgenic rat
b) Transgenic pigs
c) Transgenic mice
d) Transgenic sheep
2. Due to what food supply has increased during green revolution?
a) use of chemicals
b) use of biochemicals
c) use of photochemicals
d) use of agrochemicals
23. The right granted by governm- ent to prevent others from the commercial use of resources invention is –
a) Government grant
b) Patent
c) Official document
d) Bio patent
24. Exploitation of Patent of biological resources of other nations is called as –
a) Bio safety b) Bio piracy
c) Bio war d) Bio abuse
25. Organisms which can be used to gain commercial benefits are called –
a) Beneficial resources
b) Bio resources
c) Financial resources
d) Biological resources
26. The plant Pentadiplandra brazz- eana belongs to which country ?
a) China b) West Africa
c) Pakistan d) America
27. Which technology facilitates the production of novel DNA molecule by combining sequences from DNA from two different organisms ?
a) Gene therapy
b) Recombinant DNA technology
c) Polymerase chain reaction
d) Germ line gene therapy
28. Which is the most common bio-insecticide for the protection of cotton ?
a) Pyrethrin b) Rotenone
c) Eicer
d) Bacillus thuringiensis
29. Which of the following can be controlled with the help of bio- pesticides ?
a) Insects b) Diseases
c) Weeds d) All the above
30. Transgenic animals are produced by incorporation of Foreign gene into the –
a) Nucleus of fertilized egg
b) Nucleus of sperm
c) Nucleus of unfertilized egg
d) Egg cell
31. The bacteria associated with plant genetic engineering are –
a) Salmonella and Pseudomonas
b) Salmonella typhimurium and agro bacterium
c) Bacillus thuringiensis and Pseudomonas fluorescens
d) Both b and c
32. The science of biotechnology has contributed to field of
a) Health b) Pharmacy
c) Agriculture and industry
d) all above
33. The method of producing proteins for food or feed through microbial biomass is called
a) PCR b) SCP
c) Nano technology
d) None of above
34. The insulin prepared through genetic engineering is called
a) Human insulin
b) Microbial insulin
c) Bio insulin d) Humulin
35. The most common Bio insectic ide in present in the world for protection and mustard is——
a) Pyrethrin b) Bt.
c) Rotenone d) None of these
36. First progress in field of genetic engineering, in 1978 by Cohen, Berg and Boyer by synthesis of————through E. coli
a) Insulin
b) Growth hormone
c) Somatostatin
d) both b and c
37. Which was the first product contributed to human kind by science of Biotechnology in early 1972
a) Somatotropin b) Insulin
c) Cytokines
d) Erythropoietin
38. Which is the most common Plasmid used for most of genetically engineered product ?
a) PBR322
b) R Plasmid types
c) CaMV195 d) both a and b
39. The main use of recombinant DNA technology are…..
a) production of transgenic humans
b) the creation of cells capable of synthesizing economically important molecules
c) the efficient reduction of useful proteins
d) both b and c
40. Bio fuel is made by utilizing which strain of bacteria ?
a) Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
b) Klebsiella Planticola
c) E. coli
d) Phanerochaete chrysosporium
41. Bio augmentation is …..
a) the addition of commercially prepared bacterial strain
b) Production of fertilizers by using bacteria
c) the metals are deposited as insoluble oxides and sulphides by activities of bacteria
d) removal of pests
42. Which of the following animal is best known genetically ?
a) Planaria
b) Domestic dog
c) Musca domestica
d) Drosophila melanogaster
43. Which one is a transgenic crop ?
a) Brinjal b) Potato
c) Grape d) Tomato
44. First transgenic mouse grew twice the normal size after drinking ____ containing water.
a) cu b) Fe c) Zn d) Ra
45. The genetically modified crops introduced in India are …
a) Cotton b) Mustard
c) Wild plant d) Both a and b
46. One of the following is the correct sequence to make a transgenic animals.
a) Transomics – transfection – micro infection – electro portion – retroviral vectors
b) Micro injection – transfection – electro portion – retroviral vectors – transomics
c) Transfection – micro injection – transomics – electro portion – retroviral vectors
d) None of these
47. one of the following is transgenic organisms
a) Holly sheep and tomato
b) Dolly sheep and subabul
c) Molly sheep and banana
d) B T cotton and tomato (Flaur saur)
48. Transgenic plants are produced by using Ti Plasmids from the
a) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
b) E. coli c) Bacteriophage
d) Agrobacterium varians
49. Vaccine is a ……
a) collection of antibiotics
b) collection of life saving drugs
c) collection of killed disease causing bacteria and virus
d) collection oflysins
50. The typical machine for product ion of bio-products through microbial is
a) Sterilized glass ware
b) Micro projectile
c) Autoclave d) Fermenter
7 c 8 a 9 a 10 b 11 d 13 d 14 d 15 a 16 a 17 b 18 d 19 d 20 c 21 b 22 d 23 d 24 b 25 b 26 b 27 b
28 d 29 d 30 a 31 d 32 d 33 b 34 d 35 b 36 d 37 a 38 d 39 d 40 a 41 a 42 d 43 d
44 c 45 d 46 b 47 d 48 a 49 c 50 d
Sabbidi Ramesh
Lecturer in Botany & Neet faculty,
Govt Junior College,
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